Who will be the next SH?

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Damn still alot of coping going on

Even though wano wasn't as good as what Oda promised (4 or 5 /10 arc)

He singlehandedly made the best decision of his career when he didn't let the comic con cosplayer, retarded bunny and stalins kid join

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
carrot had some decent writing in wci
She did. Her issue was that she was constantly compared to the SHs, which made her look trash by comparison. It's perfectly fine when viewed as the supporting/minor character she is.

Yamato on the other hand was just a shitty character who at the end, completely shat on the themes of Wano.
She did. Her issue was that she was constantly compared to the SHs, which made her look trash by comparison. It's perfectly fine when viewed as the supporting/minor character she is.

Yamato on the other hand was just a shitty character who at the end, completely shat on the themes of Wano.
Well so did Carrot, her ending goes against the idea of following your dreams or being forced into a position, it's almost a paralel to Yamato being forced to be new shogun.

Her ending i think makes her almost worse than Yamato as a character, that's why some many Carrotstans we're coping she was in a barrel, because most of them didn't believe the writing could be so bad (plus the barrel stowaway gag etc).

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Well so did Carrot, her ending goes against the idea of following your dreams or being forced into a position, it's almost a paralel to Yamato being forced to be new shogun.
Carrot didn’t have a dream though. She wanted to go on an adventure and got it, but thrm turned into avenging Pedro which was also achieved. She never spoke about the Dawn, which can be viewed as an inconclusive plot point.

Carrot also was never forced to be the leader and could have said no. In fact, she initially said no but the mentioning of Pedro gave her 2nd thoughts but we never got her answer. Yet another inconclusive plot point. Yamato was outright being forced by the main villain. Ain't no comparison there.

Her ending i think makes her almost worse than Yamato as a character, that's why some many Carrotstans we're coping she was in a barrel, because most of them didn't believe the writing could be so bad (plus the barrel stowaway gag etc).
The wasn't the slightest bit of foreshadowing for Carrot becoming the leader which made it a contrivance, along the fact that plot points was left unanswered for no reason.

Yamato on the other spent the entire arc talking about being someone she's not and saying she wants to leave Wano with Luffy, only for her to change her mind last minute with a plot hole of an explanation. While everyone was getting over Oden and being themselves, Yamato still has dissociative identity disorder.
Good question about Carrot and Yamato, actually.

The only thing I didn't like about Carrot were people aggressively pushing her to be a SH. Great Wonderland references in WCI, amazing Sulong, overall fun as a supporting character. The conclusion might've been better, tbh, but that's it. Carrot is a bit like Perona to me in this regard - interesting character, important in her arc, great now let's move on. At least she's consistent in her characterisation.

Yamato, on the other hand, turned out to be such a mess :( on the good side, the introduction was great (but I would hold off the gender reveal) and there were also so many promising moments about this character, the will to break free after 20 years of prison, connections to Kaido & Ace, sheer strength & cool fighting style, interesting DF (I'm a sucker for wolf-themed characters), oni race, being a tomboy, I could easily picture Yamato as a part of the crew and it would've been fun. On the bad side, absolutely hate Oden wank, and knowing Oda it would annoy me to hell same as Sanji's nosebleeds (and Sanji is my fav SH). Also absolutely hated inconsistency in Yamato's character, "yep I will guard Momo and will die for him" "oh no sorry I wanna fight Kaido, so I'll be off" - boom, Kaido happens to be in the same room as Momo and Yamato is not there D: and don't even start me on "I wanna leave! I will sail with Luffy!" vs "you know what meh it was just a phase". So I feel like I was deceived by Oda, and even if now Yamato somehow does join the crew before the series end, it's not going to be satisfying in the slightest.

Lol, I feel like I've triggered myself, obv I'm still salty af, but you kno what? Now that I'm not actively rooting for any of the characters, I quite enjoy the story and am hyped for the Egghead arc.
@mod where should I post something about love is war?
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Good question about Carrot and Yamato, actually.

The only thing I didn't like about Carrot were people aggressively pushing her to be a SH. Great Wonderland references in WCI, amazing Sulong, overall fun as a supporting character. The conclusion might've been better, tbh, but that's it. Carrot is a bit like Perona to me in this regard - interesting character, important in her arc, great now let's move on. At least she's consistent in her characterisation.

Yamato, on the other hand, turned out to be such a mess :( on the good side, the introduction was great (but I would hold off the gender reveal) and there were also so many promising moments about this character, the will to break free after 20 years of prison, connections to Kaido & Ace, sheer strength & cool fighting style, interesting DF (I'm a sucker for wolf-themed characters), oni race, being a tomboy, I could easily picture Yamato as a part of the crew and it would've been fun. On the bad side, absolutely hate Oden wank, and knowing Oda it would annoy me to hell same as Sanji's nosebleeds (and Sanji is my fav SH). Also absolutely hated inconsistency in Yamato's character, "yep I will guard Momo and will die for him" "oh no sorry I wanna fight Kaido, so I'll be off" - boom, Kaido happens to be in the same room as Momo and Yamato is not there D: and don't even start me on "I wanna leave! I will sail with Luffy!" vs "you know what meh it was just a phase". So I feel like I was deceived by Oda, and even if now Yamato somehow does join the crew before the series end, it's not going to be satisfying in the slightest.

Lol, I feel like I've triggered myself, obv I'm still salty af, but you kno what? Now that I'm not actively rooting for any of the characters, I quite enjoy the story and am hyped for the Egghead arc.
Im so happy yamao is not sealed with the strawhats now
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Good question about Carrot and Yamato, actually.

The only thing I didn't like about Carrot were people aggressively pushing her to be a SH. Great Wonderland references in WCI, amazing Sulong, overall fun as a supporting character. The conclusion might've been better, tbh, but that's it. Carrot is a bit like Perona to me in this regard - interesting character, important in her arc, great now let's move on. At least she's consistent in her characterisation.

Yamato, on the other hand, turned out to be such a mess :( on the good side, the introduction was great (but I would hold off the gender reveal) and there were also so many promising moments about this character, the will to break free after 20 years of prison, connections to Kaido & Ace, sheer strength & cool fighting style, interesting DF (I'm a sucker for wolf-themed characters), oni race, being a tomboy, I could easily picture Yamato as a part of the crew and it would've been fun. On the bad side, absolutely hate Oden wank, and knowing Oda it would annoy me to hell same as Sanji's nosebleeds (and Sanji is my fav SH). Also absolutely hated inconsistency in Yamato's character, "yep I will guard Momo and will die for him" "oh no sorry I wanna fight Kaido, so I'll be off" - boom, Kaido happens to be in the same room as Momo and Yamato is not there D: and don't even start me on "I wanna leave! I will sail with Luffy!" vs "you know what meh it was just a phase". So I feel like I was deceived by Oda, and even if now Yamato somehow does join the crew before the series end, it's not going to be satisfying in the slightest.

Lol, I feel like I've triggered myself, obv I'm still salty af, but you kno what? Now that I'm not actively rooting for any of the characters, I quite enjoy the story and am hyped for the Egghead arc.
That what you hate are things that makes the character special and not like every noname anime character
That what you hate are things that makes the character special and not like every noname anime character
Do you mean running gags? I'm fine with them when they are not overdone to the point that they become everything that's left of a character.
I'm ok with Sanji being a chivalrous perv, the way it was pre-TS. post-TS it was outright painful to watch. Yeah, Zoro is often lost, Nami is greedy, Robin is mysterious, but with Sanji at some point it was "every panel Sanji either is ogling a lady in a creepy way or having a nosebleed or both". I'm glad it got toned down by now.

As for the Oden worship, I don't like Oden as a character, he's like a male Mary Sue, and while I understand how he can serve as inspiration for the next generation, there is a difference between "I want to be like him" and "I want to be him", where the latter is actually unhealthy.
Do you mean running gags? I'm fine with them when they are not overdone to the point that they become everything that's left of a character.
I'm ok with Sanji being a chivalrous perv, the way it was pre-TS. post-TS it was outright painful to watch. Yeah, Zoro is often lost, Nami is greedy, Robin is mysterious, but with Sanji at some point it was "every panel Sanji either is ogling a lady in a creepy way or having a nosebleed or both". I'm glad it got toned down by now.

As for the Oden worship, I don't like Oden as a character, he's like a male Mary Sue, and while I understand how he can serve as inspiration for the next generation, there is a difference between "I want to be like him" and "I want to be him", where the latter is actually unhealthy.
Not to mention Oden is a fundamentally contradictory character, he left his country to set sail for his own personal wishes and indirectly caused the issues that arouse in Wano.

He's one of the few characters that i can think in OP that has both a 2 desires/wills/necessity that contradict, to travel around and stay to rule/protect a country, that's why his will is inhereted by 2 characters (momo and yamato) and yet Yamato comes off as slighty schizo because she can't mimic his ideal of traveling around the world whilst Momo is unable to defend Wano.

What i'm curious about is how long will it take for Momo to get gud so that Yamato can leave, it's either EOS or Oda has to write some sort of small time skip, because narratively as soon as Momo is strong, Yamato is going to want to dip the fck out and join the SHs.