He’s not certain where his heart is... Which implies there’s a possibility the technique miss its target. Thus wasn’t as as effective as possible. Tho the attack still clearly effected Kaido. As we can literally see visually, as well as Kaido confirms. The power was simply wasn’ enough to do real damage.
We literally have direct confirmation Attacks that bypass durability are effective against Kaido. So all of this is nonsense to begin with. Law attack are canonical effective against Kaido. This no if ans or buts
That sure didn't strike Law when they just stood there thinking about how their attacks aren't working on him.
u know damn well that’s simply plot nonsense
Except we literally saw Law land GK and fail. It was further confirmed when all but Luffy stopped fighting to think of a strategy.
Ur not making any sense. Failed what? It shown hurting Kaido marginally. Injection shot an attack with the same principal, also hurts Kaido enough that he found it troublesome.. it’s also a weaker attack then GK Use common sense.