Drake has been fighting a fucked up Apoo(by Zoro's shishin sonson + his own sneak attack in zoan form) for 30 chapter+, and now he agrees to an alliance
> Killer can tank Big Mom's indra and fulgora, injure Kaido more than than Law's dressrosa ultimate attack, and even his weakened version(after fighting 2 yonko on the rooftop) came down to clean house with Hawkins's max doll supply very quickly until using Kid as an hostage, and even after sacrificing himself to avoid Kid getting injured, he fucked him up the moment he found the solution to hurt him without getting injured
> Law's Wano power up allows him to fuck up BM from inside out, and that after the rooftop fight against 2 yonko
> Zoro can temporarily block hakai, with his asura(enhanced with adcoc) capable to scar Kaido
> Kid's awakening can turn Big Mom into an attracting magnet, turning her into a bully
> Luffy can do skysplitting with kaid
Further proof that the rooftop 5 are built different
