Who will be the next Strawhat

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That happened many episodes later :lawsigh:
and yes, this looks defeated to me:

So your best arguments against Tama are
that she isn't strong enough to beat an unnamed feat-less character
that a kid can't go on an adventure with the maincast in this adventure manga aimed at kids
Who is it that is coping?:choppawhat:

Tama just participate in a war and proved herself very useful. Momo traveled through the new-world unscathed. This is One Piece. Cope.
incorrection momo actually got beaten by kanjoura did not you pay attention raid at all. He would have been killed Kaido if Luffy and others did not come rescue him.
Let us face the facts man. If kids join the crew their lives always would constant danger all time. We have notice this throughout the arc kids our waste slot and the only good for being a support characters not main character among the crew.

Do you want the low trio to baby sit little children with no fighting skills whatsoever? Get the hell out here with this nonsense. Why do you want to put the strawhats in position where they are going be stuck babysitting someone else kid? That do not have enough members of their crew to take children in the first place.
Nami was not the first to notice, Nami reacted to Reiji kicking Yonji which caused a huge splash similar to a cannon ball. When Reiji hops off her snail onto the sunny, Carrot is the first to notice with Nami looking down at Luffy. Don't go against me just to go against me. Listen too.
Nami said “who was that!?” not “what was that!?” You seriously can’t differentiate between who and what?

Carrot has showcased territorial behavior attacking trespasser or immediately arming herself.

Zoro immediately grabbed his sword when Robin appeared here. Does it mean he’s “territorial” to you? And Usopp Sanji Nami also armed themselves

Of course it not your problem, don't be dense or unempathetic. Do you really want me to clown myself and be submissive? Even in my harmless folklore threads I get people saying the same thing but I've posted folklore/history for other characters too. I can't post trivial about my favorite character without some asshats harassing me? Don't be dick just because someone else pissed you off earlier.
I find it hilarious the word “dense” comes from you who’s clearly the epitome of the word itself. Oh, everybody here knows I love Monet. I was called names because of it, but I didn’t cry or felt insulted because of it. If you feel being harrassed or insulted, again, I missed the part where that’s my problem.

Looks like you're right, the genie did get the drop on them but she was still the first to notice everything that was going wrong. Ussop long distant view is good but it not the only aspect of detection. Just like multiple people can take the helm, multiple people can be look out. What carrot bring is multiple was of detecting. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. Anyways Carrot is still showcased noticing Perperso from inside of the skull.
Multiple people can take the helm but Jinbe showed the difference why he’s the best at it. If Carrot is a good lookout, or the best at what she does, Oda would show her does what she is even when Usopp is there. Simple logic.

If you still choose to be (what I quote) dense, then it’s your problem. Again as I said, this is the reason why sane & logical Carrot fans left this thread long time ago. I can’t fix stupid. Who the fuck is Perperso anyway?

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Why do you want to put the strawhats in position where they are going be stuck babysitting someone else kid? That do not have enough members of their crew to take children in the first place.
Because when you're this deep into your agenda you're not going to see things in an unbiased manner, even if you sound like a buffoon in the process.
That happened many episodes later :lawsigh:
and yes, this looks defeated to me:

So your best arguments against Tama are
that she isn't strong enough to beat an unnamed feat-less character
that a kid can't go on an adventure with the maincast in this adventure manga aimed at kids
Who is it that is coping?:choppawhat:

Tama just participate in a war and proved herself very useful. Momo traveled through the new-world unscathed. This is One Piece. Cope.
No, our best argument against Tama is that she literally just got adopted by Speed.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
I find it hilarious the word “dense” comes from you who’s clearly the epitome of the word itself. Oh, everybody here knows I love Monet. I was called names because of it, but I didn’t cry or felt insulted because of it. If you feel being harrassed or insulted, again, I missed the part where that’s my problem.
Spouting nonsense is one thing, but imagine being unable to take the bantz and actually whine about it in threads :gokulaugh:
Nami said “who was that!?” not “what was that!?” You seriously can’t differentiate between who and what?

Zoro immediately grabbed his sword when Robin appeared here. Does it mean he’s “territorial” to you? And Usopp Sanji Nami also armed themselves

I find it hilarious the word “dense” comes from you who’s clearly the epitome of the word itself. Oh, everybody here knows I love Monet. I was called names because of it, but I didn’t cry or felt insulted because of it. If you feel being harrassed or insulted, again, I missed the part where that’s my problem.

Multiple people can take the helm but Jinbe showed the difference why he’s the best at it. If Carrot is a good lookout, or the best at what she does, Oda would show her does what she is even when Usopp is there. Simple logic.

If you still choose to be (what I quote) dense, then it’s your problem. Again as I said, this is the reason why sane & logical Carrot fans left this thread long time ago. I can’t fix stupid. Who the fuck is Perperso anyway?
Considering this is a translation there is room for debate, however context and speech pattern is key here. I don't think we'll get very far arguing translation so here are some supporting evidences. In the anime Nami does not say "who", Carrot was first to notice the fake luffy, first to notice fake sanji, first to notice Randolph.

Zoro's immediate response to an unknown intruder was to cut them down or prepare to do so. It is the fight response to intruder but it is not binary. It is the basic of territorial behavior. Defending against intruder. Notice luffy, Nami, Vivi did not immediately get hostile.

Are our situations similar? Did you come into a hostile environment based on a stereotype others had? You appear to be an asshole. Maybe there were no other monet fans and people called you names because of that. I don't care if it not your problem from my point of view It feel shitty already being treated bad.

The sane fans left because being bullied sucks, being associated with negative traits due to other also sucks.

The moment in the beginning of the raid highlights Ussop role as sniper seeing something far away. A lookout has to detect threats.
Considering this is a translation there is room for debate, however context and speech pattern is key here. I don't think we'll get very far arguing translation so here are some supporting evidences. In the anime Nami does not say "who", Carrot was first to notice the fake luffy, first to notice fake sanji, first to notice Randolph.

So now you’re resorting to anime as your argument. Fair enough, the bottom pages are so-so argument. But still doesn’t change the fact that Oda chose to make Usopp did the lookout when they entered Onigashima instead of Carrot. Oda didn’t show this ability again later when Daifuku’s Genie approached them. She failed miserably, end of the story.

Zoro's immediate response to an unknown intruder was to cut them down or prepare to do so. It is the fight response to intruder but it is not binary. It is the basic of territorial behavior. Defending against intruder. Notice luffy, Nami, Vivi did not immediately get hostile.
And still there is nothing territorial about that. Luffy didn’t even think that she was a threat. Do you even understand what territorial means?

Are our situations similar? Did you come into a hostile environment based on a stereotype others had? You appear to be an asshole. Maybe there were no other monet fans and people called you names because of that. I don't care if it not your problem from my point of view It feel shitty already being treated bad.
Pretty much yes. It’s worstgen after all. I came and explained my points regarding Monet only to be called names, and these came from Yamato fans. But I didn’t feel insulted at all. Everybody has their own way to reply, so I just chose to ignore & didn’t insult back not even a bit. I even said “you do you. You’re free to believe what you believe. So am I.”

It’s funny that you call me an asshole just because I implicitly told you just to shake it off. At this point I’m not surprised that people treated you badly because you definitely 100% deserve it for being a fucking cunt. At least asshole is a compliment

The sane fans left because being bullied sucks, being associated with negative traits due to other also sucks.
Keep crying then. I pretty much missed the part where that’s my problem. You do you

The moment in the beginning of the raid highlights Ussop role as sniper seeing something far away. A lookout has to detect threats.
Are Onigashima guards at the gate not threats? Oda could’ve simply shown Carrot doing her job, told Usopp about ‘em, so Usopp could snipe them. But he didn’t, he chose to make Usopp did both lookout & snipe the threats immediately. Simple logic, unless you don’t have any
So now you’re resorting to anime as your argument. Fair enough, the bottom pages are so-so argument. But still doesn’t change the fact that Oda chose to make Usopp did the lookout when they entered Onigashima instead of Carrot. Oda didn’t show this ability again later when Daifuku’s Genie approached them. She failed miserably, end of the story.

And still there is nothing territorial about that. Luffy didn’t even think that she was a threat. Do you even understand what territorial means?

Pretty much yes. It’s worstgen after all. I came and explained my points regarding Monet only to be called names, and these came from Yamato fans. But I didn’t feel insulted at all. Everybody has their own way to reply, so I just chose to ignore & didn’t insult back not even a bit. I even said “you do you. You’re free to believe what you believe. So am I.”

It’s funny that you call me an asshole just because I implicitly told you just to shake it off. At this point I’m not surprised that people treated you badly because you definitely 100% deserve it for being a fucking cunt. At least asshole is a compliment

Keep crying then. I pretty much missed the part where that’s my problem. You do you

Are Onigashima guards at the gate not threats? Oda could’ve simply shown Carrot doing her job, told Usopp about ‘em, so Usopp could snipe them. But he didn’t, he chose to make Usopp did both lookout & snipe the threats immediately. Simple logic, unless you don’t have any
Let's look up a few definitions of the word territorial.

of or relating to territory or land.
of, pertaining to, associated with, or restricted to a particular territory or district; local.
pertaining or belonging to the territory of a state or ruler.
(of an animal) characterized by territoriality; defending an area against intruders, especially of the same species.
Territorial means concerned with the ownership of a particular area of land or water.
It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others.
If you describe an animal or its behavior as territorial, you mean that it has an area which it regards as its own, and which it defends when other animals try to enter it.
Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behavior.
Zoro was defensive because of an intruder shut the fuck up.

Is that so..... You went out like a bitch because you got called names I guess I'll do what you did. This is over now. Anyone want to speak with me they got to act like they have some sense. I'm not going away, but I'm reserved for the members that got sense and don't act like a piece shit like you.

Calling me a cunt?
Let's look up a few definitions of the word territorial.

Zoro was defensive because of an intruder shut the fuck up.

Is that so..... You went out like a bitch because you got called names I guess I'll do what you did. This is over now. Anyone want to speak with me they got to act like they have some sense. I'm not going away, but I'm reserved for the members that got sense and don't act like a piece shit like you.

Calling me a cunt?
Well then like thedarkdragon said, if Carrot is indeed territorial, she would never leave her territory which is Zou. Although she left for an adventure, that means she’s coming back to Wano since, as you said, she is territorial.

Aww look how cute you are. I’m sorry, actually calling you a cunt is degrading to the word itself. And the sorry goes to the word, actually, not you.

A fucking cunt will always be a fucking cunt. Keep crying

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