What will happen till end of Wano?

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Not exactly a fan of the thing with Momo (would rather Marco had picked up Luffy, though the visual of sludgy riding on a dragon as he arrives to fight Kaido will be cool as hell), but I’m definitely excited about the Zoro-Shimotsuki tease. His potential connection to the Shimotsuki, along with Orochi’s, is why I had thought it was far more likely to kill Orochi than Kaido (which is not and has never been legit or credible). Super excited to hear about it, when it’s finally revealed. Also, info about King seems cool as well. Amped to see this fight as well. And it looks like the raid suit has been messing with or affecting Sanji in some subtle way, it’ll be interesting to see what exactly they do to the body.

All that and the upcoming popularity spreads make for a good chapter!

Totally super hype for Sanji to use his abilities to be a
Part of ur post is missing :p
It's just PIS. Of course our man Kaido is most likely the only big deal around but Oda seems to adapt powers levels to the situation depending on what plot demands.

I.E. Mihawk vs Vista for example
But oda is consistent with mihawk tho, he only bullying small fries while didnt win against a proper fighter such as shanks, vista. He cant even put a lovebite on jozu.

oda is consistent
Oh I'm well aware that Momo is gonna be way more relevant to the story, specially because I still think he's Uranus, the second sovereign mentioned by the sea kings in oden's flashback, destined to meet Shirahoshi and make something happen, bla bla bla.
"Adult Momo" is still not something I'm a fan.
Not in a million years.
Shitty Lambo.
I don’t mind Momo being Uranus, but it would be too much imo. Tho on Momo turning into an adult it’s a matter that was hinting for a long time as welll it’s only justified to happen 20 years of his life was taking away and got stuck as a child, it’s not the same as Kin who was already in his 30s
- Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him if he is part of X race (korean leaker doesn't give the name).
- After this, we see King's face implying that Queen speaks of King's race.

- Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems there is a "land of gods" on the Red Line").

Sanji is a freaking god :kobeha:
Maybe not momo. Hiyori has to do something
She could have the ame no habikiri

Momos gonna lift onigashima
Tengu should have it. I think 954/955 Tengu tried to give it to Momo but he told him to hold onto it.

Idk, considering it's his inherited sword I would assume it would be him but I definitely wouldn't rule out Hiyori. But yeah someone has to get it from Tengu, unless it happened offscreen
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