[FNZ] Role Madness Round 08: Tokyo Ghoul

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1)a Mafia can generally raise sus on each other but they definitely maintain distance with each other. (Raise sus but maintain distance strategy)

2) Mafia don't interact with each other much.

3)they can call each other townie but usually they avoid doing so right at the beginning or they Avoid calling each other townie in case one of them is suspect during day phase.

Generally, They will be diplomatic and will wait for others to brand their partner as townie before jumping on it to say he is twonie. This is to avoid sus in case their partner gets Lynched.( Call townie but not at beginning and at right time and avoid interaction strategy)
In most likely scenarios, yes this is what sound optimum strategy Mafia could use.
Players who inclined towards tac being Town right at the beginning and push sus on Bogard (inclines to believe they aren't mafia)
agreed. Shouldn't be mafia.

Cinera is here, less likely he is Mafia, could still be indies tho.
Players who gave neutral read to tac and weren't sure of
Players who simply commented in diplomatic way( mafia tactic)
Players who sus tac right at the beginning and lean townie twonie towards Bogard(not mafia)
Players who were active but were wary of vote on tac due to last game EXPERIENCE - Jew, HA and Don da
I would say those that tried to avoid a clear answer could be our sus, they tried playing diplomatically, avoiding a strong case on fellow Mafia, bt still calling it odd or unusual should be our possible scums.
Simce i believe A Mafia most likely would try to throw sus on Fellow Mafia bt probably won't push it strong enough to get him lynch.
The strategy could also be to come in to defend it, since no one on D1 have any idea about each other and most likely a townie would do so, plus the case of Bogard also wasn't strong in that case, hence a Mafia fellow can also come in to defend Tac. Bt i dont think he would do it strongly, bt just make his opinion known once.

Plus when there are multiple scums, they might also all follow different strategies so it hard to clear one out, one could be defending Tac, one pushing his case, and ome could stay neutral n distant or townie vs towmie.

Bt those that called it Scum vs Scum are most likely not Mafia, maybe Indies, so Queen isn't a Mafia. Sera also pointed out the same, so he might also not be one. Bt i wouldn't haste to clear him out.
Kiwi - gave town vs town read and was firm (most likely she isn't mafia but she didn't scum hunt with Bogard and tac much which is weird.)
I consider her a sus, bt Tac kept targeting her again n again, which kinda makes me doubt my case as one of overthinking. This game really isn't easy one, anything is possible.
Lanji- gave town vs town read to both
tac initial offense on him sounds strong so it made me bit unsure, bt if its last post from tac, and he tried distancing him from Lanji, it could mean Lanji is a fellow scum.
Bt should we looking this much into Tac last post, i mean was he at risk of lynching? No. So Tac last post may not mean as much we are making it.
Tac could be giving out his honest opinion to blend in, the uncertainty factor remains.

So i will change my stance on reread, this might not be the case of distancing itself in last post, Tac was killed during the Night amd it was D1, i dont see why he would feel the need to distance himself,

My only sus on Lanji is because of his townie vs townie read, bit push on Bogard and thn backing out, also is worth suspecting. And unusual reactn to Reborn post this day phase.
Not much activity from tac since then except for two posts he made

@Bogard @Yo Tan Wa @Finalbeta @Cinera what you guys think about the above three posts of mine?
I would say those that tried to avoid a clear answer could be our sus, they tried playing diplomatically, avoiding a strong case on fellow Mafia, bt still calling it odd or unusual should be our possible scums.
Simce i believe A Mafia most likely would try to throw sus on Fellow Mafia bt probably won't push it strong enough to get him lynch.
The strategy could also be to come in to defend it, since no one on D1 have any idea about each other and most likely a townie would do so, plus the case of Bogard also wasn't strong in that case, hence a Mafia fellow can also come in to defend Tac. Bt i dont think he would do it strongly, bt just make his opinion known once.

Plus when there are multiple scums, they might also all follow different strategies so it hard to clear one out, one could be defending Tac, one pushing his case, and ome could stay neutral n distant or townie vs towmie.
I would need time to give Names i sus based on such actions. Might not be possible before voting is over.

I feels like Kiwi n Cinera might not be Mafia, bt Indies or Townies.
Among the active ones, i don't have any solid sus on any player, so maybe inactive ones are possible scums. I will read more into Rej, Sentinel could also be worth looking into.

I am leaning townie on Jew, Final Beta, Playa n Reborn.
Others let's say they are all possible scums for me.
I would need time to give Names i sus based on such actions. Might not be possible before voting is over.

I feels like Kiwi n Cinera might not be Mafia, bt Indies or Townies.
Among the active ones, i don't have any solid sus on any player, so maybe inactive ones are possible scums. I will read more into Rej, Sentinel could also be worth looking into.

I am leaning townie on Jew, Final Beta, Playa n Reborn.
Others let's say they are all possible scums for me.
Actually Jew also has been off my radar for long, so let's say he is neutral for now.


Just reread the conversation between TAC and Lanji. For now Lanji is my bigger sus because

TAC sus Lanji on multiple occasions but didn't push the lynch that far. Seems to me that the lynch is just half assed to make townie believe either of them is townie.

I also finds it weird Lanji didn't ask TAC why he had Lanji on his sus list which makes it like Lanji wanted to distance himself from TAC yet when Reborn sus Lanji, Lanji was very defensive and he is inactive now.

Vote Lynch Lanji


Holy Simp
had a bit of time to respond to your question queen
prime sus as of now is rej
made an earlier commitment to carry town but has failed to match that in participation.
hopped on to ask for popular lynch candidates in an attempt to blend in with the popular town opinion.
if he isnt scum, he is either independent
or just a townie carrying along . I suppose @Cinera would also support his lynch in this case based on the reasons he proposed on townie's doing nothing.
yeah reading the ISO of Lanji, I don't like how he brings Cinera into this and tries to create a topic or alternate wagon out of me
I missed this post somehow and I take back townreading him

if Bogard has a good chance to be the towniest here due to the antagonizing TAC interactions then let's prove his accuracy, and Reborn too

Vote lynch Lanji Cucksmoke

lets get it rolling boiz


Ghost Princess
Before I go read the rest of the pages I missed, I'll answer you first
I read through the posts again, and i can understand the sus on Don after he tried redirecting it on inactive players. That was really sus worthy.

Bt i am trying to know what started it initially? I am sure you closely watched Don gameplay in last Game being a host, and i really didn't find anything in this game that separated him for that, not until the redirection try.
Plus the inactive were the ones that turned out scums, so it's self explanatory if he tries to warn us again to not read into each other much due to loosing Tac D1 last time, and that we should also target the inactive ones, since the possibility of finding scums in them could be more. This is also something expected from someone who can't read much on D1 bt still tries to help.
this is my key concern, Don didn't look like he was trying to help. Here are some of his first posts in the game, and even with everything going on, he felt more like an audience making commentary then trying to engage in the convo.
I think that there is no Tokyo Ghoul movie.
Is this the normal Tokyo Ghoul or Tokyo Ghoul Re? or both?
Why the fuck are you 2 even fighting??:kaidowhat:
Drago says that you are mafia!
He keeps fucking up on the first day smh.Just like in the last one.
7or 8 scums is wayy to much.:attachpol:
And again, we can't brush off people acting suspicious with "this is his meta, he played like that before!". I have never seen Don's mafia meta. If he is already acting suspicious as a townie, then how do you think he will act as a mafia? Suddenly become super townie? Become even more suspicious? Stay the same? We don't know.

And that's why we can't judge a person based off townie meta alone.

If he could be mistaken as someone trying to draw attention to inactiveones, couldn't you who was targeting him do the same to save the same inactiveones?
He was fixated on the fact that all inactive players are possible scums. His assessments of the situations happening were just weak commentaries. He didn't engage with users currently active but chose to talk about users who are not.

And me targetting him doesn't mean I am defending the inactive ones, I am pointing out that his logic is flawed. There are loud mafias as seen later by TAC's flip.

This post is your reactn to 3 people susing you.

You quoted in Bogard and my post, as those who were repeating stuff(?)
At first i thought it could be honest mistake maybe she really missed all my other posts, bt still felt weird to me that you would base this on one post and that too where i targeted you.
Here's my previous post about my read on you, i should have tagged you on this now i think.
Bt now that i checked back, both the users you quoted were those who raised sus on you.
Not only that my other posts were also on same page(+ previous page) to the one you quoted me from( which makes it unlikely u didn't read em) and Bogard also didn't seem like he was rephrasing Reborn n Dragomir logic.
So you intentions were different here, you didn't really tried finding those who were silently agreeing and repeating the same stuff as Reborn n Dragomir.
I quoted you because your excuse for being suspicious of me as striked me as if you're saying "Reborn said so!"
Last time your reads about players playstyle was on point, i will consider Kiwi a possible scum for nw.
As for Bogard, I saw it as an offhanded comment that doesn't say where he feels my meta is off, but just saying that my meta is off.

I could defend myself when posts are analysising my playstyle or even Reborn's saying that my townie meta came back after he quoted me. I can explain or understand the logic behind those accusations, but when it is just a side comment about "Kiwi's meta is off", the only thing I can do is ask, where do you feel that my meta is off?

And no one answered me.

The only people who did were Drago and Reborn, yet everyone else who made the same accusations didn't point out the 'inconsistency' they saw from my previous games. This is why I am inclined to believe that their accusations of me were just sheeping on Drago and Reborn.


Ghost Princess
Yeah I don’t have enough time today to read through all the pages and make a long analysis about Lanji. I wanna take a look at Seraphoenix too.

I’ll put my vote down for Lanji. Shifting through a bit of his posts, I see he attempted multiple times to change the conversation when people were questioning him. It almost seem opportunistic, pointing fingers here and there, hoping one of it will take off.
scum strategy is to blend in with town. rej stays quiet more so than I but he jumped in on the bandwagon vote against celestia so he must not be on your prime sus list.

interested to see why bogard pointed me out when finalbeta and cinera initially had him as a prime sus with cinera going as far as to call his actions scummy.

so if you know what it is
thats why you sus him?

how can anyone prove this . a no claim game is all kinds of fucked.

no just looking for a justification beyond I defended tac cause clearly many people did .

Vote Lynch Lanji Cucksmoke


Zoro Worshipper
Vote Lynch Rej

I'm not convinced of the notion he is playing as dumb townie anymore. He even made a terrible assertion regarding how mafia behaves, by outlining the fact they don't try to sus one each other in order to prevent attiring unnecessary attention, when instead distancing is a common mechanic in mafia games.

He claims TAC could not put his buddies into sus list which is outright ridiculous, and in addition to this, he is now voting for LANJI despite he was put in sus list by TAC when he gave it off.

This guy is a mess.


You can't win
On a side note, i find this game Kiwi to be far more passive than the townie Kiwi i know. I noted her diplomatic play in the TAC vs me confrontation, but since it was just an early game meta, i brushed it aside for a minute, and after i pointed this out, it's when she started picking out arguments(a small notice without any warning where my focus was more on TAC) of repeating previous arguments.

And from there started pushing a Don case, which looking back to it sounds like she was trying to avoid the bandwagon sequence that led to Celestia's lynch while using Don(who is known for not reall helping regardless of the role he has).

Not just that, but she was very passive during this dayphase as well. Outside of agreeing with my reasoning of Lanji being scum(which by the way as pointed out by @Yo Tan Wa made it look like she was just attempting to repeat a previous argument - the same thing she tried to critic of other users), she wasn't very contributive.

And more importantly remember this post about Kiwi apparently preferring lynch by far?
I will prefer lynch by far. I am not a fan of becoming a sitting duck on a day 1 where there is no info, no claiming. I said it earlier, I know that mislynch costs but no lynches costs too.

Lynches will give us something to talk about, information, it will provide us a direction for our night actions and give a clearer picture of how each player is playing that is not all based off meta and reads.

As for right now if I have to pick a player? I would say probably Don. I don't like his playstyle of evading and redirecting the attention.
Well guess what? She didn't vote up at a time when the Lanji case was still unclear, despite clearly agreeing with my reasoning of Lanji(potential scum)
This is a good point
I think Bogard made a really good point about the relationship between Lanji and TAC where Lanji tried to defend TAC originally but after people pointed it out, TAC tried to distance himself from Lanji

Moreover, Lanji has been acting very defensive which is different than how he played the last games.
But now that it became clear that Lanji would be lynched, she decided to vote him out


Final Vote Count


Finalbeta > Don DaSlayer > Rej

Cinera > Don DaSlayer > **
Queen > Don DaSlayer > **
Don DaSlayer > Don DaSlayer > **

NeutralWatcher > LANJI CUCKSMOKE
Rej >


Rej - 1

Non Voters

Jew D. Boy
Yo Tan Wa

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE Will get lynch


@LANJI CUCKSMOKE [Noro] has been lynched.
You're Noro

- [Active - Spying] - Noro have his own different information network. Each Night you may target someone to know their character and alignment.

- [Active - Deadly Piercing] - Unleash your Kagune to cut through your target. If Noro performs the factional kill he can upgrade that to super-kill. [1-shot]

- [Active - Sharp] - Noro may target a player and slice through them. He will role-crush them for a cycle. [1-shot]

- [Conditional Passive - The Last Hope] - Noro avoids the unnecessary spotlight, but when his help is needed he is determined to take things in his hand. If he's the last member alive from his team, he can upgrade factional kill to super-kills.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Aogiri Tree
Night 2 starts.
You have 21 hours to submit your actions.

Note - Night 2 will be shortened, and last 21 hours, to return to the normal deadline.


@Don DaSlayer [Touka Kirishima] Mod kill
You're Touka Kirishima

- [Active - Multi-tasking] - You have abilities that you can use for various stuff. You can only use one ability at a time. Know that you cannot use the same ability for the following 3 NP’s.
1. You can investigate a player at Night to discern their alignment.
2. Can target a player to stop all other Night actions from affecting them in any way which includes investigative actions(Does not work against super kill).
3. Target a player at night and learn who, if anybody, that player targeted the same night.
4. Change the target of the chosen player to a different player.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
it's still a Night phase.

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