What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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It doesn't make sense for zoro to make enma black in a few days, wado ichimonji deserves it
Do you think that turning a sword black is more of a ratio (the quantity of Haki needed, which would explain enma being used) thing or the repeated use of Haki on a sword? If its the later, you think there's armour, staffs and guns that have been turned black? 👀
No I mean, the current from his shock wille may affect the Homies or something - kinda like how Brook affects them. You need some special abilities to do that right?
No indication whatsoever Law has said special ability tho. Whereas we know canonical DF users can lose control after sustaining heavy damage.
Meme was electrocuted from the inside. Kaido wasn't. The smoke is there right?
Not sure what relevance this has? The effects nonetheless are drastically different
Meme also flipped around immediately and was about to hit Law when Kid came in clutch.
Kaido was still standing an could immediately use TB after asura. Does that mean he hadn’t sustain heavy damage?

Also Meme can’t fly.... So what are u using to imply she about to attack Law?? She turns around pissed, literally in the middle of free falling. We visibly see prometheus not supporting her anymore!!! Kids assign doesn’t really become relevant until later, it needs prep time. Law simply dodges before she can do anything.
Am not really convinced about the heavy damage that make the homies disable explanation though, let's see what happened this chapter. I'll take the L if i'm wrong though.
Thats cool, I dnt see the disconnect. It’s literally all in the panels. If we take meme spoiler statements. An apply our once piece knowledge, we know tiny drops of blood isn’t how heavy damage represented. Whereas Meme losing control of her abilities temporarily fits the bill pretty solidly.
btw just look at the amount of parallels b/w Injection Shot and Shock Wille bro XD
- both on the neck of a durability hyped yonko
- both when another supernova catches the attention and is about to be hit by a yonko
- both make the yonko bleed from mouth.
Similar sure, tho I think I’ve already made clear the noticeable difference in damage represented with shock wille at this point.
Thanks to Redon:
- Drake declines Apoo's invitation.

Of course this was going to happen! Drake has allied with the Strawhats. Ontop of Koby selling them to him, Law is also allied to them and they took down Doflamingo! Apoo is a snake in the grass just waiting for his chance and has a weak offer on the table. It's impossible to tell when Drake and Apoo stopped fighting, but it had to have been for a while now since they basically dipped away from the chaotic live floor and Apoo looked way too comfortable in his chair to have just sat down.

With Drake's declining of Apoo's offer, we may have a tremendous fight on our hands. Please show some new moves if this is so Drake!! 🙏

- Yamato breaks into the place where they are and the Numbers "Fugue" goes after Yamato.
Now this is very interesting! Drake and Apoo's responses probably are shock / surprised if they even recognize Yamato in full Zoan form, but we shall see.

- CP0 arrives where Robin and Brook are to capture Robin.
- Spies wearing masks are on a different level from the rest.
Oh shit ! CPO on the move!! If Robin gets captured, I'd love to see Drake tag along (with Law as well) to continue to help the Strawhats out. We just gotta wait and see how it turns out, but I'm excited.

- Break Next Week

Although, I've seen Drake in two chapters back to back and he reacted like I thought he would so I'm happy.


The Honoured One
law needs massive reinforcements if the goal is to ever become an emperor
its not so much about just his individual strength
hopefully more join kid's crew as well.

look at luffy's with the possibility of yamato joining in.
post wano
jinbei at n5
that is insane.
Bar killer, both crews combined, (infact combine all other 10 supernova crews), they still haven't got anyone that can outright rival even Franky.

Worrying times if these pirates are the so called rivals for the one piece.
I don't get if with "Fan-Favorite Fights (especially Zoro & Sanji" you mean that One of these future fights is Zoro vs Sanji?
Or you mean other matchups?
@Salah WG Thanks man, I hope next arc will be only focused on SH.
Well, i will mention Zoro Fight for now: (Please read everything)

Zoro's Animal Theme is Tiger, however that isn't Accurate
Zoro to be Exact is associated with Four Beings ---> Shark - Tiger - Dragon & finally Demon
First Three represent Sea - Land - Sky while Demon represent the Whole Three
This is clearly demonstrated by Zoro's Asura where Zoro becomes Three Persons in One, & also him being a Santoryu User

Zoro's entire Journey is about reaching this Demon Level & he must do that by Surpassing the other Three
For now, his Asura is not Fully Mastered & once he does so, it won't show as Three Persons, but he will appear as Singular but with Asura AP & Stats


Post-TS, there were Three Major Arcs (For Zoro, so WCI doesn't count), they are: Fishmen Island, Dressrosa & Wano
The Rest were just Tie-Ins to these Major Three Arcs. Fishmen Island represents Water Island, Dressrosa represents Earth Island & Onigashima Raid represent Sky Island

Remember Zoro's Animals i just mentioned?
Well, Zoro fought Hody in Fishmen Island who represent Great White Shark, he also fought Fujitora in Dressrosa who represent Tiger & also fought Kaido who represent Dragon, however they were all Short Fights. His real Victories were against their Allies:

Hyouzou ---> Fishmen Island Swordsman ---> Represents Water Blade User
Pica ---> Dressrosa Golem ---> Represents Earth/Land Blade User
King ---> Onigashima Bird ---> Represents Sky Blade User


So Zoro's Fights are following his Animal Themes & Three Planes of Land, Sea & Air.
This kind of Treatment also happened Pre-TS, where Zoro fought Hatchan, Mr. 1 & Ohm (Who represent Water, Land & Sky)
After these, it was Enies Lobby Fight, who was his opponent? It was Kaku?

Do you know what's interesting about Kaku? He is Combination of all Three
Hatchan Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "More Swords"
Mr. 1 Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "Hard to Cut Body"
Ohm Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "Higher Range"

Kaku Fight was literally Combination of these Three Challenges, he was Four-Sword Style User + He kept Switching between Tekkai & Normal Mode to make Zoro's BOAT not work & he kept damaging Zoro with Ranged Attacks (He is Rankyaku Specialist), and conveniently, it was the Fight where Zoro unlocked Asura which as i said before, represents Zoro's Trion Spirit

This is also why Zoro is associated with the Cross & Jesus References, he was Found on a Cross, the Two Shichibukai who Defeated him (Mihawk & Kuma) had Cross & Bible respectively, when he fell on Mihawk's Island, he found Giant Cross, after Roof Battle he was bandaged in Cross Form & while he was like that, the Shogi Table showed Alliance in Cross Shape.
That's because Zoro just like Christianity represents a Trion Spirited Individual, but in this case it's about Water/Shark, Land/Tiger, Sky/Dragon which combine to create a Demon.

Also this explains why when Oda was asked to give DFs to rest of SHs, he said Zoro would have Kaido's DF, but Oda prefers to give it to One of his Swords, cuz as i said Zoro = Demon & his Santoryu = Three Strongest Animals/Three Realms


So based on this, after King & before Final War (In other words, before Zoro is Finally Prepared to free the World with Luffy)
There are still Two Fights for him to Fully Master his Willpower (Btw, after Mihawk Defeated Zoro, he didn't tell him Train or improve your Swordsmanship to Surpass Me, he told him to Master his Will !!! Cuz Mihawk saw Zoro's Trion Spirit which is an Overwhelming Form of CoC & knew that this is the Man who if he masters his CoC, can be the Fight he dreams of)

These Two Fights are:
Someone who represents Sea, Land & Sky & by Slaying him, it means Zoro has completed First Part of his Journey, which is Conquering Animal Kingdom (This is also why Zoro have Attacks named after more than a Dozen Animal)

Conveniently there is a Guy who not only is known as Strongest in Sea, Land & Sky, not only he is Fish + Man + Dragon, not only he is a Demon/Oni, not only he is Leader of Animal Kingdom/Beasts Pirates, but he is actually not far from Zoro currently & Half OP Fandom have already stated Dozens of Reasons why Zoro will Kill him. It's obviously "Kaido"


As for the Second Fight, it's someone who is Combination of Hyouzou, Pica & King
Someone who also represent Demon + Sea/Land/Sky Creatures
The reason this Fight exist even though Zoro is gonna Slay Kaido is for same reason Zoro clashed with Hody & Fujitora
It's cuz the First Fight wasn't Fully Fair or against the Opponent in his Strongest Form, while Second One is Fair Fight

Zoro Defeating Hody, Clashing with Fuji & Slaying Kaido aren't Fully Fair Fights & not against them in All Out Mode
But Hyouzou, Pica & King are Fair 1 v 1 Fights where Zoro proves his Superiority at the end

Just like Kaku had Advantages of Hatchan + Mr. 1 + Ohm
This Character also have Advantages of these Characters:

1. Hyouzou Fight was very Short, but what stands out about him was Using "Poison"
2. Pica Fight wasn't Short but it was Long, because Pica was "Hiding behind Stone"
3. King Fight seem to be Difficult, and what's challenging about it is "Versatility & Brutal Aggression"

Do you know who is Character who uses Poison + Untouchable due to Hiding behind something + is Versatile & Very Brutal like King??
Someone who represents a Demon? Someone who is King of Hell/Devils just like Kaido is King of Beasts, so Zoro must Surpass him?
It's none other than "Magellan" !!!

And guess what? Magellan have Four Major Techniques:
Hydra ---> Which Translates to Poison "Dragon"
Doku Fugu ---> Which Translates to Poison Blow"Fish"
Doku Gumo ---> Which Translates to Poison "Spider"

All three representing Sky, Sea & Land
And finally Magellan's Ultimate Technique which is Venom "Demon" (Jigoku No Shinpan)
He is literally made to Fight Zoro


Other two Fights are Equally Exciting !!!
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Some of these Sanji fans are legit blind fam,Raid suit Elevated Sanji onto a whole new level within the top tiers and these man would rather prefer him without in base forms where he is too slow to dodge big Mom fodder pirates,Holy Shit and when asked they come up with excuses for all those poor displays.

@Chrono @stealthblack @Kuro Ashi come collect your men cuz they ain’t making any sense.
Fuck the trash suit. Current Sanji bodies RS Sanji.
Well, i will mention Zoro Fight for now: (Please read everything)

Zoro's Animal Theme is Tiger, however that isn't Accurate
Zoro to be Exact is associated with Four Beings ---> Shark - Tiger - Dragon & finally Demon
First Three represent Sea - Land - Sky while Demon represent the Whole Three
This is clearly demonstrated by Zoro's Asura where Zoro becomes Three Persons in One, & also him being a Santoryu User

Zoro's entire Journey is about reaching this Demon Level & he must do that by Surpassing the other Three
For now, his Asura is not Fully Mastered & he once he does so, it won't show as Three Persons, but he will appear as Singular but with Asura AP & Stats


Post-TS, Zoro there were Three Major Arcs (For Zoro, so WCI doesn't count), they are: Fishmen Island, Dressrosa & Wano
The Rest were just Tie-Ins to these Major Three Arcs. Fishmen Island represents Water Island, Dressrosa represents Earth Island & Onigashima Raid represent Sky Island

Remember Zoro's Animals i just mentioned?
Well, Zoro fought Hody in Fishmen Island who represent Great White Shark, he also fought Fujitora in Dressrosa who represent Tiger & also fought Kaido who represent Dragon, however they were all Short Fights. His real Victories were against their Allies:

Hyouzou ---> Fishmen Island Swordsman ---> Represents Water Blade User
Pica ---> Dressrosa Golem ---> Represents Earth/Land Blade User
King ---> Onigashima Bird ---> Represents Sky Blade User


So Zoro's Fights are following his Animal Themes & Three Planes of Land, Sea & Air.
This kind of Treatment also happened Pre-TS, where Zoro fought Hatchan, Mr. 1 & Ohm (Who represent Water, Land & Sky)
After these, it was Enies Lobby Fight, who was his opponent? It was Kaku?

Do you know what's interesting about Kaku? He is Combination of all Three
Hatchan Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "More Swords"
Mr. 1 Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "Hard to Cut Body"
Ohm Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "Higher Range"

Kaku Fight was literally Combination of these Three Challenges, he was Four-Sword Style User + He kept Switching between Tekkai & Normal Mode to make Zoro's BOAT not work & he kept damaging Zoro with Ranged Attacks (He is Rankyaku Specialist), and conveniently, it was the Fight where Zoro unlocked Asura which as i said before, represents Zoro's Trion Spirit

This is also why Zoro is associated with the Cross & Jesus References, he was Found on a Cross, the Two Shichibukai who Defeated him (Mihawk & Kuma) had Cross & Bible respectively, when he fell on Mihawk's Island, he found Giant Cross, after Roof Battle he was bandaged in Cross Form & while he was like that, the Shogi Table showed Alliance in Cross Shape.
That's because Zoro just like Christianity represents a Trion Spirited Individual, but in this case it's about Water/Shark, Land/Tiger, Sky/Dragon which combine to create a Demon


So based on this, after King & before Final War (In other words, before Zoro is Finally Prepared to free the World with Luffy)
There are still Two Fights for him to Fully Master his Willpower (Btw, after Mihawk Defeated Zoro, he didn't tell him Train or improve your Swordsmanship to Surpass Me, he told him to Master his Will !!! Cuz Mihawk saw Zoro's Trion Spirit which is an Overwhelming Form of CoC & knew that this is the Man who if he masters his CoC, can be the Fight he dreams of)

These Two Fights are:
Someone who represents Sea, Land & Sky & by Slaying him, it means Zoro has completed First Part of his Journey, which is Conquering Animal Kingdom (This is also why Zoro have Attacks named after more than a Dozen Animal)

Conveniently there is a Guy who not only is known as Strongest in Sea, Land & Sky, not only he is Fish + Man + Dragon, not only he is a Demon/Oni, not only he is Leader of Animal Kingdom/Beasts Pirates, but he is actually not far from Zoro currently & Half OP Fandom have already stated Dozens of Reasons why Zoro will Kill him. It's obviously "Kaido"


As for the Second Fight, it's someone who is Combination of Hyouzou, Pica & King
Someone who also represent Demon + Sea/Land/Sky Creatures
The reason this Fight exist even though Zoro is gonna Slay Kaido is for same reason Zoro clashed with Hody & Fujitora
It's cuz the First Fight wasn't Fully Fair or against the Opponent in his Strongest Form, while Second One is Fair Fight

Zoro Defeating Hody, Clashing with Fuji & Slaying Kaido aren't Fully Fair Fights & not against them in All Out Mode
But Hyouzou, Pica & King are Fair 1 v 1 Fights where Zoro proves his Superiority at the end

Just like Kaku had Advantages of Hatchan + Mr. 1 + Ohm
This Character also have Advantages of these Characters:

1. Hyouzou Fight was very Short, but what stands out about him was Using "Poison"
2. Pica Fight wasn't Short but it was Long, because Pica was "Hiding behind Stone"
3. King Fight seem to be Difficult, and what's challenging about it is "Versatility & Brutal Aggression"

Do you know who is Character who uses Poison + Untouchable due to Hiding behind something + is Versatile & Very Brutal like King??
Someone who represents a Demon? Someone who is King of Hell/Devils just like Kaido is King of Beasts, so Zoro must Surpass him?
It's none other than "Magellan" !!!

And guess what? Magellan have Four Major Techniques:
Hydra ---> Which Translates to Poison "Dragon"
Doku Fugu ---> Which Translates to Poison Blow"Fish"
Doku Gumo ---> Which Translates to Poison "Spider"

All three representing Sky, Sea & Land
And finally Magellan's Ultimate Technique which is Venom "Demon" (Jigoku No Shinpan)
He is literally made to Fight Zoro


Other two Fights are Equally Exciting !!!
I'd be down with Zoro fighting the Impel Down trifecta (assuming King is related to ID still...)
Some of these Sanji fans are legit blind fam,Raid suit Elevated Sanji onto a whole new level within the top tiers and these man would rather prefer him without in base forms where he is too slow to dodge big Mom fodder pirates,Holy Shit and when asked they come up with excuses for all those poor displays.

@Chrono @stealthblack @Kuro Ashi come collect your men cuz they ain’t making any sense.
Sanji threw this away because he'll awake something much stronger - ie. Lunarian DNA by unlocking COC too (just the basic stuff). That's my thought at least.
I really ate this shit

I think Diable Jambe quite literally isnt flames, its passion personified as flames.

As of now Diable Jambe has had 3 forms….

Form 1: Heat Form

Form 2: Flame Form

Form 3: Star Form

Pre Timeskip Sanji used Heat form primarily, however he showed signs that he could access his flame form, shown by him just combusting into flames and what not. Post Timeskip his mastery became better, and his normal DJ form became Flame form…..however he’s shown twice to be able to access Star Form. Both times we see he uses access to a sad memory, that gets him angry enough to use it. And we see that Star form has intense heat damage….

As we can see here, DJ isnt a primarily flame form like most think. It goes from Heat -> Flame -> Star….-> ? Showing that Sanji’s passion keeps on taking different forms the angrier he is. And the more angrier he is….the hotter he is.

Now keeping in fact that DJ keeps on progressing more and more, could we have a 4th form ? Oda has shown foreshadowing to this in fact with this statement.

He states his passion will surpass flame. Now we know he has a flame form, this could hint that he will go above it. Now could that mean just using his Star Form all the time as a PU…..or does that statement also show hints to DJ’s fourth form.

Diable Jambe quite literally means Devil Leg. And with each stage hes progressed through a different lvl of heat.

- Pure Heat
- Flame Heat
- Star Heat

Seeing as the Devil is from Hell, and “ruler”? of it….I could think its possible that his Passion gets a “Hell” form. Seeing as Hell is stated to be the hottest place ever as well.

But you may think what about Hell’s Memories ? Well yes that move exists, however just like how Pre Timeskip Full Body flames hinted at a DJ Flame form Pre-Timeskip. Same way I believe Hell Memories, is hinting at a DJ Hell form.

But how would it look….

I think these full DJ forms are the key to seeing that.

The Pre Timeskip one looked like, pure flames

However Hell’s Memories one is kinda different….

Much more sporadic, going in all directions, circular, even more mythical looking. Which is what I see the Hell Form of DJ looking like. Just an irregular, circular giant fire ball on Sanji’s Leg. Which is intensely hot, and insane Attack Power. The AP and AoE he does with it would casually be the same as Hells Memories, or above.

Now once Sanji’s RS unlocks something, it may unlock the full potential of his DJ.
Time for HM to focus within his legs only.
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