Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yeah, perhaps. This clearly isn't a dealbreaker or definitively prove anything. It does however, suggest that Yamao was not originally intended to join the crew. What happens after that is Oda's choice.
I misunderstood your intent. I've actually thought for a while that Yamato was not originally intended to join the crew. I think that was a change added last minute after Carrot's su long form became so popular and Oda wanted to do something like that for a strawhat. So I guess I agree with this point, but it does nothing to make me think Yamato might not join the crew now, especially given the recent hype and the latest chapter.
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Yeah, perhaps. This clearly isn't a dealbreaker or definitively prove anything. It does however, suggest that Yamao was not originally intended to join the crew. What happens after that is Oda's choice.
In fact, I thought the same.
Not gonna argue about it, but I really found weird those designs for a Mugi, and more strange if the Mugi was planned since the beginning...
I think people are getting way too hung up on semantics like concept art and background colors. Just look at the current narrative. The best arguments for how Yamato could not join the crew are that Luffy would reject her despite inviting random crap like zombie trees to join his crew, or that dropping the Oden schtick will somehow make her more likely to give up on her own dreams to dedicate her life to protecting Oden's homeland. And the last remaining arguement I've seen for Carrot to become relevant enough to join the crew is unironically that she will help fight Kaido. Carrot joining instead of Yamato is a huge stretch regardless of fan made theories and outside sources.
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Still cant get rid the idea of a kozuki joining the crew to raftel. Moreover, I just realized that kozuki blood line has their own class/category like the member of D. Family in VC

we know that kozuki were meant to give support to joy boy. Even inu said that one should realize the important of poneglyph and find the civilization who made it. I think kozuki joining is a must. It's either momo or my girl hiyori :catlewd:

Side note: thank god hiyori is included in "We Are One" short movie :yearight:
I remember in the weeks between "Kaido's son" first being mentioned and Yamao's reveal, some people speculated that Yamao would be some ugly fat meme as a troll since we'd expect Kaido's son to be a total badass. It seems like Oda genuinely considered the idea based on this concept design for Yamao:

Oda would be fully aware if a character was going to join the crew during the designing process. Does it seem likely that Oda created that design with the belief that it could possibly be the appearance of a new nakama?

To clarify, OP is obviously an extremely quirky series full of all sorts of crazy designs, but this isn't just some unusual design. It's straight up the type of character design you'd give as an intentional meme. A gag subverting the expectation of Kaido's badass powerful son with some ugly fat dwarf.

You could say "Well Oda didn't go with that design in the end so it doesn't mean anything at all." But the reason that isn't the case is that Oda considered the possibility of Yamao just being a joke character. If we believe that Oda prepares well in advance and knows who he wants to be the next straw hat, then it would be unusual for him to make such an immense change.

We know that Vivi was originally meant to be a one time side character, but Oda saw an opportunity to make her the princess and so he played into it, knowing full well all along she was never actually going to leave Alabasta with them. Same deal with Law. He was supposed to be a side character, but Oda decided to start building him up into something more, once again knowing that it was fine since ultimately he'd never actually join the crew.

The fact that the ugly troll design is completely unrecognisable from the Yamao we know today suggests that Oda didn't have a firm grasp on the main identity of her character, which most likely wouldn't be the case if she was always destined to join the crew.

Unsurprisingly though it seems like Oda always know the purpose he'd like Yamao to have. She was originally going to be named "Ninigi" after the deity who was sent by the sun goddess as an emissary to Japan to bring civilisation, justice and order to humans. https://mythopedia.com/japanese-mythology/gods/ninigi/

-Sent by the Sun God(dess)
-As an emissary to Wano Japan
-Had a pivotal role in building up the country
-Results in immigration to Japan

I'm sure you can draw the parallels. These ideas are all still present in the current Yamao with her guardian of Wano devil fruit, her attack names referencing the god of nation building and other guardian themes, etc.
Lol here you are straw manning here again.

Concepts don't mean anything in this context as Oda had done concepts for straw hats who looked nothing like their final designs before, like Franky for example was originally concepted as a midget fish-man. The very fact that Yamato has a concept design that is so different from her final design in the manga, goes to show that Oda put a lot more effort and thought than necessary for the normal One Piece character. Oda going out of his way to make Yamato look more unique and different than her original concept is a good thing. It means that Yamato is a much more important character than the other Wano characters, and only arc main characters joined the crew because they were important enough.

Meanwhile we have still yet to see Carrot's concept art, despite how long ago it has been since Oda introduced her into the story. Along with Oda naming a rabbit Carrot, the lack of thought, effort and consideration into Carrot's character design does not bode well for her chances as the next straw hat as Carrot is a simple character, and no straw hat who joined were simple characters.

As far as character design goes, I'd be more worried for Carrot instead of Yamato if I were you.
In fact, I thought the same.
Not gonna argue about it, but I really found weird those designs for a Mugi, and more strange if the Mugi was planned since the beginning...
mugis are actually planned since beginning, and Oda has planned which person will join. But editors sometimes giving suggestions that make Oda considers a character to join or not. This example was that Marguerite was supposed to join and she ate Neko-Neko DF
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