Speculations Saturn beats Luffy, Kizaru beats Zoro and Sanji

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
what's with your hate of zoro and sanji lately?
I think the power-scaling of the series is completely busted if Luffy can 1v1 a Gorosei/Admiral, and that Zoro and Sanji are weaker than people think. An Admiral is supposed to be the ultimate force of the Marines. What's better for the final arc? The Marines looking weak here, or Kizaru proving he's still an elite threat? 1v1ing or 2v1ing Kizaru is different than taking on Kaido with 15 people.

Let's look at what's left in the series without bias.

Laugh Tale
The Great War

Cross Guild/Mihawk (for Zoro)
Giants (at least some clashes)
Blackbeard Pirates
Other Pirate groups
Im and Gorosei
Admirals and Marines

If we're about to enter Elbaf, and Luffy is above the highest authority in the world, a Gorosei, what's the point? If he's already near Akainu's level, he's going to be well above him before the Final War. If Zoro is already nearing Admiral level, he's going to be way too strong by the time he gets to Mihawk.

EVERYTHING HAD TO GO RIGHT for the Straw Hats to win in Onigashima. If it was just Luffy vs Kaido from the beginning, Raid's over. Luffy only matched Kaido at the end of the fight. Even if Luffy had Gear 5 at the beginning of the fight, and him and Kaido were at full health, I'm taking Kaido.

Luffy is NOWHERE NEAR stronger than Kaido. Neither are Zoro or Sanji. Zoro and Sanji struggled for a long time against guys Green Bull had no problem with. Even with their upgrades, are they really near him yet?

I love Zoro and Sanji, I just think Oda is tricking us into believing the Straw Hats are stronger than they are, and that they can't be beaten. Since they feel so invincible, I think they're about to take a big L. If the Marines and Gorosei look bad here, it'll kill their hype for the Final Arc. They need a strong showing, and the easiest way is dusting a new Yonkou crew.
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So who or what would save them in this scenario if you think they get destroyed buy these guys?
I think S-Bear's gonna get Kuma's memories and do a mass Teleportation like at the end of Sabaody.
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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I hope we get all of the strawhats vs Kizaru:neesama:
LOL they just pull up and mug him? That's fucking hilarious.

We can finally see the crew do full Docking with Franky.
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Seems like most threads today are if Zoro can do something so can Lanji if Lanji can't then Zoro can't either. You don't want to let go of Zoro's dick, the so called best character is struggling to be his own thing. :saden:
I try to avoid agendas when I power-scale, but, believe what you want.

I have no idea why saying Zoro is going to lose in a 2v1 against an Admiral is dick riding him, but, uh... go ahead.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
The best thing oda can do is recreate luffy punching the Cd with Saturn
Have the fake out hit
Turns out Saturn tanked it and faceplants luffy

This would be an amazing callback, I hope this happens now.

The first panel makes it look like Luffy's punch connected.

Then, we get a angle of Saturn's face, and he's holding Luffy's hand back while staring with slanted, darkened eyes. CoC cracks out of Saturn, and Luffy's wrist begins to crack and break. Luffy swears and tries to punch again, but Saturn uses Soru/Shave Rokushiki like Cipher Pol, then grabs Luffy's face, and Hand Guns him into the ground, sending cracks all over the place, and leaving a small crater.

"We earned the title of World's Greatest Authority through our own power. You're the one who punched Charlos, correct, Nika? I should not insult my family like this perhaps, but..." Saturn begins to choke Luffy as the other Straw Hats stumble, some falling to their knees from his CoC. "Did you really think the Gorosei was as weak as that clown? Did you think the Marines would serve us, if we were feeble old men drinking tea around a table?"

Luffy: "Who the hell do you think you are, you crazy old man! What the hell is a Gorosei?"

Saturn makes the Enel Face.
SH crew isn’t losing anymore imo. If a ragtag pirate-samurai-mink alliance and a little girl can take down two Yonkos and their crews then SH sure as hell ain’t losing to a wannabe planet, an Admiral, and some brown babies.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I personally doubt we’ll see the straw hats lose; but I don’t see Saturn being taken down either.
As long as Kizaru and Saturn get hits in to prove they're legit threats, and they don't look bad, I'm fine. They should at least do some damage, draw some blood, I think. I don't want Luffy, Zoro, Sanji to faint, just get messed up a bit.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Rly think arc mirroring thing's more a fan obsession than smth Oda pays attention to.
In some cases, yeah, but there are some pretty obvious examples.

Arlong Park and Fishman Island.
Alabasta and Dressrosa

Not every arc has a counterpoint, but, there are some interesting connections. Thriller Bark and Wano were connected through the theme of death, were Moria after losing his crew used the dead as his army because he couldn't handle more loss, when the Scabbards lost their leader, and tried to give their lives up to avenge his death themselves. Stuff like that.


Lunatic Queen
In some cases, yeah, but there are some pretty obvious examples.

Arlong Park and Fishman Island.
Alabasta and Dressrosa

Not every arc has a counterpoint, but, there are some interesting connections. Thriller Bark and Wano were connected through the theme of death, were Moria after losing his crew used the dead as his army because he couldn't handle more loss, when the Scabbards lost their leader, and tried to give their lives up to avenge his death themselves. Stuff like that.
I could see an intentional parallel b/w Arlong Park and FI cause Oda wanted to make a statement abt where SHs stood in terms of strength after their training. The other parallels feel forced to me and I see them more as mere coincidences.
I have said many times I believe Egghead is an arc that mirrors both Sabaody Archipelago and Ohara. So, I think Luffy punching a Celestial Dragon is a given (maybe kicking him), but, I think Oda has already teased who's fighting Kizaru.

This was the point of showing Green Bull mopping up King and Queen: to make it clear that Zoro and Sanji aren't Admiral level yet.

Luffy matched Kaido with Gear 5, and dominated Lucci with it. It's time for him to get a "coming back to earth" moment.

Relying on the Seraphim, clones of other characters, to be the endgame villains for the WG is really lame, IMO. I think it's clear that the Gorosei ARE powerful, and we're going to see it here.

After looking invincible post-Wano, the Straw Hats will run into the TRUE STRONGEST FORCE in the series: the Marines/WG. If Saturn is Admiral or Admiral+ level, the Straw Hats are in for a bad time.

Making the Gorosei look weak right before the Final War Arc would completely destroy the hype for their characters.

What happened the last time the Straw Hats were full of themselves and fought with Celestial Dragons? They got destroyed, and had to be helped to escape. Zoro and Sanji will try to pay of their debts to Kuma by beating Kizaru, but, I think they'll fail; nobody on the Straw Hats can deal with Kizaru's speed, yet (Luffy in short bursts, but that's it).
It would serve no purpose to have Kizaru beat the SH's again. In fact I'd wager it would be the opposite to show how far they've grown.
You could make a case for Saturn being OP. But it would not make sense to have a repeat of Shaboady.