Who will be the next Strawhat

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Robin had one of the biggest story of the strawhats, the comparison with Carrot is unfair. You should really compare Carrot with Usopp who's story is a lot more simple and less conflictual.
Usopp is not starting his development at the end of the series, One Piece is entering it's final Saga..
A future Strawhat would not be ignored in the entirety of Wano when they were traveling with the Strawhats and being buddy buddy..
Usopp is not starting his development at the end of the series, One Piece is entering it's final Saga..
A future Strawhat would not be ignored in the entirety of Wano when they were traveling with the Strawhats and being buddy buddy..
Like I said many time, there was too many things to develop in Wano, Wano was not Carrot's story, it was not even the strawhat's story. It was the story of the kozuki clan. developping Carrot there out of the blue would be non relevant.

If Carrot join, she will have her moment, and a good one, don't worry about that. There is still plenty of time left.
I don't care about Carrot in WCI.
Robin went multiple arcs without "peaking".
You are just using some headcanon that "Carrot peaked in WCI and that's it" when the story isn't even over.
>>IF<< Carrot were to appear next chapter and joins the crew, Oda could very well develop her in future arcs. She's a Mink, minks come from Zunesha. Zunesha has ties with the Void Century, Wano, etc. The Sulong reminding Nika, etc.

There are a plethora of ways to explore the Mink lore through Carrot if she were to join, giving her plenty of room to grow as a character, even if it's the "final saga".

Love her or hate her, she IS a popular character. And that was with just her participation in Zou and WCI (and she barely did anything in WCI lol).
Even if her popularity takes a dump due to Wano, her potential IS REAL.

And I say that even considering I was "TeamYamato".
The thing is, this is not Carrot's Alabasta, she's already been traveling with the Strawhats for a while.. Wano was her Enies Lobby, she's just not that important..
I've been waiting for this.
"Dumb shit here"
"There goes your argument"
At the time I was so baffled by both that stupidity and sheer aggression that I didn't even know how to respond.
Well, here we are.
There goes your Oden larper, ZEHAHAHAHAHA. But hey, maybe she'll join in a later arc? Hahahahahah
Take a good look at that concept art again, and try to understand how she was never meant to be a Straw Hat instead of going off on tangents about random series or unrelated characters that didn't mean shit in relation to her.
Yes yes take your W on a fictional character. Maybe the only W in your entire life eh? What a great achievement
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Wano was her Enies Lobby
That's Elbaf alongside Usopp who got literally 0 development for both WCI and the entirety of Wano
If a full crewmember of the Straw Hats can be ignored for nearly a decade why is it farfetched that a potential one gets put on the back burner for a couple of years?
Not to mention the same thing could've been said about Jinbe who disappeared after FMI and didn't show up in Punk Hazard or Dressrosa


Talent is something you make bloom.
Based on the Narrative.. They both started traveling with the crew and being friendly in Zou and Alabasta respectively..
You're completely missing the point.

Despite what some random youtubers and blog people might say, the Straw Hats don't follow a "formula" to join or not.
Not all of them get developed on the spot.
Some are later in the arc, some in the middle, some take multiple arcs to pay off, etc.

Zoro got basically blackmailed to join and only "reaffirmed" his commitment after getting a reality check from Mihawk in Baratie arc.
Nami joined Luffy but only got developed in Arlong Park
Usopp has his development spread thin throughout the entire manga.
Sanji got developed in his first arc and then 800 chapters later he got ANOTHER arc for him.
etc, etc, etc.
That's Elbaf alongside Usopp who got literally 0 development for both WCI and the entirety of Wano
If a full crewmember of the Straw Hats can be ignored for nearly a decade why is it farfetched that a potential one gets put on the back burner for a couple of years?
Not to mention the same thing could've been said about Jinbe who disappeared after FMI and didn't show up in Punk Hazard or Dressrosa
What is she going to do in Elbaf aside looking amazed to gaze at Giants..
Usopp wasn't in WCl and he got many feats in Wano, he was very involved..

lt does really sound sooo farfetched.. Jinbei was not present during the Dressrosa saga where as Carrot was present in Wano..
Yamato wanting to be Oden was annoying and I'm glad she got left out. No point in having another straw hat join. Distant allies like Vivi and Momo is good enough. Oda doesn't even really do anything with the current strawhats. Haven't seen anything much from Nami or Usopp.
You're completely missing the point.

Despite what some random youtubers and blog people might say, the Straw Hats don't follow a "formula" to join or not.
Not all of them get developed on the spot.
Some are later in the arc, some in the middle, some take multiple arcs to pay off, etc.

Zoro got basically blackmailed to join and only "reaffirmed" his commitment after getting a reality check from Mihawk in Baratie arc.
Nami joined Luffy but only got developed in Arlong Park
Usopp has his development spread thin throughout the entire manga.
Sanji got developed in his first arc and then 800 chapters later he got ANOTHER arc for him.
etc, etc, etc.
Then why did Carrot in her introduction arc had the same presence than Carne the acolyte of Patty(Wanda)at Baratie arc..
he got many feats in Wano
No he did not lmao
He got busted up by Ulti and Page 1 then played babysitter for the rest of the arc
No major sniper moments minus a couple of drunks across the room

Jinbei was not present during the Dressrosa saga where as Carrot was present in Wano..
If Carrot joins then it's the same difference of putting them on the back burner and giving them more substance later.
Cause after Dressrosa, Jinbe got some real development in WCI
Not to mention that both Wano and Dressrosa already had enough going for them, it's better to wait and give those characters room to breathe in more focused stories rather than clustered mega-arcs.
Robin did that and became a Nakame, it would obviously be the same here, if Carrot stowed away.
So Robin never joined?
Robin hid away and then asked to join. Luffy accepted. Carrot hid on the ship once but did not ask to join and did not to it later either. Let’s say she hides on the ship again! Why would she ask this time? Why wouldn’t she just travel with them again?
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