Did Enma have Oden's haki in it?

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Just imagine this:
Kaido hyped Roger haki beyond everything.
Then you had Kaido fighting Gear 5 Luffy in a equal battle, losed in the end.

Then you have Joyboy who has a insane CoC even above these like Shanks and Roger who don't even have a df... at top has the most op DF, using it probably far better than current Luffy with far better skills and attacks...

Dude has a better haki than Roger/Shanks, the strongest devilfruit with a perfect control...

Joyboy is clearly a godtier.
And Luffy is not near him yet, he needs first to surpass Shanks haki and then Roger haki to even play in the same league as Joyboy.

Wano G5 Luffy was able to defeat Kaido who is one of the strongest top tiers, a Luffy who is probably not even close to Prime Joyboy power...

Joyboy is clearly a godtier where even guys like Roger and Whitebeard are not close to him, let alone Shanks who is under Roger...

Top tier haki
Top tier fruit
Top tier weapons
Top tier science?


When were you under the impression this game is..
I want to explain something that People might not yet realize about what that Rope indicates.

Basic CoO is "Solid" Form of Haki --- Because Haki used for it has Fixed Volume & Fixed Shape
Basic CoA is "Liquid" Form of Haki --- Because Haki used for it has Fixed Volume but Non-Fixed Shape
Basic CoC is "Gas" Form of Haki --- Because Haki used for it has neither Fixed Volume nor Fixed Shape

So Basic CoC is just like any other Gas, it functions similarly.
Imagine if CoC Haki is Part of OPVerse's Air, it can be unleashed like a Wind Gust & also can be Stored in Wind Ropes

Why am i explaining this?
Cuz if you believe that Dragon is definitely a DF User, then you should think twice
And the Fact that He acts as if Wind has it's own Will, this means someone have a Global Haki that is part of OPVerse's Air.
Such Haki would be able to change the Weather & influence the World & it's People in many ways.

Roger, Shanks, Oden, Rayleigh, Gorosei, Yonko ... etc these have Top Haki, it's Overwhelming for sure
But there is a Reason Oda chose to show Haki Feats from all of them & even showed Joy Boy's Haki & revealed his Powers
Yet He refuses to show us Power Source or any Haki Feats or any Fighting-Style Reveal from Dragon & Mihawk

Simply because there is more than just Haki, if it's not associated with "Storms" then you haven't transcended Human Limits.
Mihawk's Introduction Chapter was Titled "Storm" & i already talked about Dragon
And it's not coincidence that MC's Most Powerful Finisher is Gomu Gomu No Storm

Only reason Weather in Grand Line is Unpredictable is cuz it's Man-Made.
All this to say Mihawk> Joyboy. Amazing.
Just imagine this:
Kaido hyped Roger haki beyond everything.
Then you had Kaido fighting Gear 5 Luffy in a equal battle, losed in the end.

Then you have Joyboy who has a insane CoC even above these like Shanks and Roger who don't even have a df... at top has the most op DF, using it probably far better than current Luffy with far better skills and attacks...

Dude has a better haki than Roger/Shanks, the strongest devilfruit with a perfect control...

Joyboy is clearly a godtier.
And Luffy is not near him yet, he needs first to surpass Shanks haki and then Roger haki to even play in the same league as Joyboy.

Wano G5 Luffy was able to defeat Kaido who is one of the strongest top tiers, a Luffy who is probably not even close to Prime Joyboy power...

Joyboy is clearly a godtier where even guys like Roger and Whitebeard are not close to him, let alone Shanks who is under Roger...
Joyboy rules with willpower (haki) and wishes/dream (devil fruits)

Roger lacking nika fruit stopped him from being a Joyboy
He was a failed Joyboy who couldn't become one cause he lacked Nika fruit
While Shanks is a failed Roger cause he lacks VoAT
Luffy is what Shanks couldn't be and what Roger couldn't be.
Those statements mean nothing but hype and worst of all they co-exist and contradict each other. WB was world strongest pirate at same time Kaido was world strongest creature . This can't be case at same time so one of those was clearly fake which one I don't really care ,but point is they can't be taken for granted.

Also it's common sense those 2 want be the strongest as manga goes on.

Shanks already has requirements haki feats and hype to be considered above Kaido .
Shanks fan logic spotted


When were you under the impression this game is..
Never said that lol
Try again
You said some bullshit about if your haki isnt related to storms then you havent transcended human limits. Meaning all the others (Joyboy included) didnt transcend human limits.

But Mihawk and Dragon who are related to storms did.
Joyboy rules with willpower (haki) and wishes/dream (devil fruits)

Roger lacking nika fruit stopped him from being a Joyboy
He was a failed Joyboy who couldn't become one cause he lacked Nika fruit
While Shanks is a failed Roger cause he lacks VoAT
Luffy is what Shanks couldn't be and what Roger couldn't be.
Bro Joyboy most likely had a op power with VoAT too which Oda safe for the final war...
How broken was this guy, if VoAT is really a new powerful haki version which only Joyboy/Imu had, then you can imagine how OP they been.

I think Roger had VoAT too, where he was able to fight off Whitebeard Gura power.
But Joyboy VoAT most be a another lvl...

If VoAT is indeed a special unique ability as I think it is, then GG, Joyboy was really a monster.
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