One Piece Chapter 1069: We Owe All There Is To Desire!!

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CoC: Color of Clowns

U$A $election $ea$on
I thought the first option was obvious:chirstsad:
I always felt Sentomaru was actually Kizaru's (at least adopted) nephew, because Sentomaru bickered with him like he was family. I'm wrong, though, Sentomaru uses "uncle" more in a organization sense, apparently.

It's still a respectful title, but not the same as a familial address.


Kitetsu Wanker
Here, I will use this to teach you one logic lesson, Nik.

First of all, that tweet you brought says nothing and is just a random guy defending what you defend with no real basis. I know you want to force the connection between Roger achieving fame, wealth and power and Luffy, Zoro and Nami being the triggers of the story, but that's not how it works. You're just parroting something from another noname who shares your same delusion.

But the juicy part comes with the SBS because:

1) Somehow you think it supports your point even though nowhere in Luffy's mind is "fame" to be read; therefore, no argument can be made for Zoro and Nami's heads supporting what you think because one third of the trio is missing.

2) It includes an obvious petitio principii fallacy since what Luffy does think about is becoming the "king" (of pirates), yet I could very well say that, since I believe Luffy will achieve fame, wealth and power by becoming the Pirate King just like Roger did, this SBS actually supports my point instead of yours. But since you don't think so, you assume by default that "king" DOESN'T encompass those three things, hence the petitio principii fallacy. In other words, and here comes your big lesson on logic today, for that SBS to be the argument you deluded yourself to think it should:

a) Have "fame" written in Luffy's head.

b) Be demonstrated that "king" doesn't encompass achieving the top fame, wealth and power by itself.

But hey, what can I even argue with you when we have explicit statements of Luffy asserting he will become the strongest person in the world; asserting his job is to defeat the main threat; being asserted to be the only one capable of taking the big bad down; being asserted to become the conqueror atop conquerors...; yet you still think with all honesty that he isn't the strongest Straw Hat and future world's strongest.

Poor guy.
Horchata-chin... The tweet I linked has posted the source of Oda calling Luffy, Nami and Zoro the 3 triggers of the story.
So your claim that we are parroting some lies is debunked because Oda himself literally said it in 2008.

In Luffy's mind is King which refers to King of Pirates which is literally the Fame that I talk about.
In Nami's mind if Money which refers to Wealth while in Zoro's mind are swords and strength which both represent Power.
If you still dont think King represents Fame, ask yourself if Roger gained Power or Fame when he reached Raftel?

Luffy's words matter so much that an Emperor was defeated and it wasnt him who defeated it.
His words matter shit when he is so weak to lose 7 times to the same guy in a single night.
How could I think that Luffy is strongest Strawhat when Zoro made him look like toddler in comparison on the rooftop?

A for effort for trying to teach me a lesson but such a person has yet to be born. :myman:

Still he will be the strongest that ever was. Outclassing even the types of Garp, Roger, xebec and Joyboy. Not to mention Zoro who will not even be in the top 10 of strongest characters
Zoro's purpose is literally to be the strongest in the world.
He has shown that Luffy is not that guy in Thriller Bark and on the rooftop.
It's good if Luffy manages to outclass those guys but Zoro is already above them all.
But I doubt that the guy who is struggling with Lucci will outclass any of those, except perhaps Garp.

Luffy represents “King” right? You need to have power to become a king. Of course Zoro wants strength, that’s literally been his character since the beginning.

If Luffy didn’t have any power then he would’ve lost to every villain he went up against. Don’t take it out of context.

I don‘t know what you mean when you say he can’t compete with Zoro. Luffy did take down Kaido, right? Obviously not by himself but he had help.

If I wanted to go far enough I could bash you with remarks about Zoro being bandaged up after a hit from Kaido and carried by Sanji for a while but you already know that happened so there’s no point.

Agenda Piece is boring and repetitive, just like that Twitter account you mentioned.
King represents Fame. Becoming King of Pirates doesnt make one stronger, in fact, Roger was weaker when he became PK.
What he gained is incomparable Fame. That's the same thing Luffy will get. Nami will claim the treasure, like she always has.
The remaining thing is Power and good luck thinking that Luffy can take that from Zoro, lol.

But he literally lacks power and lost 7 times to one guy in a single night.
What's troubling you? Did you or did you not literally see that his performance cannot compete with Zoro's on rooftop?
Anyone can take Kaido down when Kaido runs out of juice, that's what yall dont understand.

You forgot that he needed 7 rounds to do it while Kaido was doing all of it in a single round.
Zoro isnt bandaged after a hit from Kaido, he is bandaged from Hakai which is an island buster from Kaido AND Big Mom.
Kaido himself didnt manage to do anything vs Zoro other than failing to stop him from slashing his chest open.

The twitter account didnt bring any agenda, he posted a source of Oda saying that Luffy, Zoro and Nami are the 3 triggers.

Zoro had his turn with Laido and that was the peak of his life, straching Laido and giving him a papercut will be the most accomplished thing he did in his life.

Now its a new age and a new Pirate star will be born name his name is Wanji.:steef:
Considering that Joyboy failed to scratch the scales, seems like Zoro without aCOC remain ahead of Luffy's peak forever.
Go Wanji. :myman:

You better not be talking about me here lmao

Edit: oh if its about @Redboy776 my bad
Of course I am talking about you, lol.
Or it wasnt you who said that Lucci would be buddy-buddy with Luffy? :milaugh:
You didnt want this fight because you knew exactly that this would happen.
The illusion of a strong Luffy shattered way faster than yall expected.
So Kizaru went because he was informed about the mission in advance?(a faint hope that he is somehow connected with Vegapank is alive:pepemwai:)
If anything, I read the translation into my native language and it was exactly about the fact that Kizaru was informed about the task in advance. This is so that all questions disappear at once:pepelit:


Year of the black beard!
let's see which of my Sentomaru theories got debunked this chapter:

Sentomaru is a homunculus and Vegapunks creation - Vegapunk took him in when he was starving
Vegapunk is Kizaru's brother, Sentomaru sees Kizaru as uncle and Vegapunk as father - debunked as fuck
Sentomaru is the strongest regular human due to being a Vegapunk modified homunculus - Sentomaru gets one-shot by Lucci
Sentomaru and Luffy will fight against each other, Sentomaru becomes Luffy's biggest CoA obstacle - Luffy and Sentomaru fight on the same side

I don't know if I ever mentioned other theories, I just know everything I said got debunked


Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Okay, so, Chopper wants Franky to repair Atlas.

I imagine Franky repairing Atlas is what will finally make Vegapunk Senpai noticed our favorite cyborg.

Still waiting for Vegapunk to find out Franky blew up his OG lab, too.
This would actually be brilliant, love it! Suuuuuuuper even! @Gladwing0 @Cutty Jewboy

Once Franky is done murdering all of CP-0 and talking Robin and Bonney into a threesome, this needs to happen :cheers:

Garp the Fist

Really enjoyed that chapter.

DuFeld being the bankroller of MADS is quite interesting.

Kizaru coming along is pretty interesting. I’ve always felt he’s quite a disposable character so tying him in with Vegapunk should be a good thing. Would also make a really good final fight for this arc, give Luffy a proper 1 vs 1 victory.

Implication of Lucci’s awakening also having the ribbon thing around them could mean Yamato and Enel are also awakened? Course, Katakuri and Doffy don’t have it, but maybe it’s only for Zoans and Logias. Does then raise the question of Kaido however.

Thought that Oda would go for a science explanation for Devil Fruits so it’s quite interesting that he’s went for the purely fantastical instead. I wonder if this is the explanation for Asura. Maybe when Zoro dies there will be an Asura Mythical Zoan and he’s manifesting it now from his desire to be stronger.

Very impressive feats for Lucci. Fighting evenly with Luffy in G5, even just for a bit, is really impressive. He’s maintained his pre-skip ability of just being a skilled sort of pure fighter. Never been a big fan of the character (or lack of) but one thing he did deliver, and deliver well, was as a fighter.

Shame there‘s a break next week, especially given it’ll be around the winter schedule, cause it looks like the next couple of chapters will be pretty action packed. Seraphim should start fighting, Kizaru coming, Lucci there, maybe Zoro will get involved now. Just waiting for Smoker as well