Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1093 Spoilers Discussion

Will Sanji vs Saturn happen?

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Alright guys, debate question time.

How strong is a single Kizaru clone?

Probably at least high YC range right?
Stfu dude.
Clone doesn't have a consciousness.
In the end it's Kizaru only controlling him , and if he's focussed on Controlling a clone , he's wide open.

No named attack... fodder level at best.
Light can also give illusions.
What I am losing when a Yonkou (Luffy) will be beating him by the end of the Arc?
You are the one creating some headcanon stories though.

“Luffy will be beating him by the end of the arc”

Think before you speak, otherwise you’ll have somebody like me point out your flaw and you’ll feel like shit.

Don’t dig a hole and fall in it, let your agenda go and bury it.
Oh still disagree with the push, it still a kick but yeah I'm wrong with the explosion from his attack. Those were indeed lazers.

A kick can throw a person off balance too.
how can you disagree when we literally have the tap suffix on kizaru foot to bonney head? oda is literally telling you that kizaru places his foot against bonneys head "tap" then kizaru turns positions in the next panel lol ...on top of that kizaru himself said he wasn't trying to hurt her in the panel with the "tap" what since does it make to say i am not gonna hurt you and then proceed to kick you in the back of the head?


Kitetsu Wanker
See. You're cherrypicking situational feats while ignoring the context to make a point that was never one to begin with. Firstly, you are wrong about the Admirals especially the C3 not being equals. They are just by rank which is their portrayal. Even if we revisit the WB encounters Kuzan has dodged WB effortlessly and then the latter needed to get saved by Jozu. Please don't behave like a Yanker.

Based on which interaction and or feat can Kizaru blitz Garp? That's what your entire argument is based on. You have no proof for your claims. Sentomaru managed to react to Kizaru and Garp will surely be able to do so. Again. Cherry picking.

Great. So we agree his AP is bad, did you just use plot as an excuse ? Nah that ain't working here. Kizaru had kilometres off distance and even used acceleration to increase his AP yet wasn't able to damage Luffy at all. In comparison to Kuzan and by extension Sakazuki, Kizaru's AP rn is hilariously bad.

Slashing attacks do not make up for his lack of AP.

Nobody said they are Kaido, this comparison doesn't make sense. Yet Kizaru has not proven that he can take any significant attack aCoC coated and walk off from it. Kuzan did. Akainu did.

No. The discussion is pointless because the narrative always has and will walk over feats and headcanon. I was there in Wano. I have seen how the realisation of Luffy's superior narrative importance has effected you and actually doubt everything you've believed in in regards to Zoro before that. This is the very same case just for the Admirals.
Nik, look at the characters narrative standing and importance and you will realise that all of these scenarios you create cherry picking feats don't mean much in the grand scheme when Fighter A completely outclassed Fighter B in narrative importance especially when there is a hierarchy ranking between those characters.

It isn't. Their narrative importance has got nothing to do with Kizaru because they outrank even more since Akainu outranks Kizaru in narrative importance.

Completely different and you know it. Oda has gone the extra mile to make a point why WB was an exception.

Did attacks connected on Kizaru's Light Guard and he was there stationary when they landed. Increased AP was the answer there and Luffy didn't use it. This wasn't a speed issue. How can you tell me that I didn't understand how it works then admit yourself that you don't know how the Light guard works ?
I am not cherry-picking anything. C3 arent equal because they have different powers and different showings.
Kuzan dodged WB while targeting and facing WB, failed to land a hit on him.
Kizaru dodged WB while targeting Luffy and not facing WB. Proceeded to land a hit on him while not even looking.

I didnt say Kizaru can blitz Garp, I said he can blitz Akainu and Kuzan because Garp can do it who isnt as fast as Kizaru.
Nice of Sentomaru to react to Kizaru but FS user just failed to react to the same Kizaru.

Plot aint excuse, Luffy cannot handle Jewels and Sword, that's why Kizaru resorts to blunt damage kicks.
No, you are cherry picking here. Willingly ignoring Kizaru's lightsaber and jewels to claim that his AP is bad due to nameless kicks that are blunt damage which obviously do nothing to near-immune towards blunt damage character like Luffy. When Kizaru deals insignificant damage to luffy with laser that took out Sentomaru or with clean hit with a lightsaber, then you can say Kizaru's AP is bad but if that ever happens, you should realize what that means for Kuzan's and Akainu's AP, lol.

Slashing attacks due make up for everything. One DeadMan's game can harm the scales permanently while one Bairang Gun cant harm the scales whatsoever. If a blunt damage aCoC coated attack hits Kizaru, ofc he will walk it off. However, I suspect that Zoro's cutting type wont be walkoff-able.

I am perfectly aware what narrative praise is. It can praise Big Mom all it wants but a guy with 0 narrative like King, beats the shit out of her in every single stat. How did Wano narrative affect me? I was disappointed? Sure. That's all. You are fooled by the narrative importance. Narrative importance =/= strength. Mihawk has very low narrative importance in the world overall, doesnt stop him from being the strongest character in existence. The narrative important of great Warlord Crocodile doesnt change that Mr1 cannot be beaten by Luffy and so on. The narrative of Luffy being the man who beat Kaido doesnt allow him to beat inferior copies of King.
I repeat, dont be fooled by the narrative.

It was a speed issue. He didnt need more AP if he managed to outspeed Kizaru and land hits cleanly which he failed to do.
Swordsmen keep proving that speed is an useless stat against them because they are simply way too good in CQC.
You are the one who said Luffy's attacks connected. They didnt. More AP against hax blocking may not change anything.

Kizaru's narrative importance is to share spotlight with one Elder. Akainu's narrative importance is to be buried below Imu, 4 Elders, Kong and at least one Holy Knight if not more. So Akainu's spotlight will be below at least 6 people while Kizaru's spotlight can only be trumped by one Elder and even that is only due to recency bias.

From that logic Zoro also just swings his sword and hopes it works. Lol
Akainu is someone who has thrown hands against the top tiers and still emerged victorious. Only person to defeat an admiral.
Every person he threw hands with was a sloppy guy like himself.
You saw how Kidd looks okay vs sloppy people like BM while gets trashed by people like Shanks.
You saw how Law looks decent against sloppy guy like BB while would get trashed by Shanks too.
Or by Doffy, simply by being better in CQC. Pay attention to what kind of fighters they are facing.


Zoro is defeating Lucci but One shotting lucci is too much. Don't raise your expectations just like you did in the ZKK so that you won't be depressed when Lucci is not cut like a cake in the upcoming chapters.
Bro believes Lucci tanks something which even Kaido and Bigmam were scared of lol.

Are you stupid?

Luffy is the one who is failing to touch Kizaru or hurt him, he's not even threatening enough that Kizaru has to fully face him himself.

Kiz is multitasking meanwhile Luffy is being forced to play defence and Kiz is also doing this in base.
Are you retarded?
Kizaru only hit on Luffy when directly fighting was that charged up kick which the most damage was done by the barrier as Luffy himself said. He then proceeds to try and kill/capture Vegapunk which Luffy then grabs him like a fly and throws him away.
Kizaru then tries to creates clones in order to have success in the assassination of Vegapunk and Luffy yet againt intercepts his attack.

So tell me what has Kizaru accomplished since Luffy appeared?
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