Wouldn't put my money on Oda being that creative with CoC lol but Luffy's prolly already using some combination of the two types of Haki ^^. Penetration Haki just feels a bit redundant to me now given CoC coating by itself can hurt Kaido. Plus damage-wise, Oda's depiction of penetration type attacks on Kaido hasn't been great and that particular Haki is now secondary in this fight with main focus solely being on CoC coating.
If Oda stuck with Luffy using a technique like Penetration Haki to beat Kaido, it'd conform to what he said about Kaido not losing to Luffy simply coz Luffy's punch is "strong" as he'd have won with pure technique as opposed to overpowering Kaido with strength. Now, with CoC coating however it feels more like a slug fest that will result in the person that can hit harder and endure more winning the fight which is the normal pattern for Luffy fights.
The CoC coating is meant to allow for the Internal Destruction haki to penetrate deeper into Kaido's body, as indicated by Luffys comment of his attacks still being too shallow despite using AdCoA.
It would make more sense if AdCoC is used to enhance the other forms of haki, rather than to be it's own separate move set, that just mimics AdCoA, with zero added benefit other than it being CoC.
Luffy has been using AdCoA the whole time as his method of attacking. You can coat your attacks in AdCoC. Why would he stop using AdCoA? That wouldn't make sense.
Kaido kind of confirmed this as well when he said the Scabbards were using the same type of Ryou as Oden, but the attacks just weren't the same. The difference between Oden and the Scabbards is that Oden had AdCoC.
This just goes to show that there is a difference between those who can just cause minor damage to Kaido, and those who can cause significant damage to him. Having AdCoA or AdCoC on its own is enough to put up a fight, but if you want to stand any chance of actually beating him, you need both.