you just made no sense whatsoever.

jinbe still has the title of helmsman To this day
and every single strawhat has a position. This is proof his design process has not changed.
you have to prove that any strawhat can be inducted in without oda giving them a position. which is impossible because ALL of them have a position just like the concept art.
i don’t care what the character looks like wtf are you even talking about. Oda designs each character for the crew with a role in mind before they join. As proven in the concept art.
So show me a crewmate without a position or shutup.
yes even though others in the crew can do it... carrot is best at it.
just like how everyone steered before and now jinbe does it now because hes just way better than anyone else.
If jinbe joined without the helmsman title in his intro then youd have a point but he didnt and you have no point.