no it happened with all of them
Yea and Ive already adressed your points to sigran about that. I think I read one of your replies to him...again take your own advice. Ill even link it for you
Yea and Ive already adressed your points to sigran about that. I think I read one of your replies to him...again take your own advice. Ill even link it for you
Yes and your answer wasn't good because you didn't understand the concept behind what I was saying.
Honestly I'm too tired to explain to you what an antagonist really is (and you wouldn't even listen to me anyway so) so I'll just say: Go read some book about storytelling and the antagonist. There are very good ones. I highly recommand John's truby "The anatomy of Story". (it's my personnal all time Bible) There is a whole section about the antagonist and it's connection to the protagonist there.
have you ever considered that it’s not the’s just that...idont know youre just not being clear?
i can tell because you can’t understand basic english phrases.
i can tell because you can’t understand basic english phrases.
And yes maybe I'm not clear enough that's why I created a blog. To be even clearer in my explanations.
please stop using semantics.. i’m not argueing about the SPECIFIC amount(even though there are more.i.e the crews willing to fight for the fake strawhats thinking it was the real crew.)
But youre point about only strawhats fighting for luffy was debunked with the grand fleet Alone. thats it...if you wanna argue about carrot being a grand fleet member thats a different story.
My point was not "debunked" with the grand fleet. I just completely forgot about them and meaculpaded just after soo.. yeah..
The point is only the strawhats (GF captains+9 SH) are willing to put their entire life on the line for and only for Luffy. That aspect of the story is undeniable. And that's why, at one point or another, Carrot OR Yamato, will have to make the same statement.
No Carrot will never be in the grand fleet. Even if she doesn't join the crew.
OH so you literally don’t understand the english language perfectly.
Why are you trying to lecture people then if you cant even understand basic phrases?
Why are you trying to lecture people then if you cant even understand basic phrases?
I you can check, I never lecture people on their langage, as I am slighly dyslexic myself. When I don't understand something, I demand a repeat without irony.
Here, I'm only lecturing people about their understanding of the storytelling concepts. This is not a problem of langage.
when did I say a simple clash makes a character an antagonist?
stop putting words in my mouth.

stop putting words in my mouth.
Read again what I wrote. this time without putting yourself as the target.
It was pretty clear the people I mentioned were antagonists by definition.
im not going through all the posts to find what you said. If you wanna link it thats cool.
im not going through all the posts to find what you said. If you wanna link it thats cool.
One thing you (and many people in the fanbase) have to understand is that One Piece is such a cool a treasure questy story, that people all over the world started to try by themself to predict the future of the story. Sometime with success, but most of the time not.
By trying to decifer the story, some people tried to analyse it.. and therefore tried by themself to apply some basic storytelling concept to it. That's how people started to name ev everything ressembling a prediction of the future "foreshadowing" including drawings or storylines.. That's how poeple became "expert" in character developments or analysis)
The thing is.. those concept, very popular because of their apparent simplicity are not that simple in practice or when we dive deep into them and a LOT of them are used and were used incorrectly (by me included).. because of ignorance of the craft, because or lazyness.. there are multiple factor.
What I'm doing here, and what I tried to do with my blog. Is recenter the usage of those concepts, by explaining in detail what they are really about. I'm not just doing that because I can, but because there is a dire need for more storytelling education in the One Piece community.. starting with some influencer up there in the youtube algorithm..
So, when I say something, it's logical that it appears to you as very strange and unlikely... still, this is the best usage of the words you will see out there. (and trust me, even I need to make some efforts about that).
By taking our example here.. we can see that the fanbase constructed a myth around the concept of antagonist. That "all" the antagonist of the strawhats where defeated by Luffy.. In reality, that's not true.
Only some of the antagonist of the SH were defeated by Luffy, most of them were defeated by others:
- Sanji's antagonist (Gin) was not defeated (technically put out by Krieg)
- Franky antagonist most likely being himself is not defeated yet. only at the end of the story we will see if Franky kept his mind straight about his creation. (and even then, there might be someone (vegapunk) appearing at the end of the story as a real antagonist for Franky.
- Brook's antagonist (Ryuma) was defeated by Zoro
- Jinbe's antagonist being the world gouvernment and the marine, we have yet to see development on that front.
Briefly, the concept of antagonist as to be linked with the concept of opposite values. Also note that we are taking here about "main" antagonist, really, a character can have multiple antagonists.
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Ok. I understand, basically you have 2 points.
1 a flag is important and SHs don't have one
2. Bellamy is making an unbreakable one.
So, am I to assume that until they meet bellamy again they won't have a flag?
And how is this relevant to the 10th crewmate?
1 a flag is important and SHs don't have one
2. Bellamy is making an unbreakable one.
So, am I to assume that until they meet bellamy again they won't have a flag?
And how is this relevant to the 10th crewmate?
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