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Hybtid is the best. Kaido's dragon form is absolute dogshit, Drake's full form is absolute dogshit, only mean of attack being his teeth, same for Sasaki, Mammoth any other zoan. It hasn't been debunked shit
they still prefer those form than hybrid, except for kaido even tho I said its his most durbale form not favored
I will be back later. These have to be the most no context spoilers I ever seen
Yep. Like it doesnt even explain why Sanji is "contemplating" going to Momo or the scabbards. Chances are he hears something over the announcement that reveals his location, but there's also the fact that Yamato is protecting him already, which makes him redundant since she made a whole proclamation about protecting him.
What speed buff? Lucci's hybrid form speed >>>>>>> full zoan form speed.
he's a maamal zoan nit a bird zoan.. look my point is.. with bird zoans their main form isn't that all buff.. so their hybrids are basically them morphing their hands into wings and legs into talons.. unlike maamal zoans who have a bulky main form and their hybrid form is more mobile and they retain durability from the fruit.. thats a key difference i personally see


Talent is something you make bloom.
There is some good information in FI and PH but content could have clearly been cut a lot more when you have as arc villains Caesar and Hody Jones type characters and get straight to the point, some Zou type of arc.

Same for Dressrosa, we didn't need 5 different flashbacks of Rebecca (exaggerating but you get the point about wasted panels and prioritizing panels).
FI is the last "skypie" style of arc we had. I think it served a good purpose of showcasing the fruits of the 2 year training. Also teases the conflicts with the Yonkos already. Hody is, just by himself, trash. But I think all the deal with racism, and influencing a new generation in a negative way message the arc had, made him quite a compelling antagonist.


I know the feeling I have the same feeling but we should watch how Oda keep going, alone the fact that Oda can draw actually a good fight at the rooftop give me the hope that the war ending very epic. I know people are little exhausted but I would look forward, I really expect soon the tension in the war rising.
I dont wanna be waiting another 100 chapters for more set ups and set ups

It is supposed to be a war arc but it has been a drama arc with build ups and plot conveniences, devices etc..
Kaido performance doesn't save Onigashima war which has been subpar and more like another DR arc.
That's because Kaido Weak,Meme weak
Haven't you seen the pattern
Time-skip, Weak Hody,Weak Ceaser,Yonko Commander Doffy,Yonko Commander Kuri, Yonko Big mom, Yonko Kaido,YOnkos, than admirals
the admirals fights will be the best
Kaido performance doesn't save Onigashima war which has been subpar and more like another DR arc.
Not evena war!
idk whats with people and generalizing shonen.. i mean i get there are tropes.. but how a certain plot is executed blatantly depends on the author and his notions of the plot and how he/she go about it and not the genre itself.
That's because Kaido Weak,Meme weak
Haven't you seen the pattern
Time-skip, Weak Hody,Weak Ceaser,Yonko Commander Doffy,Yonko Commander Kuri, Yonko Big mom, Yonko Kaido,YOnkos, than admirals
the admirals fights will be the best
When the time comes you will also say that the adirmal ares weak just because they aren't fodderizing like the use to do pre time skip.
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