One Piece Chapter 1069: We Owe All There Is To Desire!!

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Been saying it for years, Shanks needs Luffy for something. The little FB after Wano confirms it since he seems to have given Luffy his fruit purposely. It's just a question of "what" exactly.
I think he wants Luffy to create a new era whilst simultaneously getting something for himself.

I think he wants something from Marejois but that’s just speculation on my part
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@AverageNamiEnjoyer do u remember the first ever OP spread and magazine that came out. Was just Shanks Red Hair Pirates, Luffy and Nami.

Shanks was in the east blue looking for something


Kitetsu Wanker
"Wealth, fame and power" is what Roger, the Pirate King, achieved. What triggered the overreaching plot of this story was his treasure and wanting to find it. One is describing the guy and the other what people want from him. Big difference.
Wealth, Fame and Power are literally among the first words that start the story and thus the 3 triggers.
And then Oda comes out and says that Luffy, Zoro and Nami are the 3 triggers of story, aka those 3 words.
You can cope and pretend to not know who represents what. Forget Roger, Luffy is not that guy.
Wealth belongs to Nami, it doesnt belong to Luffy. Even you are capable of understanding that.
The only thing left to understand is who takes Fame and who takes Power. :myman:

Zoro aims at becoming the strongest swordsman, one profile of fighter. Luffy aims at becoming the strongest overall.

Luffy's job in the crew is to defeat the main threat and so he has been doing for decades. Zoro hasn't done that since Morgan, who wasn't a threat for Luffy to begin with.

Luffy's future title is described as the conqueror atop conquerors, a power that grows stronger the stronger the user is.

Not rocket science, buddy.
Have you literally missed the fact that Zoro targets Kaido because he is called the WSC? :milaugh:
Zoro literally targets anyone with World's Strongest title. Luffy aims to defeat 4 Emperors but he already failed at it.
At least you know that their adventure together started with Zoro taking out the main threat. So it is not the first time.
Zoro's job is to save his captain because the captain is not strong enough to save himself, you saw it 7 times on rooftop. Forgot it?
You do understand that by going to Raftel you do NOT power up? :saden:
And Luffy already reached his peak and is barely a top tier. Forget about him being the strongest.

I'm the smart one who understands the simple message of Luffy > Zoro, dumbass. Oda made it quite clear when he built a systemic crew where each member has a distinctive role they excel at and Luffy was given the role of defeating the big bad. If Luffy isn't the only one capable of defeating the strongest foe, then he has no role of his own, then the whole speech in Arlong Park describing the crew's dynamics loses its whole purpose.

You're completely lost because you believe Zoro is stronger, so from the start you're a waste of a mind.
You are the smart one who read through rooftop and still believes a lie...
Oda literally made it clear who the big daddy of rooftop was - not Luffy.
What good is the role of defeating the big bad when you lose 7 times to that guy in 10 hours while Zoro beats an even tougher guy in 10 mins? You literally cannot power scale. I dont believe Zoro is stronger, I know he is stronger. Difference.

I'll just repeat:

-Quote me when Whitebeard and Kaidou were the conquerors atop conquerors, meaning they were at the top of a power that grows alongside the user's own strength.

-Quote me when Roger is hyped as the only one capable of fighting Whitebeard and not the other way around.

-Quote me when Oden loses his shit from witnessing Whitebeard's power after experiencing Roger's and not the other way around.

-Quote me when Kaidou uses Whitebeard (or himself, for the matter) as example of the person who conquered the world and had the power that surpasses every other.

Roger was clearly stronger than Whitebeard and certainly than Kaidou. He was their king, the man who achieved wealth, fame... and power. And THIS is the unavoidable fact; only because you jerk off with titles that hold more narrative value than literal weight doesn't mean I have to do the same when everytime the chance has been given, Roger has been hyped up to the sky and beyond.
They were conquerors above PK because they were WSC and WSM during Roger's prime. He literally was weaker than at least 2 pirates.
When he became PK he was weakened and probably weaker than even more pirates...
You do reality that the reason why Oden is stunned is because he never saw CoC before? The same ability WB uses to clash with Roger in front of Oden's eyes? lol

Kaido cant use WB as an example that one can achieve everything with Haki because Whitebeard has a DF. Are you that dense? lmao
How was Roger clearly stronger when Whitebeard was WSM and Kaido was WSC during Roger's era? You still dont understand what World's Strongest means? lol Roger wasnt King of nobody lol. He literally begged WB to give him Oden. You dont know what the word fact means.

Yes, and Luffy wants the title not for the fame, the wealth not the power but the freedom; and so far he has shown no interest on being famous (actually the contrary), nor on becoming rich (hence Nami scolding him on it), BUT on becoming the strongest in the world. THIS, unlike fame, unlike wealth, is a constant on his character since he was a kid and we've been told more than once that he wants to become the most powerful else so he can protect everybody.

Do YOU understand that?
And yet, he is famous. The most famous character in One Piece. Fame is his thing, my dude.
He can wish to become strongest in the world but he gotta stop losing 7 times in a row. Let me know when he becomes that guy.
Why wasnt he more powerful than Zoro on the rooftop? His dreams gotta be backed up with feats. Do you understand that?

Rooftop happened and it had Kaidou seeing the strongest people in Luffy while he barely acknowledged Zoro.

Luffy is the one who defeated Kaidou; the only one explicitly stated to be capable of such thing, by the way. Zoro? Second fiddle as usual. Call me when a scar on Kaidou is more impressive than making him go all out and putting him down for real.
Saw strongest people in Luffy and proceeded to beat him 7 times in row. Very impressive, lmao.
He doesnt need to acknowledge Zoro because Zoro is acknowledged by default because he did the same as one of the Kaido's 5.
Nope, Luffy is the guy who delivered the last hit to Kaido but it took 15 people for bring Kaido down and Luffy needed 7 attempts.
When he is capable of beating Kaido in 1st try without any help, let me know.
When Bairang gun breaks a single scale then let's talk about Zoro's scar which is achieved before Zoro's upgrades.
Remember what Luffy achieved before upgrades? :risitameh:

Zoro didn't school anybody. He failed against Kaidou and the impression he made on him was far under the one Luffy did.
Tell that to your fellow Luffybros who disagree with you and say that Zoro left a far better impression than Luffy did.
How hard do you have to lie to convince yourself that Luffy is anywhere close to Zoro on rooftop?

Luffy doesn't need to destroy scales, buddy; he hits the inners directly. And the Zoro who scarred Kaidou can't defeat him either.
Excuses, he literally broke a horn and hit Kaido's exterior with his strongest move and couldnt break a single scale.
Are you sure Zoro cant defeat Kaido if he gets 7 attemps and powers up with aCoC and KOH considering what he did without those upgrades and with a broken body? :myman:

I didn't sweat at all, I even addressed it as an interesting scenario for a different story but not for this one knowing how Oda works (you will find my posts if you want). He wasn't stripping Luffy from his greatest victory in the New World nor drawing Zoro killing a person in such a gruesome way. And certainly ZKK reached a point it was just borderline cultism full of dumb arguments like that of the blue dragon bowl Zoro was eating from.
Losing 7 times to Kaido with help of 15 people is his greatest victory in the New World? Dont make me laugh. :milaugh:
ZKK was a story that was writing itself because it had far more build-up than anything Luffy did.
Funny how the only thing you pretend to remember is a blue dragon bowl, still cant admit facts.

Yeah, the millions of Luffy fans agreed on that, sure; especially after witnessing how Kaidou hyped Luffy up to the top of the world instead of Zoro.
They dont have to agree. The biggest supporters of Luffy>Zoro here have admitted it. That's more than we could ever wish for, lmao.
And then, your own fave admits he didnt achieve anything vs Kaido because he was simply too shallow and dragged his team down...

And what that noname's tweet doesn't contain is actual evidence of Luffy, Nami and Zoro representing what Roger achieved. Which is where your take fails at.
What it does contain is Oda calling those 3 the 3 triggers of the story. And you know that story starts with Fame, Wealth and Power.
You are capable of putting 2 and 2 together. Or are you?

But their actions match, buddy. At the end of the day he was addressed as the only one capable of defeating Kaidou and so he did. At the end of the day he's the one with the role of taking Arlong down. At the end of the day he's the one taking care of the main threat. At the end of the day he's the one who will become the conqueror atop conquerors. At the end of the day he's the one stressed more than once to aim at becoming the strongest in the whole world to protect everybody else.

At the end of the day, Luffy's actions are driving him to the top while Zoro keeps feeding on secondary threats. So cut the crap, please. The difference between Luffy and Zoro is that Zoro wouldn't have come back seven times and finally defeated Kaidou because he isn't powerful enough to achieve it; THAT'S the difference.
At the end of the day, he lost to Kaido 7 times. That is not Power. The guy who demolished a guy tougher than Kaido in 10 mins is the one who represents ultimate power. The guy who keeps scoring Ls cannot possibly be a representative of Power.
I told you that it is useless being tasked with taking down the main thread when you keep losing...
He hasnt gone through a single fight in Grand line without losing at least once, lmao. Meanwhile, Zoro one-two shotted all his foes.

At the end of the day, Zoro is the one who protected Luffy from Hakai, not the other way around. The weakling just watched.
We saw a display of power for both Luffy and Zoro on rooftop against the same target. We all know who achieved what.
Luffy isnt powerful enough to return7 times either. People fish him out of the water and feed him, people stop Kaido from crushing his eyes, brain and heart while he is KOed. That is not power, that is weakness. Luffy is weak, Zoro is strong. An inevitable fact of OP world.

Pretty sure people will buy my arguments more than yours, mister "You fool only yourself with those lies and Zoro is stronger".

But please, conciliate those titles (Whitebeard had it before Roger's peak and after, by the way; yet he was completely overshadowed) with Roger receiving all the actual hype and being the supreme conqueror (a power that grows with individual strength). I'd love to see it, or you poor soul only have titles? But as far as I remind Whitebeard's strength wasn't hyped by mentioning his title but stating he was the only one capable of putting a fight against Roger and the closest man to Roger's achievement? But as far as I remind Kaidou himself used Roger to exemplify the strongest power that made him conquer the world? B-but...?
Of course they will buy. Yall buy that Shanks is stronger than strongest swordsman.
So why would I be surprised by yall thinking that Roger is stronger than WSM and WSC, lmao.
I am not here to babysit your delusions, I am here to laugh at them.
Overshadowing Whitebeard and Kaido in pirating achievements is not overshadowing them in individual strength.

Without Oden, WB's crew member, Roger cant even become Pirate King. It is WB who made him PK basically, lmao.
Roger the supreme conqueror who couldn't conquer WB and Kaido... And was even weaker as PK...
Nope, you dont even know why Kaido used Roger as an example, lmao. Reading teenager manga is too hard of a task it seems.

"King" in Luffy's head refers to Pirate King as the person with the most freedom. That's what Luffy cares about, not fame. When Oda writes "king" in Luffy's mind he's referring his goal of achieving absolute freedom. THAT's the basic here, you idiot; Luffy couldn't give less shits about fame...

...but he does care about becoming stronger, the strongest in the world in fact, in order to protect everybody; so nobody else threatens the freedom of people (the type of people that opposed freedom and "killed" Sabo for it, whose "death" made Luffy want to become the stronger in the first place).

If YOU can't see that Luffy's ideal of freedom as what becoming the Pirate King would give him links to growing into the strongest person to protect people from those who oppose freedom, then YOU are the dumbass who didn't figure the basics in 25 years.

(Considering that you're dumb enough to think that Oda is writing Luffy stating he'll become the strongest more than once because he actually doesn't intend to make Luffy the strongest).
King refers to Pirate King. The most Famous pirate of them all. Drill that into your head. PK is the most famous, period. Fame=/=Power.
He can keep wishing to be strongest in the world but he has to stop collecting Ls. let me know when it happens.
Ofc I cant see a weakling like Luffy as the strongest person, he wouldnt be jobbing 7 times in a row to a single person.

Or you still didnt figure out that representative of Power is Zoro and are simply mad because of it.
Oda is writing Luffy jobbing to everyone several times. That is not what the strongest person looks like.
Look at Zoro instead. That's what true power looks like, demolishing everything in its path.

Fucking demented. Period.
The sooner you accept Zoro as the strongest being in OP world, the sooner you can stop suffering.:goyea:

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
you know what’s really stupid

The marines knew that the captain trio was in wano. They knew that Egghead is one of three islands close to wano. And they couldn’t have had at least a bit of foresight to consider that maybe a captain would show up on Egghead?

I honestly don’t get why Vegapunk’s lab isn’t on the red line, given how important he is.

But like Teach was able to anticipate the Captains, but fucking Lakainu couldn’t? He couldn’t put up some sort of naval blockade around Egghead to make sure this scenario wouldn’t happen?

This is one of the things I hate about OP. More often than not, the protagonists’ success is entirely due to the villains being ridiculously incompetent.
Mecha Shark solo.

Now seriously, none of the mere Yonkou could've threaten Vegapunk for years.
The Straw Hats only there because Vegapunk want them there.

Whilst I’m 90% on Shanks betrayed/Is using Luffy for something

I’m less and less convinced he’s going to actually fight Luffy now
I'd be more convinced of the opposite. If luffy is being used for darker intentions, then there has to be conflict. Shanks is the 2nd oldest character in this story, and much of this story comes from the fact that he inspired Luffy to be a pirate.

But the real question is, to what end? Film Red suggesting he's part of a WG family is interesting to say the least.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
What we needed was for her to develop and realize she doesn't have to claim to literally be oden. Never got that, which ruined any cool development we might have seen for the character.
> cool development

Stop playing make-believe =/= cool development

Yamato is was trash, is trash and will always be trash
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And I miss Carrot. Garchu

Back OT, I see Lucci's actions as necessitating Kizaru intervening with Lucci or Stussy assassinating Lucci. Lucci's impulisve insubordination can only put the Marines and CP0 at odds with thier overarching goals and chain of command. Maybe Lucci will be kicked out of CP0 and join Cross Guild?
What? They came to kill Vegapunk and Goofy picked a fight with them on his own.
Lucci just gained control on 3 seraphim his actions only had positive effect so far
> cool development

Stop playing make-believe =/= cool development

Yamato is was trash, is trash and will always be trash
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What? They came to kill Vegapunk and Goofy picked a fight with them on his own.
Lucci just gained control on 3 seraphim his actions only had positive effect so far
You did read that both Kaku and Stussy said for Lucci to not engage and stand down? You did read how Akainu said that CP0 should not engage no matter what?

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
You did read that both Kaku and Stussy said for Lucci to not engage and stand down? You did read how Akainu said that CP0 should not engage no matter what?
> You did read that both Kaku and Stussy said for Lucci to not engage and stand down?

That's the WG protocol, doesn't mean it's the best decision.
Kaku and Stussy also wanted to retreat but if they did than they wouldn't be able to take control over the seraphim.

> down? You did read how Akainu said that CP0 should not engage no matter what?

Sakazuki disrespect CP0; we seen this when he confronted the Gorosei and we see it this very chapter when he call them 'brats'.

Again, what negetive impact Lucci's actions had?