Who will be the next Strawhat

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Fourth because it'll have no sense to made her leave with the Mugis in Zou+Whole Cake to go back with the Minks...Just because "she already lived her desired adventure"...That would feel forced and out of character after what Perospero said to her and afterwe saw her remembering Pedro's last words...
It's such a weird notion lol. That someone who is absolutely dying to set out to sea and have adventures will go on 2 and then just decide "yeah, that's it. I'm happy now. Off I go back to my elephant".

It's as Oden said:

"I simply don't know how to end an adventure once it's begun!" Well Carrot's adventure with the straw hats has certainly already begun.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
"You don't debate actual arguments, you debate imaginary claims made up by none other than your yourself"

That's hilarious coming from you Dizzy Lmfao! Are you sure you're describing somebody else and not yourself? :rolaugh:
I was just thinking about how the only consistent thing he’s done is drop all his shitty arguments every so often just to come up with even dumber theories, makes ME fucking dizzy to try and keep up with whatever gaslit bullshit he’s peddling on any given day :smoothy:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
My dumb theories?

I thought they were "well crafted" and "interesting"? :neesama: I'll assume you're having one of your episodes again.
Yeah, you love posting my apology that you never responded to like it makes YOU the cool guy instead of some little asswipe who wouldn’t recognize an opportunity to resolve a conflict if it put on a bunny costume and kicked you in the dick 😘
I think your "fury" is getting the best of you again Jew-kun. You're saying some "truly unkind" things once more. Why don't we take some deep breaths before crying about the random internet man again. Here's a picture of Yamao to cheer you up.
See... Isn't she happy? Be like her.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Carrot wanted to go out to sea and explore the wonderland. She was stuck on Zou her entire life, unable to act on her desires and so when the opportunity presented itself she bribed the guards and snuck out of the dukedom without permission to board a pirate ship that was heading into yonko territory.

Her full backstory hasn't been explored yet so we can't yet see what the deeper driving force is for her.

Carrot never said she wanted "one adventure" and it was never stated that she believed she was coming straight back.

And no, it's not normal for 15 year olds to sneak on pirate ships heading off to face yonko.
Carrot said she always wanted to go on an adventure and didn't want Wanda to find out she was gone. Carrot thought she wasn't going to be gone long and packed light.

It's also not normal for 8 years old to jumped 20 years in time to face a yonko. It's also not normal for a 16 year old to fight to the death as gladiator. Sneaking on a ship cause of nativity and curiosity isnt a thought bringer.

Even if you want to compare Carrot to Nami & Robin, both Nami and Robin were originally portrayed as bad people he should be weary off, and he didn't even like them much at first. He liked them when he figured they were good people.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I think your "fury" is getting the best of you again Jew-kun. You're saying some "truly unkind" things once more. Why don't we take some deep breaths before crying about the random internet man again. Here's a picture of Yamao to cheer you up.
See... Isn't she happy? Be like her.
Yep, everyone in the world is furious and unhinged except you, kid…funny how you seem to only run into assholes on this forum, I wonder what the common denominator between all those interactions is 🙄

Thanks for the picture, though!! I’d share one of Carrot in return, but this thread is only for characters that have an actual chance of joining the crew :steef:
I was just thinking about how the only consistent thing he’s done is drop all his shitty arguments every so often just to come up with even dumber theories, makes ME fucking dizzy to try and keep up with whatever gaslit bullshit he’s peddling on any given day :smoothy:
Your fiery temper is the best thing about you!

Don't let the nay sayers drag you down!!

Carrot said she always wanted to go on an adventure
Technicality. Oden said the same thing yet went on multiple adventures.
and didn't want Wanda to find out she was gone. Carrot thought she wasn't going to be gone long and packed light.
Because she thought Wanda would've just brought her right back.
It's also not normal for 8 years old to jumped 20 years in time to face a yonko. It's also not normal for a 16 year old to fight to the death as gladiator. Sneaking on a ship cause of nativity and curiosity isnt a thought bringer.
In both cases those characters are doing so because they have literally no other choice. They're fully aware of the risks and absolutely do not want to do what they are doing but are in position where they feel they have to.

Carrot was like "OMG! Adventures and a slumber party in a yonko's hideout?!?! Sign me up." She's a scamp. A fun trouble-maker just like Usopp.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Technicality. Oden said the same thing yet went on multiple adventures.

Because she thought Wanda would've just brought her right back.

In both cases those characters are doing so because they have literally no other choice. They're fully aware of the risks and absolutely do not want to do what they are doing but are in position where they feel they have to.

Carrot was like "OMG! Adventures and a slumber party in a yonko's hideout?!?! Sign me up." She's a scamp. A fun trouble-maker just like Usopp.
And Oden isnt a SH.

Pedro was going to bring her back. Carrot begged him not to cause Wanda would be mad at her. She literally didn't want Wanda to find out she was gone cause Carrot believed she wasn't going to be gone for long.

Usopp was an outcast. Carrot was not. Luffy and Franky was/are constant troublemakers too. Carrot didn't understand the threat of an emperor and just wanted to go on an adventure. Her being naive and thinking everything is fun n' games is one of her biggest flaws.
How is this so hard to understand?
Why would be Carrot ofesnsive if she joins???
The only reason I can imagine is because you don't like it.
I'm open to your reasons xD
Post automatically merged:

The main issue isn't that i don't like the idea of Carrot joining because she is a simple character and not a complex one, its the fact that no Straw Hat that joined were simple characters, that's a fact, not my opinion.

The points in your first three sentences can also be applied to Vivi, who never joined the crew.

As for your fourth point, i already said that Pedro's words cannot be used as real evidence in this argument as they are not properly defined. It's also perfectly fine for Carrot to leave Zou, go to WCI and Wano and not go to Raftel, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi didn't either. Neither did Pedro. How does that feel forced, as compared to saying that Carrot will join the crew and go to Raftel with Luffy when Carrot herself never said that and just expected a couple day sightseeing trip to WCI in the first place? And what Perospero says, is as about as important as what Arlong said to Nami, words of villain's in this context don't mean anything, otherwise Yamato would be Shogun and Kaido and Big Mom will find the One Piece and not Luffy just because Kaido himself said so.

Perospero also told Carrot to go into the forest and eat some grass, does that mean that Carrot will actually go into the forest and chew on some grass??
Vivi, IS A MUGI...
Even Carrot being a Mugi, she'll still being part of the crew as an honorary member...But Vivi is part of the crew...
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We have two potential SHs:

Yamato and Caribou boths have unique DF and have interaction with Luffy, one have interaction with Ace and another delivers Luffy Food.

Have some probably with are: Vivi(Weak) Carrot in weak trio(could be replaced by Caribou) and Marco in the monster trio(could be replaced by Yamato).

So we have four in each level in crew.

Yamato monster.
Jimbei Mid.
Caribou or carrot weak.
The idea that Carrot is just a hype tool for the minks came from people misunderstanding that the relationship was actually the other way around all along. Oda was actually using the mink powers and abilities to make Carrot more significant. She was the first mink we saw on Zou. The first mink to use electro. The first mink to use unique gauntlet weapons. The first mink to float. The only mink to super jump. The first mink to use Sulong.

Whilst Carrot showcasing these abilities had the added effect of hyping up the minks in general, the one who got the most hype was always Carrot since she was consistently the one actually revealing the skills to us for the first time which will usually be the most memorable.

When you think of Sulong, the first thing you most likely think about is Carrot. Whether you like her or not. I don't believe that's unintentional. Compare how Carrot's Sulong was showcased to how Inu and Neko had theirs. Other than her, they had the most hype to their new forms and even then they can't compare to the iconic scene Oda created for Carrot's transformation.

As we know, there were plenty of other opportunities to show off Sulong. Heck, Pedro could've instead died from Sulong exertion whilst holding off Perospero and BM. Would've shown how powerful it could be but also the danger it presented.

There's a reason why Carrot's always the special one. Even if you don't think she's joining the crew. She's the most important mink.
Oda didn't create a character, give her one of the highest (non-straw hat) total panel counts in the entire series, all for the sake of hyping a half chapter battle sequence for fodder, that ended in failure.
This 100%. I don't always see eye to eye with Dizzy, and I'm iffy about Carrot joining the crew, but anyone who truly doesn't think there's anything special about her or anything more significant that she's going to do is blinded by bias.
@dizzy2341 after reading through the latest of this thread you've convinced me on Carrot's chances. I still think Yamato will join in addition, but I had given up on Carrot and I'm rethinking that. My fellow Yamato stans will burn me at the stake for this, but while I think your Yamato takes are terrible, your Carrot takes are solid.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
@dizzy2341 after reading through the latest of this thread you've convinced me on Carrot's chances. I still think Yamato will join in addition, but I had given up on Carrot and I'm rethinking that. My fellow Yamato stans will burn me at the stake for this, but while I think your Yamato takes are terrible, your Carrot takes are solid.
Carrot never had no chances. She just lack key components like a backstory and being the center of an arc that ties well into its themes like the other 9 SH recruits. It is unknown of she'll get them or not.

People can't claim she doesn't need those cause that means Oda will do something completely different just for Carrot. But yeah the anti-Yamato takes are terrible.
Carrot never had no chances. She just lack key components like a backstory and being the center of an arc that ties well into its themes like the other 9 SH recruits. It is unknown of she'll get them or not.

People can't claim she doesn't need those cause that means Oda will do something completely different just for Carrot. But yeah the anti-Yamato takes are terrible.
I agree she needs these 100%. I just think she still has a chance to get them rather than that she will be an exception. Especially if Big Mom doesn't go down this arc which I think is likely.
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