[FNZ] Role Madness Round 08: Tokyo Ghoul

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
It is my meta. I'm not that active on D1. What I said about TAC is consistent.

I said on D2 today that I sus TAC because he read OP yet he missed 48 hours part.

Before the end of D1 I gave my sus on Seraphoenix, Celestia and TAC.
Why you sus everyone who sus you?

Sera, ces and tac all sussed you


Vote Count


Finalbeta > Don DaSlayer > **

Cinera > Don DaSlayer > **
Queen > Don DaSlayer > **
Don DaSlayer > Don DaSlayer > **



Non Voters

Jew D. Boy
Yo Tan Wa

Pervious voters towards Don DaSlayer still be counted but not votes


Zoro Worshipper
No, I am uninformed I don't know any shit, I feel like giving a good case once I have a good case

I just have some busy days and a slacky start of the game? :choppawhat:

Why are you pulling out a hard defense when I called a simple sus? He also read me town earlier if I am not mistaking it, atleast he tried to explain something about me and there it pinged me, he was literally the first one trying to explain why I could be town and that's where the possible TMI pinged me. I sus him, doesn't mean he is my primary lynch candidate. In the end I would prefer voting an inactive or low poster because there is often scum between them. Since I know I am not scum I am all right sussing them or whoever I want.

That is the reason I won't give you any townread for now, and I doubt you will receive a townread from me in the near future.

Reborn is sus, you are too imho.

If someone confirmed you this game then please show me so.:ultimoji:
This is not the reaction I would expect.

I only asked you a legit question and you are starting to spout off arguments like "defending Reborn hard" or even much worse "if someone confirmed you then show me so". Arguments completely off-place to the matter, that are an indicator of a salty reaction instead of a normal one.

You still have got to explain the points I have addressed about you throughout the game, but instead you come up with this kind of posting behaviour.


Why you sus everyone who sus you?

Sera, ces and tac all sussed you
Celestia flip flop from HA001 being neutral to HA001 being bad. TAC also said he read OP but he didn't read 48 hours part.

I also found Seraphoenix sus since his inconsistensies were around from defending TAC.

I also find it illogical that when I tried to ask Seraphoenix why are you thinking that I sus Bogard, Seraphoenix accused me of lying. From my point of view Seraphoenix trie to nitpick what I said to paint me as scum and when Celestia and TAC agreed with Seraphoenix, it raised my sus of them.


Zoro Worshipper
Not much activity from tac since then except for two posts he made

@Bogard @Yo Tan Wa @Finalbeta @Cinera what you guys think about the above three posts of mine?
His logic was flawed. Starting from the 100% Townie notion. No one could know someone was 100% Townie, I'm still solid on my theory that he wasn't reading this game properly, hence committing some logical mistakes, like this one or the one regarding my read.

He opted for distancing himself from the game instead of strongly blending in and so his reads were flawed because he chose rather to hide in the mist than being highly talkative and partecipant.

I definitely feel that his sus list featured distancing, because he put Drago as strong town.


Holy Simp
So; For Mafia I have a bit of a more gradient style view on scum and how I pursue them. Let me just give you the quick legend.

100% TownieI have proof they are a townie or the logic behind them being anything else is beyond the pale
TownieSomeone who's game play strongly reflects a townie for me. But I am not willing to overlook odd things about them.
Leaning TownNeutral-ish positive. Players who I have no reason to sus as bad based on their limited actions, and I presume to be town for the time being. But it's a weak thought.
Leaning ScumNeutral-ish negative. Someone who I think is suspicious for one reason or another. I have no immediate good reason to vote them or to build a case, but I keep my eye on them
Suspicious Player Someone who I am fairly certain is scum of some variety. I would be happy to vote them off if I had no better options. Not someone I'd immediately go to TO vote off though.
Scum Basically someone whose actions are so blatant there is no other reason to them.

My Reads:


Celestia TOWN
Yo Tan Wan

Jew D. Boy



All Red
Neutral Watcher

Based on scum psychology mafia tried to setup Drago to be the toniest towny and then kill him
by doing that sure kill I wonder if any protect didnt target Dragomir or if Mafia manipulated the kill away.

Besides that how are the odds that scum would townread another buddy?

This makes probably a scum in the blue or green ones.


Holy Simp
Skip the rules^^ lol

Btw, reading meta of someone doesn't equate to TMI
nah someone can be "convinced" that player X is town and would lay his hand into fire for them, if you know what I mean, it often hints to either an absolute strong meta read or a mechanical reason behind that.

Well it is an early game and there is always a reason to doubt read accuracy, that is why we are sitting here and discussing it aye?

This is not the reaction I would expect.

I only asked you a legit question and you are starting to spout off arguments like "defending Reborn hard" or even much worse "if someone confirmed you then show me so". Arguments completely off-place to the matter, that are an indicator of a salty reaction instead of a normal one.

You still have got to explain the points I have addressed about you throughout the game, but instead you come up with this kind of posting behaviour.
My way of getting my initial read on someone, besides skimming and catching up, ya feel me.
Phew I think I tackled every quote or tag that popped up and was answerable. Please reformulate your questions I will try to answer it.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Tac has put all the active players in possible townie list - this is to win their side and to avoid any counter argument and sus.

Also if couple with how others players responded to tac it makes sense that this list doesn't have mafia.

And, not so active in suspicious and scum list with exception of bogard for obvious reasons.

Also, I am inclined to believe that he put name of one mafia in scum list - bogard, Lanji and NW. To me Lanji is the mist prominent one here since Tac had max interaction with Bogard and his First interaction was with Nw but no interaction with Lanji.

The other mafia could be in neutral but lean scum category which includes - queen, playa,all red , rayan, rej, don.

Among them, I don't think queen could be mafia. Rej meta isn't off either. Rayan is laying low but nothing much on him.

All red has been subbed and has remain inactive so nothing much...

It's playa who I am getting doubtful the most.

So possible mafia based on tac interaction - either nw/Lanji (most prominently Lanji), playa (but we have to keep eyes on inactive players).

Now let's assume that he placed name of one mafia in townie read then players who could be mafia are kiwi and sera (but Kiwi game play is more like third party or townie instead and sera remains doubtful and not much to push case on him either)


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Based on scum psychology mafia tried to setup Drago to be the toniest towny and then kill him
by doing that sure kill I wonder if any protect didnt target Dragomir or if Mafia manipulated the kill away.

Besides that how are the odds that scum would townread another buddy?

This makes probably a scum in the blue or green ones.
What makes you think tac can't put his partner name in suspicious or scum list?


Tac has put all the active players in possible townie list - this is to win their side and to avoid any counter argument and sus.

Also if couple with how others players responded to tac it makes sense that this list doesn't have mafia.

And, not so active in suspicious and scum list with exception of bogard for obvious reasons.

Also, I am inclined to believe that he put name of one mafia in scum list - bogard, Lanji and NW. To me Lanji is the mist prominent one here since Tac had max interaction with Bogard and his First interaction was with Nw but no interaction with Lanji.

The other mafia could be in neutral but lean scum category which includes - queen, playa,all red , rayan, rej, don.

Among them, I don't think queen could be mafia. Rej meta isn't off either. Rayan is laying low but nothing much on him.

All red has been subbed and has remain inactive so nothing much...

It's playa who I am getting doubtful the most.

So possible mafia based on tac interaction - either nw/Lanji (most prominently Lanji), playa (but we have to keep eyes on inactive players).

Now let's assume that he placed name of one mafia in townie read then players who could be mafia are kiwi and sera (but Kiwi game play is more like third party or townie instead and sera remains doubtful and not much to push case on him either)
Actually I asked TAC why did he put me in his sus list after that post but he didn't answer. If I am a possible scum just like you said I would distance myself from TAC.


Holy Simp
What makes you think tac can't put his partner name in suspicious or scum list?
his optimistic and controlly playstyle, sometimes mafia tries to work themselves upwards in "town ranks"
I just recently played as mafia I know what I am talking about, it may happen and in a scenario where mafia has 4 members I see it very unbeneficial for mafia to suspect each other, unnecessary attention


Zoro Worshipper
I would tend to still keep a solid eye on Rej.

He claimed to be the one who would have carried town however the way he behaved during the end of the last day phase is even more off than his persistent lack of contribution.

He affirmed that he might have voted for Celestia if someone had given him a good reason to, then asked what the case on Celestia was, lastly voted her during the latest minutes despite no one had answered him in both occasions. He also claimed he would catch up to 30 pages, which goes wall against wall with what his claimed intention apparently was at the game beginning.

Look at this in particular

He is voting someone and yet claiming he is up for voting someone else under a good reason.

This is generally the kind of post only someone who isn't interested in lynching either one over the other and viceversa would make, expecially in that he had a solid read on Rayan and yet he immediately brought Celestia up.

This is the post I made this day phase summarizing my overall whole case on you. You never answered it but dodged. How come?

Just like I sus'ed you on D1 as well, and however you always answered me in a generic manner "I'm here"
And you know what's funny... you did so not in 1 BUT 2 occasions, ie ALL:

I am here :cheers: can someone give me a rundown? 25 pages is quite the monsterdish
:cheers:I am here fam


Holy Simp

This is the post I made this day phase summarizing my overall whole case on you. You never answered it but dodged. How come?

Just like I sus'ed you on D1 as well, and however you always answered me in a generic manner "I'm here"
And you know what's funny... you did so not in 1 BUT 2 occasions, ie ALL:
dude there was nowhere a question mark, I didn't feel to react to shade throwing, it is just unnecessary, if that is your thoughts then you can keep and share them, that's it, why should I answer to shade throwing that isn't even a question LMAO :luuh:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Actually I asked TAC why did he put me in his sus list after that post but he didn't answer. If I am a possible scum just like you said I would distance myself from TAC.
I Know that....
Among the ones you quoted, i find one to be more suspicious than the others(outside of Lanji), but i'd explain why later since i think the Lanji lynch is currently more important
My vote stays on Lanji... problem is lack of active ness from others which is making scum hunting problem.

his optimistic and controlly playstyle, sometimes mafia tries to work themselves upwards in "town ranks"
I just recently played as mafia I know what I am talking about, it may happen and in a scenario where mafia has 4 members I see it very unbeneficial for mafia to suspect each other, unnecessary attention
But that's generalization rej especially when you haven't read the thread properly.

Also, while pinpointing such things one must keep track of not only meta and gameplay but with whom he intereacted and in what manner, with whom he maintain distance, on whom he casted sus and how others placed their opinion on him and also the timing of placement of opinion.

There are many variables we need to factor in especially in game with 20players

Don't you think that it is quite odd that Lanji defended TAC (confirmed sus) quite persistent although it was just day 1? And if he doubted Bogard, why didn't he simply vote for him? In fact, he did not vote for ANYONE.

It is highly likely that the sus are trying their best to not act that suspicious towards townies and that's why I sincerely doubt that any sus voted for Celestial.
Lanji defending TAC that persistent and being one of the non voters doesn't make it better for him.

For now, I vote for LANJI CUCKSMOKE
Players not shying away from giving reads on tac in their first few posts and have some kind of firm reads - jewe,ha, don and rest are below
To protect myself of some attacks here.
The first point: Why I vote against Celestia.
-I try to get Yo Tan Wa reaction and Celestia answer my post with a weird comment, also Yo directly jump on my trap which me voting against him. Of course the time was running against us townies and a no kill wouldn´t help us more. In that case I risk it and vote in the last minutes against Celestia, no point though for a scum to do such a move for just a kill? My game play was simple until that point and I want to get more informations. I don´t know why people think this beeing suspicious about this when other user vote too against Celestia??

Dragomir > Kiwipom > Finalbeta > Celestia > Don DaSlayer
Bogard > TheAncientCenturion
Seraphoenix > NeutralWatcher
NeutralWatcher > Seraphoenix
Reborn > Celestia

Celestia > HA001
HA001 > Celestia
Jew D. Boy > Bogard
Finalbeta > Celestia
Rej > RayanOO > Celestia

Playa4321 > Yo Tan Wa > Celestia
Yo Tan Wa > TheAncientCenturion > **
Kiwipom > Don DaSlayer
What about Reborn,HA001,Rej and Final? People who vote in same way as me against Celestia with less establish reason for a vote?
What about the users who didn´t vote?

Non Voters

Don DaSlayer
My move was risky and yes it fails, but for a townie to making mistake in the early game is of course self-evident, I would be more worry about these players who play to "safe"....

For the second point with TaC, I mentionend that both TaC and Bogard attacks each other was weird and we should look over it, don´t the anything wrong with it.

Im not even sure if the 5 users who vote against Celestia one of them beeing even one scum, in that case I would look over the other players who making not a move and waiting for the townies to suspect each other. Alone the fact that some user try now to attacking me because of something which was self-evident.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
To protect myself of some attacks here.
The first point: Why I vote against Celestia.
-I try to get Yo Tan Wa reaction and Celestia answer my post with a weird comment, also Yo directly jump on my trap which me voting against him. Of course the time was running against us townies and a no kill wouldn´t help us more. In that case I risk it and vote in the last minutes against Celestia, no point though for a scum to do such a move for just a kill? My game play was simple until that point and I want to get more informations. I don´t know why people think this beeing suspicious about this when other user vote too against Celestia??

What about Reborn,HA001,Rej and Final? People who vote in same way as me against Celestia with less establish reason for a vote?
What about the users who didn´t vote?

My move was risky and yes it fails, but for a townie to making mistake in the early game is of course self-evident, I would be more worry about these players who play to "safe"....

For the second point with TaC, I mentionend that both TaC and Bogard attacks each other was weird and we should look over it, don´t the anything wrong with it.

Im not even sure if the 5 users who vote against Celestia one of them beeing even one scum, in that case I would look over the other players who making not a move and waiting for the townies to suspect each other. Alone the fact that some user try now to attacking me because of something which was self-evident.
The only reason you aren't my primary sus is because you took risk of switching vote at last minute to Celestia which is quite risky from scum point of view....

Anyway, what are your reads so far?

Don't you think that it is quite odd that Lanji defended TAC (confirmed sus) quite persistent although it was just day 1? And if he doubted Bogard, why didn't he simply vote for him? In fact, he did not vote for ANYONE.

It is highly likely that the sus are trying their best to not act that suspicious towards townies and that's why I sincerely doubt that any sus voted for Celestial.
Lanji defending TAC that persistent and being one of the non voters doesn't make it better for him.

For now, I vote for LANJI CUCKSMOKE
I felt the same but we have to keep ourselves open minded.

The voting got too scattered to deduce exactly who could be scum.
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