Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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The only one who can beat me is me
Admiral fans have no agenda. We spew only truth.

We fanned over Lucci because Lucci earned our fanning over him lol. Kaku too to be fair. Zoro couldn’t do anything to Kaku at all, in base or awakened.

Zoro vs Lucci is probably a high diff for Zoro giving Zoro the benefit. He ain’t rolling Lucci like Luffy did.
From my experience (and this might sound biased) the Admiral fanbase is on average the most reasonable of the bunch.

I try to be objective but sometimes you have to clap back, Admiral fans have been fighting against retarded casuals trying to put them with the likes of Marco and far below the Yonkou for years. And yes these are popular opinions. That's the difference. How many Admiral fans seriously and I mean seriously think the Yonkou are anywhere close to the YC1 or are not on the same level as Admirals?

An average Admiral fan is basically trying to tell casuals and/or wankers to actually read the fucking story.

If there was a number for the frequency and the size of the disparity between the strength of a character in canon and how low they are placed in the fandom. No group or character comes even remotely close to the Admirals. Not even close (Mihawk would be 2nd but there's still a sizable gap).

So excuse me if I don't gaf if a stray Admiral fan is exaggerating here or there.
The main advantage wasn’t his blunt force immunity, Kaido uses a variety of attacks fire, slashing, haki and none of it worked. There was no “main” advantage of G5 the form offered a lot and all of it played a role in the victory.

Gear 5 damage isn’t lower the Gear 4. The intro to g5 stated that Luffys strength was increased. Zoro isn’t top tier yet if he is he’s the weakest top tier there is. Everything you said is false.
He is a zolofan he has failed education and is full of delusions. He needs help. Lets donate him for his psychosurgery.
I think it's a bit deeper than that.

People say they only bash Zoro b/c of his fans, but I think it's a chicken-or-the-egg situation.

Did Zoro's fans create the problem, or did people who already disliked Zoro find even more reasons to shitpost?

It's confusing either way. On one hand, he's a fictional character, so by all logical accounts it should be incredibly difficult to have genuine dislike for him. But on the other hand, it seems hard to believe that a single character's fanbase can have such a profound impact on other people's experiences.

For example, you can get me the most toxic and hateful Usopp or Franky fans, and I wouldn't give two shits about them.

I genuinely think it's because the character is Zoro that he and his fans are dragged into everything. It's because even within OP Zoro is like a human measuring stick. He gets compared with Luffy, Sanji, Kid & Law, he's had skirmishes against the Yonko, an Admiral, YCs, etc. Pretty much any important faction or character you can think of has been compared with Zoro at some point.
It’s all twitters fault. They’re the loudest people of the OP fandom and has the lowest intelligence.
G5 is literally Luffy's best mode. He ain't gonna fight any better with CoC. It only makes his attacks stronger. CoC and Awakening are comparable power-ups. Zoro has only one of them while Luffy has both. Awakening was highlighted more than CoC for Luffy. It's a downright lie to say it's not the same thing.

Luffy used awakening, advCoA, and FS against Lucci. Again, it's not that he needed them to beat Lucci. Even post-WCI Luffy would beat Lucci comfortably, but nowhere near as easily as G5 did.
for sure but the facts that luffy went directly gear 5 prove he did not seen lucci as a treath .
Luffy strongest forms are taxing. He will never used them in fights he think he cant win in less then 10 minutes .
Because Luffy fans already knew he was fighting Kizaru. Zoro fans gaslit themselves and we're laughing
You see it to damn often on this board people say luffy is the MC so this or that will happen.
Then you have other fans come up crazy shit , trying call people out , saying other fan bases living rent free in people head etc etc ,
Just for saying the simple truth luffy is MC we know how certain aspect will go just from that .
From my experience Admiral fanbase is on average the most reasonable of the bunch.

I try to be objective but sometimes you have to clap back, Admiral fans have been fighting against retarded casuals trying to put them with the likes of Marco and far below the Yonkou for years. And yes these are popular opinions. That's the difference. How many Admiral fans seriously and I mean seriously think the Yonkou are anywhere close to the YC1 or are not on the same level as Admirals?

An average Admiral fan is basically trying to tell casuals and/or wankers to actually read the fucking story.

If there were a number for the frequency and the size of the disparity between the strength of a character in canon and how low they are placed in the fandom. No group or character comes even remotely close to the Admirals. Not even close.

So excuse me if I don't gaf if a stray Admiral fan is exaggerating here or there.
Lol admiral fans are by far, the most toxic on average.

I mean it's not a suprise people who are part of a fanbase pretend they aren't.

You even called a bunch of people retards lol.
I thought Zoro took an L, but it seems Luffy fans are having meltdowns, calling people loser irl, low IQ, illiterate, etc 😂😂😂 These mfs need to be locked up

I feel like Lee just made a bunch of alts that he pings a lot to make it seem like he has a friend group and people agree with him.
lol, he is popular here though because of his meme threads
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