@King7 ,
The the force of the sword for the Navy, their are open a big change gamer for the Navy and a possibly question about Kuzan,is he a part of the sword troup? As Akainu give him such a deal so Kuzan can work on his own way in dangerous place yet has his own force. Or probably after the battle Akainu give Kuzan the order to spy the Blackbeard pirates.
In that case Aokiji would be still a navy member...

If this gonna happen, just look about the Navy force:
Sentomaru,xDrake,Coby, Sengoku....

Dude the power between this force is insane!! Even if we take out Garp,Tsuru and Sengoku, the troup would be still insane strong. Now I understand why Jinbe said the Navy was never be strong as under Akainu...
I hope Kuzan is a part of SWORD , i think it was probably made and run by Marines strategists - Sengoku and Tsuru , maybe Garp knew about this too
And Sengoku & Garp clearly had good relationship with Kuzan ( Sengoku nominated him for Fleet Admiral , Kuzan was chatting with Garp in Water 7 , also Kuzan said to Luffy he had a debt to Garp )
But the problem is , Drake was said to be SWORD's Leader , if Kuzan was a part of it he should've been the Leader
Akainu doesn't seem to be aware of SWORD though , he had no idea of Wano's Military Power even though Drake is been 2 years with Kaido
And if Kuzan is indeed a part of SWORD , his words to Gorosei indicated even more that Akainu isn't aware of this secret organization ( Akainu said about Kuzan : "that fool doesn't have anything to do anymore with us" - Marines )
Also this means Gorosei also aren't aware of SWORD since they didn't know Kuzan was a part of it , since one of them asked to Akainu about Kuzan's status that assisted Teach
So for now i'm not assuming Kuzan is a part of SWORD , i assume he is independent but still he wanted to spy what are Blackbeard Pirates' doings on his own
Personally i think he could backstab Teach in the right time , like when his crews are surrounding him so Teach won't be able to use Gura2 or Yami2
Or maybe he will be a tool for Oda to fight Mihawk , if Mihawk ends up being Shanks' ally , cause i don't see Shiryuu defeating Mihawk 1v1 , because he was just YC2 pre Suke Suke , and even then he only ate the fruit sometime after Reverie started ( so logically he won't get it's Awakening ) , plus Suke Suke isn't that useful so far , it just makes Absalom / Shiryuu & things they were holding invisible , it evaded Doflamingo's Observation but then again Doffy isn't a top tier
It doesn't add anything to Shiryuu's offense / fire power , it doesn't make his attacks more powerful
I'm certain lethal AOE attacks that covered a big area may be able to counter it
But i don't see Mihawk vs Kuzan as likely because Kuzan is a good one , so he won't help Teach defeating non evil guys like Shanks & Mihawk , and thus helping him to become new Pirate King
I'd be glad if he was a part of SWORD though still