Who will be the next Strawhat

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I didn't say seeing things with binoculars was good eye sight. I said was that she is usually the first to notice.

I'm not ignoring anything. Regarding your comment on the strawhat's intruding in Zou. It may not have been the smartest idea to take on 4 people by herself but she still noticed them first. Alarming people would have been smart, but she fought instead. I'd consider it a character flaw to carry the weight of taking down invaders on her own.
Nami was the first one to notice Reiju, not Carrot. She is “usually” the one to notice because Usopp is not there. During Sanji retrieval team before they met Sanji, who has haki? Only Luffy. If Sanji, or Usopp is there, she will be useless. Robin who currently doesn’t have haki can do a much better job simply by sprouting her eyes on any surface. I’ve given example like before entering Onigashima for Usopp’s case.

She took the paper because the mail seagull approached her. It has nothing to do with territorial, good eyes, nose, or whatever bullshit you made up. FYI you haven’t shown me anything about her being territorial. She was shown doing what she does because Usopp wasn’t there. Simple logic

"This is exactly what happened when you take too much copium. I was wrong to think that “probably at least one of Carrot fans here can be talked with.” only for you to prove me wrong. No wonder the sane & logical Carrot fan like Shift left this thread long time ago"

I was bullied here for having a name similar to carrot4nakama. I like Goku and I like Carrot, my name wasn't even related to word nakama. Random people harassed me just for liking carrot and advocating for her. It took the moderator "TheAncientCentirun" to stop this. Every time I mention carrot in any context 4 people consistently mocked me. Occasional extremely disrespectful people come around and call me names. Any sane person would leave these conditions by now. In addition to the bullies, I had one moderator against me as well using paraphrase quotes he heard adding in whatever details he wants to make himself right. Not only do I need to keep a straight face I had to carefully ask to give the actual proof.

Luckily I work a career that requires composure regardless of the request. Yes software engineer and business people do not get along, we are natural enemies. If you haven't noticed, I've only spoken to people that actual want to discuss. I've ignored everyone who only here to make me feel bad. My points being made have sometime been invalidated and that's okay. Out of everyone here I begruntley say you've won the most, certainly more than that lazy Moderator Van. Regardless my point is standing. The role she has been shown to do is what mirror every strawhat.
Most of those, I missed the part where that’s my problem. For the last sentence though, it was clear that she failed miserably. She failed to notice Bariete was missing earlier. She failed to notice Daifuku’s Genie approaching. And that’s why Usopp did what she was supposed to do once Usopp is on board anymore.

Nobody can read Poneglyph like Robin, and nobody has great navigation skill like Nami. If her role is like you said it is, why Oda drew Usopp doing what she was supposed to do before entering Onigashima instead of showing her did that?
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Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
Every time I mention carrot in any context 4 people consistently mocked me.
Gonna address this real quick.

You do not get picked on because you're a Carrotbro, we like @Shift @Pot Goblin, you get picked on because your coping and you don't wanna accept the direction the manga is going. Even going as far as to use folklore as one of your reason for her joining. I assure you folklore is not on Oda's mind when writing Carrot. :saden:
Literally the only animal we see do any kind of damage to a commander (and even then that's debatable jack just fell into the ocean) and it's literally an elephant bigger than sea kings which is very doubtful Tama could even control :gokulaugh:
The fact that an animal defeated Kaido's number 3 is proof that animals can be stronger than commanders.
Tama could tame an animal a lot weaker than Zunesha and definitely put up a fight against BB's number 10, especially since she has no limit on the number of beasts she can control at the same time.:catrude::catsure::yearight::catpole:

an 8 years old who didn't even master her fruit yet, can awaken?? :usoprice::usoprice:
What makes you say she hasn't mastered her fruit?
I’m not trying to mock Tama, seriously. But I’m seriously asking how big does she need to make the kibi dango for her power to affect Zunisha? Does size matter? Does she need to throw her whole body for her power to have effect on Zunisha (because we all know how big Zunisha is)? And if she throws her whole body and she dies, does it mean Zunisha can use her power like Big Mom & Carmel case? If Zunisha eats her whole body will Zunisha be considered carnivorous?

I’m honestly very curious
Nah, he will "crush" Wano, with flora...
Well, he doesn't really seem like a good guy to me so far, but I might be wrong :D

The fact that an animal defeated Kaido's number 3 is proof that animals can be stronger than commanders.
Tama could tame an animal a lot weaker than Zunesha and definitely put up a fight against BB's number 10, especially since she has no limit on the number of beasts she can control at the same time.:catrude::catsure::yearight::catpole:

What makes you say she hasn't mastered her fruit?
Are you for real? Do you want a little girl on a battlefield that badly? Really, at this point it looks like you hate Tama and don't want the best for her (which would be finally having a normal childhood with plenty of food and friends, and safe from danger). Tama wanted to leave with Ace because Wano was an unsafe place then. She doesn't have a reason to leave now. And SH will forever be her friends and will visit her on their way back anyways.

Also, I doubt she has awakened the fruit.
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