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Yeah even though I’m a Luffy fan. Did not like this revelation about Luffy being Joyboy (literally like reincarnation and his DF being suddenly special).
I don't think it's reincarnation. Joy Boy isn't literally back. It's just that Luffy has the same fruit. It's awakened for the first time in 800 years.
Zunesha will recognize it's Joy Boy's inheritor rather than his actual comrade.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
With this chapter, one quality that I'm really starting to appreciate with Yamato is just how mentally tough she is. She's faced a lot of obstacles since she's been introduced yet she has not cracked under the pressure at all. She's shown to be extremely reliable in dangerous and chaotic situations which is really nice to see from a potential crew mate.
I think we should wait for the next chapter/s to get the real explanation of Luffy's revival before letting our assumptions decide whether it was good that Luffy revived/reincarnated etc. and the manner in which it was done. One thing though is that in multiple panels Luffy's eyes have gone dark, and Kaido assumed that Luffy is dead since he could no longer see/sense the light that never leaves Luffy's eyes. I think it is a pretty similar depiction to show that Luffy is near death like the Grim Reaper depiction for showing Zoro near death.

Not too mad about the destined/chosen one thing, cause if you look at it in the entirety we have seen Luffy's struggles for the past 1042 chapters, never giving up, getting his will broken and always bouncing back but no one can deny that he has the best luck (arguably along with Zoro) in the manga, people can call it whatever they want plot armor etc. I just don't want Luffy to get a powerup that is just too much like Naruto and Sasuke after this revival, we can all pretty much agree that Luffy is getting a powerup but I just hope Oda doesn't do what Kishi did with Nartuo and Sasuke.

The CP0 guy went from being one of the most hated and despised to one of the most respected in just a couple of chapters. Maybe his comment on envying Drake has more to it than we thought. But it seems that they still have the control over their own decisions and just did what needed to be done, I don't think Lucci was being controlled like this guy.

Good character moment for Yamato and even Momo (the boy is still mentally an 8 year old and yet is so thoughtful about his actions and how they will affect the others). But I would say that Yamato seems a little underwhelming as a fighter now, I think nobody would disagree now that Kaido was not as serious about killing Yamato as he was in this fight. Kaido was just trying to beat some sense into his daughter and being an Oni his parenting methods are pretty brutal. Yamato is strong but she did not have the spirit that she could take down Kaido back then and even now is thinking of dying and accepting defeat (something a little uncharacteristic of the SHPs).

And lastly Kaido is indeed the World's Strongest Creature and the only ones capable of fighting him in a 1v1 are WB, Roger & Garp until we get more feats or portrayal for other characters. Big Mom was a massive disappointment as a fighter compared to Kaido as a Yonko.


☆ 𝕊𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕪 ☆
Chapter was so damn hypeeee! But why bother making a review when others wrote it better than I ever would? big shout out to you guys that was neat
Nothing but chills this entire chapter. Big Mom having to stare at the humiliation of her ruined WCI castle every day explains why she lost it and invaded Wano. There's probably an Oda joke here about the chapter starting with cake frosting and ending with Luffy's gooey hair.

No name, no DF, but he does have all my respect. For CP0 chief to pull off mission impossible and then accept his death without regret or retort. It speaks of Oda's ability that he could elevate this shadow in the background into one of Wano's top characters in the span of 2 chapters. Curious as to how the WG controls these agents that death by Yonko is their preferred alternative. If confirmed, this death looks awfully convenient to push Lucci to the forefront of CP0.
A record 4 Ws vs Luffy, 2 kills, and an official Odabox victory this chapter.:finally: Kaido does not disappoint. It must be such a sobering experience to go downstairs and have to clear the raid yourself because you've gathered an incapable crew. The despair that sets in as everyone is forced to deal with Luffy's failure is always to fun watch. Nami outright can't believe it to echo what she told Ulti. Law and Kid who overcame Big Mom just act like this was always a possibility. Momo still weak and lacking resolve, goaded by Yamato into a suicide pact. There is too much potential for shenanigans with the Mink medicine, the bombs thats defeated BM, Yamato who Kaido won't kill, etc. Joyboy better move fast.

The death of Monkey D. Luffy. Complete silence from his body, Kaido officially declared the winner, CP0 chief giving up on life believing he did his job. When before he glared at Kaido unconsciously or communicated with Momo that he wasn't done fighting, this time his voice disappeared. Luffy achieves death or at least an Enel-like state of near death (not improbable that Awakened Luffy pumped his own heart). The Fire Festival reminds us that the world of the living and dead are closest together on this special night. Orochi and his ghosts, the Oden energy channeled by various characters, Kaido the one who can't die and can't become Joyboy. Symbolically, the fire lanterns bearing the hopes and wishes of the people of Wano make their way to the other world and serve as a guiding lights for lost souls to return to their bodies and continue the fight for Wano. If there was any night for Luffy and Zoro to die for Wano's sins and pull a pirate Jesus, it was this one.

Real Vs Fake Joyboy. Kaido emphasizing he'll impose a far harsher slavery than Orochi is the grim reality for the losers made bare. Practically begging for Nika the liberator to emerge. Zunisha hearing drums as Luffy's heart restarts is peculiar. A clear reference to the African Joyboy folklore of the drummer who cures all problems by making people dance to his irresistible beats. The story implications are too early to judge but I'm not bothered regardless. Joyboy was a FAILURE who couldn't free the slaves, was defeated by the World Government, introduced apologizing for breaking his promises. If Luffy is destined to be Joyboy, he is destined to lose. To break the chains of fate that doomed Joyboy, 800 years of Ds who could only pass down their will, all the previous Gomu users unable to awaken - Luffy will surpass and enter the mythos as a greater legend than all of them.

Luffy's big drip energy. At first glance his new power looks like the milky latex tapped from rubber trees before it's processed into rubber products. Luffy did fight a mirror battle against Katakuri in the Mirroworld, but a gooey special Paramecia wouldn't answer why the fruit's name had to be changed. The body is steaming as if Gear 2/4 was active, lending to the idea that Luffy is a hot or volatile substance. Not natural, but a synthethic rubber made of petroleum byproducts. Luffy and Oden defeated in the same manner, Oden boiled in burning oil but Luffy saved by it instead? The guy who said "Gomu Gomu no.." before every attack name for 1000+ chapters becoming a different substance is honestly too surreal to process. My anticipation is at an all-time high.
  • Juxtaposing Joy Boy’s return with citizens declared slaves for life, albeit maybe too heavy-handed, was just too perfectly One Piece. Again, no stealth symbolism here, Luffy’s heartbeats are literally “Drums of liberation”. Oda’s rarely been subtle with this theme. One Piece at its core is a story about Luffy punching tyrants in the face. I’m glad Toei’s hints about Momo and Joy Boy were red herrings. It’s Luffy. It’s always been Luffy. Momo was willing to repeat Oden’s “surrender to prevent casualties” mistake. Luffy’s here to literally and figuratively “open” Wano. To put an end to boomer Oden worship. It’s great Yamato didn’t default back to “This is what Oden did”. She scolded Momo similar to how Ace scolded her. Her character arc is heading in the right direction.

Oden’s realization was too late. Yet knowing Joy Boy would eventually accomplish what he couldn’t, gave him peace. It’s finally time:finally:

On Joy Boy’s “return” from a narrative perspective, I’ll wait on Laugh Tale’s prophecy clarification. Will it be handled as fatalist? Or simple divination, similar to Madam Shyarly. Either way, the Gorosei when news of Joy Boy’s return reaches them :kobeha:

  • I love Kaido’s melancholic scowls mourning the loss of a long-awaited opportunity. Death by virtue of a worthy opponent. Or redemption in triumph absolved of excuses. Mr. Go took away a thrill he hasn’t experienced since battling Oden. Villain introspective scenes, in which they’re not interacting with protagonists, are my favorite. So I could’ve done with more pensive grieving Kaido panels. In general, Act 3’s been fantastic for Kaido’s character. Being in the dark about his origin is my only knock. His backstory is sorely needed. It’s likely been postponed to protect God Valley/Joy Boy lore. Now that Joy Boy’s been revealed, I see no reason for further delay.

  • Negative space and lack of dialogue gave Mr. Go’s “finale” an unsettling somber atmosphere. Silent acceptance of his fate. Yes he’s a government dog, but there’s honor in being a government dog till the end. Upholding principles, regardless of what they are, is one of One Piece’s longest running themes.
But fuck it I’mma meme him anyway :kobeha:

  • If Luffy’s brief “death” registered on his vivre card, The Straw Hat Grand Fleet are arriving by Wano’s end. They’ll fill in Luffy on Sabo, Hancock, Vivi, Cobra and Reverie. Most likely leading us to Elbaf via Hajrudin.
  • This might be the most painful “One Piece is on break” note I’ve ever read. God Bless the mods for these upcoming 2 weeks, because it’s about to be a train wreck shit show :yasu:


The chapter that'll split the fanbase!
Meh, don’t care in the least about people that are bitching because they came up with dumb theories and are pissy because they didn’t come true, or people that are suddenly complaining about Luffy having the most important role in his story and are spouting off about the “chosen one” and “jesus” and “messiah” for clicks, even though it has never been the case for Luffy and never will be.
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