Current Events Kuzan Is A Contender For One Piece - Why Oda Doesn’t Care About Swordsmen

Old garp didnt used a single galaxy attack on Kuzan
Clearly held back
Yeah. In terms of being confronted with Aokiji's DF alone, Garp even in old age has shown to just walk through it, and that same old rusty Garp, who even pre TS said that his strength isn't even half what it used to be, obliterated a town with a punch (we can assume that CoC gets weaker at old age too, as it is linked to overall strength and ambition). In a direct brawl, prime Garp would likely obliterate Aokiji. He could compensate it by going out with his DF to the max simultaneously, but Garp would likely still edge out, so it's not like people make it sound like, that Aokiji is prime Garp on steroids.
I think the ice gloves are less about generating physical strength but for channeling his DF through it. We know that Aokiji's most potent abilities (ice time, ice age) require but a touch, so with the ice gloves he is applying this technique while brute forcing his way through the opponents defense. This was evident by the fact that, when they hit each other into the face, they were surrounded by both black lightning (generated by Garp) and ice (generated by Aokiji).

So it basically was Aokiji using his DF. It's just that throwing ice alone at Garp wasn't really effective, with Garp pointing out that Aokiji shouldn't hesitate and once Aokiji didn't hesitate anymore, he switched to brawling amped by his DF.

We should also take into consideration that Garp was not only old, but also injured by Shiryu. So a healthy prime Garp would be another story, and we know that Haki (CoC) has a higher ceiling than DFs. So I don't think Aokiji is = or > prime Garp.
Since when being injured affect the attacking power in this series?
Yeah. In terms of being confronted with Aokiji's DF alone, Garp even in old age has shown to just walk through it, and that same old rusty Garp, who even pre TS said that his strength isn't even half what it used to be, obliterated a town with a punch (we can assume that CoC gets weaker at old age too, as it is linked to overall strength and ambition). In a direct brawl, prime Garp would likely obliterate Aokiji. He could compensate it by going out with his DF to the max simultaneously, but Garp would likely still edge out, so it's not like people make it sound like, that Aokiji is prime Garp on steroids.
He matched garp only on physical strenght back then and it wasn t even prime garp
Even koby did the same training and he aint shit
A galaxy divide would fuck up kuzan
One from prime garp is one shoting him
It was an overall tax, hence it was pointed out that Garp is now weakened. Hence, when Garp was sent flying by Aokiji's punch, he was seen holding his blood leaking gut.
I'm not discussing that, the injury served to justify Garp getting taken down so "fast".
I'm specifically talking about attacking power
We're in a series where characters constantly dish out their strongest moves when they're at death door.
Actually Galaxy divide would hurt Kuzan for sure, but it wouldn´t one shot him, he took that shit too and stand up very fast:

Of course Galaxy divine is stronger but I doubt it would take down Kuzan.
Kuzan durability is peak, same as his physical strenght, he matched prime Garp physical for a reason and Garp is his mentor for a reason.
This attack of from both are very strong, no high tier would take that lvl of attack.

In fact Shiryuu was already very damaged by a simple Punch without CoA by Garp, let alone adv CoC:
Oda make it clear that only Kuzan could take a direct phyiscal adv CoC contact...
Actually Galaxy divide would hurt Kuzan for sure, but it wouldn´t one shot him, he took that shit too and stand up very fast:

Of course Galaxy divine is stronger but I doubt it would take down Kuzan.
Kuzan durability is peak, same as his physical strenght, he matched prime Garp physical for a reason and Garp is his mentor for a reason.
This attack of from both are very strong, no high tier would take that lvl of attack.

In fact Shiryuu was already very damaged by a simple Punch without CoA by Garp, let alone adv CoC:
Oda make it clear that only Kuzan could take a direct phyiscal adv CoC contact...
Can't wait for the anime on this. Hopefully they go all out but since its Garp the chances are high.
I'm not discussing that, the injury served to justify Garp getting taken down so "fast".
I'm specifically talking about attacking power
We're in a series where characters constantly dish out their strongest moves when they're at death door.
Yeah, it shouldn't have affected his attack power at least in the short run. But while characters can dish out their strongest move while near death, their overall performance would still be lacking. Which I guess isn't all too relevant considering the fight between Aokiji and Garp didn't last long. But in the end it would still reduce his overall performance (speed, agility, endurance), hence showing him holding onto his wound and Aokiji showing concern for Garp's injury.

Not to downplay Aokiji's performance though, given the fact he is a top tier logia user, him going into a brawl with Garp the fist even at old age is incredible. I'd just disagree with comparing it to prime Garp (even if we compare pure punching strength, prime Garp's Haki should be considerably above). I would also assume that prime Garp's punching strength is > Aokiji's, you just shouldn't judge it purely based on them training on Marine Battleships.
Yeah, it shouldn't have affected his attack power at least in the short run. But while characters can dish out their strongest move while near death, their overall performance would still be lacking. Which I guess isn't all too relevant considering the fight between Aokiji and Garp didn't last long. But in the end it would still reduce his overall performance (speed, agility, endurance), hence showing him holding onto his wound and Aokiji showing concern for Garp's injury.

Not to downplay Aokiji's performance though, given the fact he is a top tier logia user, him going into a brawl with Garp the fist even at old age is incredible. I'd just disagree with comparing it to prime Garp (even if we compare pure punching strength, prime Garp's Haki should be considerably above). I would also assume that prime Garp's punching strength is > Aokiji's, you just shouldn't judge it purely based on them training on Marine Battleships.
While the ice power ranger was training on ships garps was busting mountains as training
While the ice power ranger was training on ships garps was busting mountains as training
Yeah, his training regime with Garp was but one aspect of his training, just like Coby went on using the battleship as a punching bag. Meanwhile punching is all Garp has, hence even in later stages of his life when maxing out his strength, he was only focused on his punches, hence him training by pulverizing mountains with his punches later on. That's where advanced moves like Galaxy Impact come into play, where Garp can utilize way more power/energy through his punches. Aokiji doesn't need that type of proficiency as he has a top tier logia.
Not to downplay Aokiji's performance though, given the fact he is a top tier logia user, him going into a brawl with Garp the fist even at old age is incredible. I'd just disagree with comparing it to prime Garp (even if we compare pure punching strength, prime Garp's Haki should be considerably above). I would also assume that prime Garp's punching strength is > Aokiji's, you just shouldn't judge it purely based on them training on Marine Battleships.
But that makes Kuzan looking very strong.
No one saying he has similar lvl of haki as Garp has, I doubt even Kaido or anyone else with a df have.
But Kuzan was said to have weak physical strength in this community for years before his match with Garp was shown.

It was always said that he would be insane with his df but that was it.
Now we can see why he match Akainu in equal ground.
Alone the fact to have such a insane physical strength with a insane df is a massive hype for him.

Im pretty sure he used CoC in that clash vs Garp(both used it which explain the insane huge shockwave), most likely adv CoC(adv CoC also can touch before someone come here and tell me something else). He has adv CoA(was shown in marineford), has a crazy df and most likely is even awakened.

So if we count all the possiblities:
- CoC(most likely adv CoC)
- Matched Prime Garp in Physical strength, same Garp who used mountains for punching bags)
- Adv CoA(at least first lvl)
- Maybe FS(was shown against Whitebeard, shape shifting like Katakuri did against Jinbe and Ichiji)
- Crazy df power and great skills(Ice glove as example is a powerful attack which could easily knock out high tiers with one hit),most likely even awakened.

There is a reason why he was in the last chapter in the final page as one of the most important characters who has such a potential in playing a role when it come to the One Piece. He is for sure a high top tier and has great potential to be even above other known high top tiers.

Akainu, Kuzan, Teach,Shanks...
These characters are equal in power, a reason why Teach didn´t want to mess up with Kuzan alone even thought he had his crew behind him, he knows that Kuzan would easily stomp is yonkou commanders, which is not far left in fact that Shiryuu his second strongest, would be knocked out by Garp if one adv CoC would hit him like it did with Kuzan..
But that makes Kuzan looking very strong.
No one saying he has similar lvl of haki as Garp has, I doubt even Kaido or anyone else with a df have.
But Kuzan was said to have weak physical strength in this community for years before his match with Garp was shown.

It was always said that he would be insane with his df but that was it.
Now we can see why he match Akainu in equal ground.
Alone the fact to have such a insane physical strength with a insane df is a massive hype for him.

Im pretty sure he used CoC in that clash vs Garp(both used it which explain the insane huge shockwave), most likely adv CoC(adv CoC also can touch before someone come here and tell me something else). He has adv CoA(was shown in marineford), has a crazy df and most likely is even awakened.

So if we count all the possiblities:
- CoC(most likely adv CoC)
- Matched Prime Garp in Physical strength, same Garp who used mountains for punching bags)
- Adv CoA(at least first lvl)
- Maybe FS(was shown against Whitebeard, shape shifting like Katakuri did against Jinbe and Ichiji)
- Crazy df power and great skills(Ice glove as example is a powerful attack which could easily knock out high tiers with one hit),most likely even awakened.

There is a reason why he was in the last chapter in the final page as one of the most important characters who has such a potential in playing a role when it come to the One Piece. He is for sure a high top tier and has great potential to be even above other known high top tiers.

Akainu, Kuzan, Teach,Pranks...
These characters are equal in power, a reason why Teach didn´t want to mess up with Kuzan alone even thought he had his crew behind him, he knows that Kuzan would easily stomp is yonkou commanders, which is not far left in fact that Shiryuu his second strongest, would be knocked out by Garp if one adv CoC would hit him like it did with Kuzan..
Yeah, Aokiji is a beast, that's for sure. His physical combat ability combined with his top tier logia which most likely is awakened makes him pretty powerful.

I'd still say that the Yonko and by extension Roger and Garp would edge out against the admirals. While the admirals have been portrayed as very powerful fighters with powerful fruits, guys like Whitebeard, Kaido, Shanks and Roger have been portrayed as abnormalities. With Garp being hyped as engaging with Roger in battle multiple times.

The fight of an old (injured) Garp and Aokiji was portrayed as more or less equal. Even if we say that Aokiji could spam his DF more heavily, would it compensate Garp in his prime having more than twice as much physical strength as compared to his current self (as per Garp's own words), considerably stronger Haki and higher overall stats due to his youth? I guess not.


The only one who can beat me is me
Old Garp is much stronger than Yamato, and she was able to completely hold off a Hybrid Kaidou by herself and still had a lot left in the tank before Luffy intervened. Kaidou was nowhere near putting her down.

If Hybrid Kaidou could damn near be portrayed as equal to Hybrid Yamato, Hybrid Kaidou would look worse against Old Garp.

Kuzan was not going all out, these old top tiers are not being taken down by anything less than high diff by even the strongest top tiers. A hesitating Kuzan is obviously not gonna look decisively above him, but at the end of the day Garp got packed up fairly quickly, Kuzan had plenty more left in the tank, Shiryu stabbing Kuzan would not cover that gap.
The fight of an old (injured) Garp and Aokiji was portrayed as more or less equal. Even if we say that Aokiji could spam his DF more heavily, would it compensate Garp in his prime having more than twice as much physical strength as compared to his current self (as per Garp's own words), considerably stronger Haki and higher overall stats due to his youth? I guess not.
This is kinda unfair to Kuzan thought.
Garp go into this fight with 100%, spamming adv CoC moves and didn´t hold himself back.
The same can´t be said to Kuzan, he just used one move with CoA and CoC(in my opinion it was adv CoC) with Ice Glove and that already damaged Garp enough.

Even Garp pointed out that Kuzan kinda hold back himself.
Kuzan is physical strong enough to go into a close combat fight with Garp if he wants.
But as you also said, he could also use his df more from distance and waste time and dodge Garps move, he didn´t and it is clear why it was so, the others could escape.

Garp was using like 100% from the beginning while Kuzan maybe used like 30% at best?
No spamming with adv CoA+Adv CoC moves, no awakening or other crazy moves.
Not saying he is stronger then Prime Garp, but Oda portrayal is clear that the current era has also his own "prime Garp,Roger,Whitebeard" right now with guys like Shanks,Akainu,Teach,Luffy(will be)...

Luffy right now is equal or stronger then Kaido, it doesn´t make sense for him to face guys below Kaido from now(after Egghead of course). In my opinion these characters above have great potential to stand their ground against prime legends like Roger/Whitebeard.

In fact Oda himself said that Akainu pose the most strongest df(even above that of Whitebeard, imagine this..) and could take the One Piece in one year. Akainu has the potential to be Pirateking lvl too. He is not under Prime Garp lvl, he stand equal to the ones like Roger and co. And yes I see Akainu being stronger then Kaido in the end and Aokiji shouldn´t be far away from Pirateking lvl to..


The only one who can beat me is me
Kaido started trying when he went drunk mode against luffy buddy
Doesn't even matter, the fact that he has to do all that for Yamato speaks volumes on what Garp would make him look like if he was holding back.

For reference Kizaru had Rayleigh pressed and when we see these guys go all out this is gonna look silly, cause Yamato gets dogged by Rayleigh.