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Happy PM LGBT bros
Don't bother with the religious nuts, they hate everyone

Surveille tes arrières
Get lost LGBT defender, we're not on the same side.

Déguerpis incessamment sous peu dans les plus brefs délais le golem lgbt, nous ne sommes pas ensemble

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Let me make sense for you then.

Step 1>>>> LGBT(and the whole rest of the alphabet) people are persecuted for nothing more than being who they are. The motives can vary, but, in all of them, the very EXISTENCE of these people is a menace and they should be purged. purged how? Killed, stashed away, "cured", etc.

Step 2>>>> When your very existence is targeted, it makes so that the very act of living be an act of resistance. If this is a hard concept for you to grasp, I suggest dropping twitter and reading papers on sociology, antropology, psychology, etc. This isn't some "random bs that people say because it sounds cool". There are tons and tons of debates around these themes in order to achieve these conclusions.

Step 3>>>> It doesn't work just for the LGBT community, but for all other social minorities who are historically persecuted in any given period of History. The "PRIDE" comes from striving to survive in a hostile world that wants to fuck you up purely because of something you have no control over. Your identity.

Step 4>>>> That's why its completely fucking retarded and moronic when people claim some dumb shit like "white pride" or "straight people pride", for these social groups are not historically persecuted. In fact, they are the persecutors.

There you go.
A step by step on why "gay pride" is a thing, but "straight pride" is just cope.
These days they arent persecuted in most countries, people complain about lgbtq+ online doesnt make u opressed, doing parades and having a special month just for you is just asking for attention imo, i dont see jew month or asian month for example.
Just live ur life no need to get into it so much.
Still don't understand why we call it pride.

To have pride is to feel good about an accomplishment, something you did, or something you became. An achievement. That's why it can both be good or bad, lest someone become vain.
But you have no control of who you are. You didn't achieve it. Being proud of who you are is dumb since you had no decision in the matter.
I used to have this stance too but I'm beginning to understand why the word pride is used here ➡
if you really need accomplishment to let someone say that they are pride than:

- people thought for their rights and acceptance for long so the pride festivals can be read as pride from what through years we did to accomplish what we have now
- pride can be due to the progress of the fight with difficulties of the life what we have due to who we are, that we still stand, didn't bend or cracked under the pressure and so

also fun fact, in poland with call pride festivals "parady równości" which means "parade of equality"
So let's take this from both religious and science views.

Christian view: God created you, you existing is a gift. Thus pride in existing is a sin, because that pride goes to god.

Science view: You exist by accident, and survived because chance, you had no bearing in your existence or surviving aside from maybe being healthy, but the fact that that car didn't hit you this morning, is no effort of your own (unless you dodged like a ninja, then you earned it). Pride belongs to chance.

Quantum science view: Even more than science, you owe your existence to chaos theory.

Still not seeing it.
Fixed it for you
Anyway, I'll drop the subject and just leave this. My friend made it last year, and I feel it quite fitting.

this is capitalists riding the wave🙄it's their goal to attract customers
This is for you @Infitima

“I finally understood my sexuality, but Pride didn’t feel like a celebration of what I feel. Everyone’s wearing very little or nude, everyone’s kissing or hugging each other. And that’s the stuff we don’t like to do.”

Fletcher feels asexual people are not taken seriously. “If I was gay, people would believe me. There’s not much awareness of our community at all.”

The hypersexualised nature of the queer community can be very hard for asexual people, explains 30-year-old Cyan Donatti, a non-binary counselling sexologist who is also asexual.

“It can be a really uncomfortable space to sit in and see ourselves as a part of when that’s not our narrative.”
“We’re adults with real lives. And just because sex isn’t a part of that, that doesn’t take away from our humanity,” she says.

Egan agrees that visibility and belonging is vital.

“If we don’t shout out, people are going to grow up thinking that they’re broken. And they could actually be thinking, ‘there are people out there like me, and it’s OK to not be attracted to other people’.”
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