Zoro :-
1 - Born with bullshit CoC 1 in a million power that allows him to be top tier
2 - Possesses Legendary top-tier swords that help him massively
3 - Trained by the WSS - Who is Yonko level or higher, for 2 years
4 - 99% chance he has some legendary hertiage - Son of Green Bull or descendant of Ryuuma
5 - Can somehow use Adv CoC with Asura even though he barely started using normal CoC, but he's "gifted"
6 - Spends all his time training to becoming the strongest
7 - Oda constantly sucks his Marimo d!ck
Zoro's fans :- "wOW dAdDY zORo iS sO cOoL sElF-maDE UsEs cOoL sWorDs fReAkiNG aWesOme!!!!"
Sanji :-
1 - Wasn't born with any bullshit powers like CoC
2 - His biological family were so weak that had to edit their genetics just to get stomped by naturally genetically superior BM and her family
3 - His "training" was literally running away from queers because he didn't want to get sexually assaulted
4 - Doesn't give a fuck about training that much because his main job is to cook not fight like Zoro
5 - Oda treats him like shit, barely gives him any power-ups, barely gives him cool moments or bullshit powers like Zoro and Luffy
6 - Finally recieves the first deserved power-up in the series after being reduced to a gag character for long and fighting his ass off with zero special powers like Luffy and Zoro
Zoro's Fans : "OMG fUcK OdA!! lOoK aT tHaT lOsER weAk saNji hE IS cArRieD bY hIS fAtHeR uNliKe oUr vERy vERy stronK cOoL ZoWoo!!!!"