No he did not lmao
He got busted up by Ulti and Page 1 then played babysitter for the rest of the arc
No major sniper moments minus a couple of drunks across the room
If Carrot joins then it's the same difference of putting them on the back burner and giving them more substance later.
Cause after Dressrosa, Jinbe got some real development in WCI
Not to mention that both Wano and Dressrosa already had enough going for them, it's better to wait and give those characters room to breathe in more focused stories rather than clustered mega-arcs.
Maybe Usopp didn't do as much as people wanted him to but he did do things..
Surviving haki headbutts from Ulti is quite something..
He revealed powerful 2 new attacks like exploding pinecones..
Sniped the enemies on lookout when infiltrating when only him noticed..
Sniped the gifters for the turn around to be possible..
Created some hype about his conqueror and defeating 2 Tobiroppo on his own..
So far no Strawhats have been ignored in an arc that they were in..