Speculations Luffy vs. Kizaru - outcome?

Outcome of Luffy vs. Kizaru

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I think it will be a good fight but not high diff. Shat good is the Nika fruit if kizaru can pushbit to high diff. What's alot more likely is that kizaru IA the delivery system for the next plot. Which is the gorosei.
Kizaru is losing big time here it will be high diff because oda respects admirals .
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i don't think it'll be a conclusive fight, just a clash but we'll see
I thibk there will be outcome . Last time kizaru was playing with strawhats. Its clear payback luffy will take his revenge.
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And during that saga Sakazuki completely overshadows kizarus impact on Luffy by killing Ace.

Kizaru doesnt need build up, he’s not some big saga ending villain like Kaido or Crocodile Was. He’s a mid saga villain like Doffy Mr. 3 and Kata. this is the perfect place for him to fall
Sakazuki portrayal shows how aggressive and ruthless he is. Definitely dangerous compared to the others.

There's the fact he killed Ace and he even made Kuzan lose a leg. I'd say he's the strongest out of the trio.

If Luffy does fight him then the battle might be as difficult as the one with Magellan, depending on Luffy's haki at that point in the story.
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inconclusive fight, stopped by an outside factor.
I don't see the point on saving Kizaru leftovers for later in the story. So multiple chapter build up to have no conclusion, but then have another build up later on to finally have a conclusion?

Kizaru just isn't that big of a fighter in the story, nor is his role anywhere near as important as others.

I'd understand if Luffy and BB have a few clashes and chance encounters before a big fight. Or any character that's equally or more important. Not Kizaru, not VA, not fodder and side fodders.
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The Sol King
Luffy isnt taking an L here, most likely the fight ends in a Luffy W high-extreme diff OR outside factors end the fight before a conclusive winner is drawn.