Shoto is the only one who looks like he has matured physically.

Bakugo cucking Deku was a better ending than this "we ignored each other for 10 years, let's date" romance. Not even a kiss, they just shake hands like Arnold in Predator.
Worse is she didn´t even care about Deku, so much for friendship and how much she loved him only to ignore him the whole party and going her own way after. If Deku didn´t ask for her, she wouldn´t even tried to have a chat.
She left him for 10 years and only got together because Deku(surprise surprise) had the balls to make the first move after getting ignored and ghosted for 10years.
Worse is she didn´t even care about Deku, so much for friendship and how much she loved him only to ignore him the whole party and going her own way after. If Deku didn´t ask for her, she wouldn´t even tried to have a chat.
She left him for 10 years and only got together because Deku(surprise surprise) had the balls to make the first move after getting ignored and ghosted for 10years.
Hori made a ship so lifeless that the "Still a better love story than Twilight" meme doesn't even apply here. :shame:

CoC: Color of Clowns

Zunesha Vacuum Suc Action
Actually kind of disgusting writing that after Deku and Ochako's moments in the final war, they just stopped seeing each other for years.

This also implies IMO that Ochako's friends just decided to not give a fuck about the romance they clearly knew she was interested in?

After the war, that's the only time Deku and Ochako talked about Toga/everything that happened?

I try to give author's the benefit of the doubt, but this shit makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Dude made a 10 year time skip that has half the characters act like a month has passed rather than a decade. "Yeah, we all work in the same field, and things are more peaceful now, but, we never hang out."

Make it make sense, it fucking doesn't.

Besides time skip bullshit, seems like a good ending.

After Oshi no Ko I'm DONE shitting on mid endings.

Also, Deku immediately gave up being a hero when he lost his power, pussied out and instead became a teacher of UA academy? How weak, Mirio didn't stop engaging in hero activities even when he lost his quirk - and he was a freaking highschool student.

At least it's a far better ending than AoT tho.
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How did Bakugo even fumble the bag that much? Did he lose his quirk too or what? If not, it makes his ranking even more pathetic.
He debuted at n4
His personality made him drop at 15
Is Eren a pigeon now? Must've missed that part.
Yep, try to search for the memes, there are quite some funny ones.
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After Oshi no Ko I'm DONE shitting on mid endings.
You know, it makes me appreciate endings like Tokyo Ghoul even more. Tokyo Ghoul fans, who criticized the ending, didn't realise how good they had it with the overall conclusion of this manga. Many Seinen mangas end up with terrible endings.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Zunesha Vacuum Suc Action
Yep, try to search for the memes, there are quite some funny ones.
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You know, it makes me appreciate endings like Tokyo Ghoul even more. Tokyo Ghoul fans, who criticized the ending, didn't realise how good they had it with the overall conclusion of this manga. Many Seinen mangas end up with terrible endings.
I feel like a lot of manga readers can't tell the difference between an emotionally frustrating ending, and bad ending.


You knew Hornykoshi had one last horny ass panel left in him
Worse is she didn´t even care about Deku, so much for friendship and how much she loved him only to ignore him the whole party and going her own way after. If Deku didn´t ask for her, she wouldn´t even tried to have a chat.
She left him for 10 years and only got together because Deku(surprise surprise) had the balls to make the first move after getting ignored and ghosted for 10years.
I mean after years of seldom contact if not 0 contact then I can see this being realistic. 10 years is a long time, she can get cold feet and was obviously used to the status quo. Japan is also culturally very different, they’re known for having walls.
Doesn't JoJo have like a full ending every season and even had a reboot? Final season will end like all before it did.

Or the author will pass away without ever finishing a "final" season.
Jojolion the 8th part had a really lackluster ending and with the series being monthly, with Part 8 tkaing 11 years to finish, it makes worried about whether it will be finished even or rushed to be finished with another lackluster ending like Part 8.

I really hate the ending to Part 6 which
killed off the entire cast and world and rebooted it in a new universe, changing the entire lore too.

Part 7 had a really grim ending too which didn't help either. I really don't like this direction Araki is going in and I fear it's only going to get worse.

Funnily enough it reminds me of some of the issues I had with the Bleach ending but that's a seperate issue too ofc.
Shipping sometimes indeed makes horrible endings at times..
I also feel bad when 1/2 of the ship becomes one-dimensional to the point of just being in the story for the sake of being a romantic interest.
Or when the couple actually have a lot more chemistry with other people and are stuck together because the writer says so.
That's why I kinda respect Oda for not giving in to OP shippers and not making romance super prominent in the story.
Yeah, we get Sanji's simpining here and there, and there are also Boa, Pudding and Hiyori, but the former is never serious, and the all the latter are not on the focus of the story.
A romance needs time to develop throughout the series… and it’s usually (or atleast should be) done in the story as a slowly brewing thing that‘s on the side but never forgotten about, unless it’s a slice of life series where it is the focus. I think that’s how it should be.

IIRC in Naruto it didn’t start to form until near the end of the series. Naruto used to have a crush on Sakura but that ended once Shippuden started. The fake confession from Sakura was kind of cringe… :catcry:

Hinata’s feelings were always clear and once Naruto got mature enough he began to understand how she felt. That’s how I interpret it anyways. I really enjoyed the last batch of episodes with the time skip and the wedding at the end. I think it was a nice ending to a story that didn’t seem to have many rest periods. I think Shounens are usually like that though, haha. :milaugh:

So, I don’t think this new ending chapter makes much sense from what I‘ve heard of it, but I don’t really care personally. I don’t have much interest in My Hero Academia like I did in 2020. :emohiyo:

If it’s better than the previous ending chapter then I’m satisfied with that. I know there was a decent amount of controversy because of how Deku was handled. 10 years is a long time to be doing nothing, considering how he always wanted to be a hero like All Might.

I think Horikoshi could’ve given All Might a better ending by having him ultimately die doing one last heroic thing, thus ushering in the new era of heroes. but I guess it wasn’t going to turn out to be anything like what Nighteye had predicted.

I’ve felt for a while that Horikoshi needed a long break, and it felt like the story started dropping after the Villain Academia arc. That’s around the time I stopped paying much attention to the series, anyway.

I don’t know. I wasn’t a big fan of the sudden dark direction that the series took after the School Festival arc. It was always established that Shigaraki and All For One were going to be endgame villains, but the tone shift seemed too sudden for me when the first war arc happened, but perhaps that’s just a personal issue. :choppawhat:

Seasons 1-4 are particularly nostalgic to me, especially the OP ODD FUTURE and ED Shout Baby. Those are probably my favorite songs from those seasons. Starmaker and Long Hope Philia are good too! :neesama:

I hope Horikoshi can continue to make cool things and that he feels like he accomplished what he wanted to after finishing My Hero Academia. I think it’s more important that the mangaka is satisfied with their own work, because they’re the ones who worked on it from start to finish.

If it is not the case, then I hope there are a lot of people who were impacted and inspired by the series. It had very memorable moments and characters. I think Bones also deserves credit for sticking with the series for as long as they have, since 8 years is a long time! They’ve done a good job.