Who will be the next Strawhat

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👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
By the definition of "territorial" you have provided, Carrot has to stay at Wano...
Honestly, I was planning of inserting a brainlet jpg and quote his post with exaggerated mannerisms in a ridiculous way. But what's the point, frankly? Everyone with more than one active braincell is aware the argument is ridiculous and just an attempt to somehow keep the Carrot agenda alive even though it's pretty much dead ever since known degenerate Naito got booted for wanking too much to Carrot r34 during his breaks.

I think my biggest reason to have started to dislike this thread, as entertaining as it is, is that the arguments were already shaky way back when they started, but now it's basically resorting to make shit up from a few manga panels from nearly a decade ago, and it's not fooling anyone here. There's a good reason absolutely no Wano panels are being used, it's because Carrot's relevancy has been non-existent since WCI ended and Oda no longer needed the "Alice in Wonderland" theme he was going for.

It's just kind of sad to see them flail now (and to see other twats take over but with another character who will not be named but it's obvious who I'm talking about for anyone who's been active around these parts). :lawsigh:
Since there's nothing new and we still have a week before the next chapter is released, let's make our bets how many panels will our "nakama contestants" have :emohiyo:

Carrot - 0-1 panels
Tama - 1-2 panels
Yamato - 5+ panels
Caribou - 0-1 panels
Momo - 3-5 panels
God Raizou - 1-2 panels
Kinemon - 1-2 panels
Law - 2-3 panels
Hiyori - 3-4 panels
Rest of the poll - 0 panels

Disclaimer: I'm doing this for shit and giggles and if my predictions are way off, I'll take my L :D just thought we can change the topic a little :brootea:
Waiting patiently for the 5 remaining Carrot supporters across the globe to juggle these two lines of thinking:

1. Gear 5's official coloring is another shot at Yamato's chances because the all white outfit and red eyes overlap with Yamato's Zoan, making it redundant.

2. This, however, does not apply to Carrot, which also has an all White form with red eyes, because *insert random thing about how the Electro gloves are such a cool, interesting and versatile fighting gadget*

I'll be waiting for that delicious cope my dear Carrot fans :finally:

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Waiting patiently for the 5 remaining Carrot supporters across the globe to juggle these two lines of thinking:

1. Gear 5's official coloring is another shot at Yamato's chances because the all white outfit and red eyes overlap with Yamato's Zoan, making it redundant.

2. This, however, does not apply to Carrot, which also has an all White form with red eyes, because *insert random thing about how the Electro gloves are such a cool, interesting and versatile fighting gadget*

I'll be waiting for that delicious cope my dear Carrot fans :finally:
The Carrotbros are the least of our worries now. Now it's the Tamabros and their "commander level animals" agenda :risitavirus:
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