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just a case where oda is not being consistent
it was cool to have luffy do that for chapter 1000
but oda always likes luffy to struggle with the main villain
if all his attacks were ryou enhanced and damaging kaido the same way
the struggle factor really isnt there.

he will begin to damage kaido in similar fashion mid battle and we will all wonder why he lost the ryou between red roc and when he does.
Imo if Oda decides to make anyone reliable saying "Luffy is saving his barrier...why?!" And some even more reliable source responds "why do you think? His opponent is WSC itself! He cant allow himself to get careless with his haki! He developed such tactics to endure the battle of attrition?"etc instead of Oda leaving every explanation out since he is too busy hyping everyone lol


He has something extra. Zoro
I hope you wished for something other than ZKK before blowing out your birthday cake candles. Cause dat shit ain't happening dawg

gear 4 is now casual
he has something else up his sleeve
the moment luffy is spamming g4 for numbers
something is off
its no longer a finisher mode.
Exactly my point. It's too casual and the fight just started. Ryou isn't Luffy's endgame here. Gear 5 incoming please :steef:
Either G3 has more impact behind the attack(red roc is overall a red hawk version and in combination with ryou it was a overkill) and beeing better then the uppertier attacks of G4 or Kaido was defensless and didn't expect such attack.
Yeah i could see that..Kaido not thinking that Luffy could hurt he was defensless..after that he took Luffy seriously
For Elbaf I can see a alliance with BM and Loki so it would became more harder. Overall if BM survive this arc ofc.
I hope so cause the BMP would get trashed otherwise
Plot restriction. Luffy's G4 after Red Roc didnt even have any barrier haki in it, just for the sake of good-looking fanservice team combos lol. Also the realistic reasons are Luffy keeping it tame for dangerois situations such as hybrid dragon form, true mythical fish form instead of dragon form, and awakened true form.
Or he got blitz and he would of gotten overpowered.
shortly after meaning it literally happened in a space of 2 pages in the same chapter.......
No shortly after mean not immediately. tf u on about lol?? Any loophole u can get shit getting embarrassing. U claimed doffy was immediately downed by GK, which of course I proved didn’t happen. But like I said bias does ugly things to people....
let it be known the same chapter law lands the gamma knife
is the same chap doffy makes him realize he fails
He makes him realize by explaining how he countered it.

Which does nothing to contradict my claim. Since I’ve shown u the panel 3 or 4 times at this point. Law blatantly alludes to whatever doffy doing being ultimately irrelevant, primarily because of GK secondary effects. Directly proving ur random claims like “Law didn’t expect doffy to be standing”. as Bs u made up to support a wrong argument.

You’ve basically duck dodge ur way around that fact but it’s canon. if u acknowledge it or not irrelevant in the long run. Point is Law did not see doffy still standing an about to attack him, an think GK didn’t work. He basically outright says so what ur dead anyway (paraphrasing) In no way shape or form does that imply the effects are immediate or whatever random way ur trying to use “shortly after”...
yeah not short term at all . name calling still
you havent learned. I would just let the mods sort you out at this point.
hopefully u do, the constant bitching annoying at this point. Either dnt reply or get over it, ur too damn grown to be crying over name calling.
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The fact that g4 Luffy is barely doing anything to Kaido while G3 Luffy fucked him up is hella confusing
It did minimal damage bro. What are you talking about. Kaido been getting hurt this whole War. Only difference with G3 Kaido just taught it would do noting, but it actually hurt him. Afterwards Kaido just don't care.
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He deliberately not using barrier haki or internal destruction as well to accompany his G4, or else the effect to Kaidou will be much more tremendous than Red Roc.
Red Rock didn't do more than G4. Luffy has always been able to knock Kaido to the floor even before Odon. Kaido was just shock that he could do damage now, only after 2 weeks.
Maybe. I just have a hard time believing Adv Coa + Gear 4 will be enough to beat Kaido even 5 vs 2.

He needs something extra.
And i fully agree.

Imo it goes like this:

Kaidou seemingly cornered by the 5, then he unleashes all-out attack as a dragon. Flaming clouds and throwing islands around at the SNs etc.

Kidd-Law-Killer-Zoro fight those dragon ultis and fend them off. Zoro reopens Oden scar.

Kaidou enters hybrid mode. The SNs are getting cornered and heavily wounded. Luffy begins to fully use G4+barrier haki. He begin to close the gap, but Kaidou still corners him.

King arrives at the rooftop and picks an opponent. Can be Kidd, or Zoro. BM also focuses himself on the other 2 or 3 of the remaining opponent.

Finally, Luffy uses G4+internal destruction, and equals Hybrid Kaidou.

Hybrid Kaidou having the time of his life. Finally releases True Form of Mythical Fish Fastitocalon or Leviathan or whatever. Luffy enters G5.

So yea imo its still a long long battle. Luffy new WSC yea yea yea
It did minimal damage bro. What are you talking about. Kaido been getting hurt this whole War. Only difference with G3 Kaido just taught it would do noting, but it actually hurt him. Afterwards Kaido just don't care.
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Red Rock didn't do more than G4. Luffy has always been able to knock Kaido to the floor even before Odon. Kaido was just shock that he could do damage now, only after 2 weeks.
Red rock did more than g4 atm bro
He legit had kaido bleeding

Unlike any of his other attacks
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