True there were so many factions and characters introduced in this arc its crazy . However, Oda seems to be hinting at a larger and a shift to a more Zoro centric arc. Even with the last chapter, I believe we are only scratching at the surface. We still need to know what happened to Ushimaru and how Zoro got to East Blue. Kozaburo's life as pirate is purposefully left as a mystery.
Absolutely. This chapter was moreso about highlighting the purpose of Enma in Zoro's growth. It makes the later revelations that much more exciting.
I don't know how much more Oda plans on delving into Kozaburo's past after this chapter, as most of the essential details were covered, save his reasons for leaving the country, that may be handled in a larger flashback of someone else's. Hopefully it is the extended Zoro/Shimotsuki flashback. Perhaps shedding light onto Yasu's relationship with Ushimaru, how Zoro made into the East Blue, Tashigi and Kuina's connection, and maybe a light look at Ryuma during his time.
I am happy that Zoro is not becoming stronger because of Hiyori's shamisen. My god that would have been Naruto level of bad writing and I would have Sangwooed Oda out of a glass bridge if he pulled that crap. I am happy that the key to becoming one with a katana is to understand its nature. The way Marimo tames Enma literally parallels the way he does it with Wado Ichimonji in my Zoro vs Mihawk fan-fiction which is awesome.
It's exactly as I thought ever since Hitetsu revealed the creator of Enma. That sword is a legacy of the Shimotsuki, and it will be a Shimotsuki who puts it to best use by turning it black.
It was never about Oden or Hiyori, or goodness forbid, Zoro and Hiyori

. It was about Zoro and his swords. Enma wishes to fight by Zoro's side, but not while he doubts himself, and its outbursts were a wakeup call for him. The key to becoming the strongest swordsman is to become one with the blade. And the Shimotsuki believe that most strongly, as they choose to bury themselves with their blades. It feels quite fitting that Ryuma's corpse was completely burned to ash, leaving only Shusui. A blade he marked with his will, his spirit.
And yeah, it's very akin to your story. It almost feels like Oda may have been stalking you for ideas. lol
I think deep down Tashigi has always admired Zoro's strength and courage in Loguetown but its never told to us explicitly. He is pretty much the samurai she wishes to become much like Marimo wanted to be as strong as Kuina.
Yeah, there is Loguetown, but I feel Punk Hazard was when she truly gained respect for him. Their first meeting was under the pretense they were both just sword enthusiasts, which washed away as soon she learned he was a Pirate. She couldn't separate him from other thugs who used swords for dishonorable purposes. And in Alabasta, she mostly let the Straw Hats go as it would be shameful to turn them in when she failed to put a stop to Crocodile and his plans.
She's still unaware that the two of them are more alike than she believes. But Zoro knows. lol
Speaking of CLOY, I would love Nami telling Zoro that Tashigi went through a lot of trouble to save Momo, Tama, and her. Then Marimo actually shows his real kinder side to our captain when he is feeling better.
Nami playing matchmaker. I can totally see that. Reminds me of Kagome trying to hook up Sango and Miroku in Inuyasha.