Who will Knock Out Sanji?

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This means that the entire raid could end up in failure and there will be a future confrontation between the SH's and BP in the future but they are not ready to defeat a Yonko crew just yet. They need to build their crew and let notorious ppl to join and gain more territory
Even if the raid completely fails, that will only mean a delayed final battle in Wano (i.e. a regrouping and fight a few hours or days after Onigashima lands). With the amount of build-up and themes set up (Oden's will, the promise to Tama, Momo rising up to partially fill his father's shoes, etc.) there is no way Kaido isn't defeated this arc.

It's just a question of how fast the transition to the Final encounter will be. Quick bounce-back after a twist or a counter-attack after the raid fails.


Talent is something you make bloom.
But... Zoro says Luffy will win. Followed by him Luffy then instantly lost. So Zoro wasnt right in his analysis and strength comparison. Obviously. :sus:
Bu-bu-but zkk....


Or course Luffy will win. But since Kaido is a onde dimensional character hyped purely because of his strenght and "1v1" thing, you gotta hype that up before letting Luffy beat him. So it feels more impressive.
Not rocket science. If people want to hammer that into their heads or not, that's their problem. :kayneshrug:
So the fact that every week, for months, you have been preaching that Zoro will fight King no matter the content of the chapter nor the character’s dialogue is acceptable and does not make you act as a cult member because you said « likely »? Even tho you were acting as if it will happen for sure.

Don’t you think is a bit hypocritical ?
Don't spin this rhetoric on me. I've never tried to sear into people's brains that ZORO VS KING IS THE ONLY WAY.

I had my exact theory the entire raid. I said Zoro will probably fight King because he's the #2. Then Zoro went the roof and I said Kaido will probably be left to Luffy and Zoro will probably fight King. Now Zoro is back down and I'm still saying he'll probably fight King. Ive never sat here and told people they are wrong unless they try and tell me im wrong first wirh flimsy arguments.

So no, I've never said it's "happening for sure", and that's the point. Until Zoro explicitly says he's fighting King or clashes with him and Zoro draws a "vs" box then we cannot know for sure.

Now, I said Zoro vs Kaido is dead because Zoro himself says he'll leave it to Luffy. But again, it was my opinion until @nik87 decided they wanted to have an argument about it
lol, while I am "a cultist" you are the prime example of a denier. No matter what Oda throws in your face, you still dont believe it.
The only ones having a hard time will be the deniers who after 100+ of Wano chapters havent learned not to be against Zoro.
Yes, he is taking his glory because this is Zoro's arc. The MC can look for his glory vs Big Mom. Oda didnt bring her for nothing. :yasu:
Yes, I am giving you exactly what you need, a reality check - ZKK isnt over until it happens. If we leave Wano and Kaido is still alive then you can say something, until then you are just digging your own grave.

My eggs are in the ZKK basket, you put yours wherever you prefer, it will not stop Zoro from killing Kaido.
We are not believing anything that Oda didnt establish himself but good luck with denying it.
I will make sure to check on you when it happens. Dont run away.
I mean Oda literally had Zoro and Sanji say to leave it to Luffy and they should go somewhere else but sure I'm the one in denial :kayneshrug:

I'll be right here bro. I could care less of I'm wrong, just don't be sad if the last 2 years of your life was spent worshipping nothing
oda really done luffy dirty. getting koed after promising zoro and law to win.

and BM killstealing namis prey after that huge cliffhanger last week.
It's "tension"

Zoro literally says to believe in Luffy the same chapter he loses to Crocodile the first time lol. Luffy himself claims he'd beat Crocodile the 2nd time only to lose again

People speak way too soon when we don't know anything about the next 10 chapters
Oh don't worry, we are not talking about Luffy but about what Zoro meant in chapter 1010. When Zoro said that if he keeps fighting calm he would just be wasting 'it'.

It seems that to some people Zoro has unlimited haki and doesn't need to have to worry about using a sword that draws haki everytime he uses it. Since he has unlimited haki he can't be exhausted by that, therefore it's nonsense that Zoro says he would be wasting haki if he uses it slowly and that's definitely not the reason to why he used all he had(Ashura) in one attack instead of using it slowly because he would definitely do great damage to Kaidou if he uses it slowly(notice the sarcasm please)
Thats a blatant contradiction on their end..

and yea i noticed it lol


Kitetsu Wanker
I mean Oda literally had Zoro and Sanji say to leave it to Luffy and they should go somewhere else but sure I'm the one in denial :kayneshrug:

I'll be right here bro. I could care less of I'm wrong, just don't be sad if the last 2 years of your life was spent worshipping nothing
Yes, yes. X character said this, Y character said that... What matters is what actually happens.
Zoro is killing Kaido. Make no mistake, it is happening, nothing has ever been that obvious.
You are just one of many who follow the direction in which the wind blows on weekly basis.
That is why you jump from left to right and back, hundreds of times during the same arc.
It will be nice to hear your explanation why you were wrong despite Zoro leaving it to Luffy. :myman:
Yes, yes. X character said this, Y character said that... What matters is what actually happens.
Zoro is killing Kaido. Make no mistake, it is happening, nothing has ever been that obvious.
You are just one of many who follow the direction in which the wind blows on weekly basis.
That is why you jump from left to right and back, hundreds of times during the same arc.
It will be nice to hear your explanation why you were wrong despite Zoro leaving it to Luffy. :myman:
I've literally never said anything but Zoro vs King this entire arc bro, just like you with your ZKK nonsense. The difference is I don't actually press my agenda on other people. I don't create temples to suck off Zoro. I don't conveniently hype one character to justify my own narrative.

I accept the story and move on, that's it. Will you?
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