I think she is definitely one of the pretties girls of One Piece. Reiju should have been blonde.
Btw did you know that in the Party manga (approved by Oda) Zoro actually saw Hancock naked not once but twice !
Marimo did not even flinch and was looking for the exit lol. She tried her love beam but was completely ineffective !
I don't think Zoro is either asexual or gay he is just the boss of self control and discipline.
Definitely! Reiju is gorgeous and definitely takes after her mother! Sanji definitely gets his good lucks more from Sora too!
I've only read a few Party chapters (the Enies Lobby one with "Robin" was HILARIOUS!) so I've not heard about Zoro and Hancock, WTF LMFAO!? How did that happen?! Did he get lost and found himself on their island? Hahahaha! Also twice?! In the same chapter or so too?
Her beam didn't work on Zoro?!

I completely agree too, I do think he has far too much self control/discipline/willpower/focus etc and thus he doesn't show or feel lust, much like actual monks. Well I heard recently monks keep themselves as busy as possible with training, exercise, chores and such to prevent boredom and lecherous thoughts too? I wouldn't be surprised if Zoro was intentionally practising chastity tbh!
It's funny too as he's had so much physical contact with women, especially Hiyori ofc and he's had great chemistry with them too, although not in a seemingly romantic sense (except they both seem like tsunderes to each other imo LMAO, at least some of the women and Zoro I mean). Zoro feels very pure as a person and in his ideals, even "innocent" in some ways. Him and Luffy are very similar in that regard at least, but Luffy just seems far too fixated on adventure, having nakama, wanting to be Pirate King, meat and so on ofc?
I've actually seen people shipping Luffy and Yamato now and I think it's actually quite a wonderful pairing personality wise, I think they really suit each other! She's not as old as Hancock so less of an age gap too (but still a big one ofc) and she is much bigger though, Toki and Oden all over again? LMAO!
Seriously though, I wish I could be like Zoro and not be tainted/tempted by such desires! But they do make life more fun in some ways too! That double edged sword of having such desires!
Thank you for that info anyway, it was very enlightening and entertaining!