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@T-Pein™ You are causing confusion with your claim. You said earlier you have a pm ability and never used it. You said you protected Flower and can't anymore and was this a one shot? Robin asked you about your active abilities it would be better if you used them and you said you did not use them. How come you didn't talk to Robin about your protect ability when they wanted to know about your active ability if you used it or not?


𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
basically @Tris luthon said an ability failed on u, and u said u have no sort of protection

hat ability's name was [active - what rules] or smthing like that as per luthon's claim

luthon died and indeed flipped capable of performing such action on u

please work with us to confirm u here tris

1. do u rly not have anything to make that ability fail? that ability name is rly NAI, but it failed on u according to luthon

2. did anyone claim shooting that ability to u or bus driving u or anything of that sort? if not then they r likely scum

if anyone targeted tris night 1 with an ability called [what rules] pls say so. if you bus driven her or redirected abilities on her pls do so too

I legit claimed everything. Everyone should know my entire role. I have no protection or anything.

No one claimed anything.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Someone [??] Super - Killed @Go D. Usopp ™

You are MonsterZoro!

[Passive - Unknown] - He is immune to any kind of investigation. He will show up as neither good nor evil on alignment scans.

[Passive - Town Safety] - MonsterZoro always take charge to defend sanji fandom. If he kills an innocent person, he will be role-crushed and vote-silenced for a cycle. He will also lose his killing progress.

[Active - Trolling Spree] - There isn't any zoro fan who hasn't got trolled by you. Each night, Monster Zoro may choose a player to kill.
--- [First Kill] - Upon killing the first mafia your kill will become immune to role-blocks
--- [Second Kill] - Your kill will become undetectable
--- [Third Kill] - Your kill will become super-kill

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town



Certified Memelord
aight so lets do sm town leader sogeking isos and analysis

as promised, the day 3 special wacky read list :goyea:

scum leans:

@RayanOO - should technically be roleblocked by midnight n2, and seems to have tried to get something about JDB's role on night 1. this AWEFULLY similar to tobi's claim. its like they both fake claimed same sht from their scum chat. a rolecop is 90% scum ability and looks like their faction tried to rolecop JDB and failed, then they fked up and claimed the same action accidently. rayan is very prone to these kind of errors seeing him doing smthing similar on weeb game.

@RheanaeL 2.0 she was tobi and now is confused about her claim. this even solidifies that they both fked up claiming trying to rolecop JDB. i would really like these 2 to be questioned right away. this is serious. rhea is slipping hard here.

@Flower - indie claimed ningen which has to execute JDB and vice versa apparently. now it looks like JDB was targeted by rolecop and they failed on him so rly looks like he could be indie as well. but flower could definitely be teammate with tobi and rayan and is trying to push JDB based on their n1 rolecop info as they think JDB is dangerous or even possibly cult leader. want to place her as 50-50 but with this new development around my scum reads trying to hit JDB, its very possible flower is playing a part. not to mention i never town read kiwi and flower suddenly having a passive is just too wacky.

@Tris - one of her and odd has to be lying at this point. for them to both be town someone has to have blocked rhea and protected odd, which is very very low chance. basically tris targeted me with an ability to stop my kill if i hit town, but odd never saw that ability with his ability watcher on me. now pretty much if one flips town we can honestly lynch the other instantly. now the problem with tris is shes been inconsistent twice now cuz b4 this case with odd cuz there was also her case with luthon where he claimed an ability failed on her and she said she has no immunity of that sort, which could be another lie.

@oddoddfruit - well he claimed ability watcher, with some 100 word essay thingy that he never really talked about. there is just way too much tinfoil potential when it comes to discussing him so instead of hurting my head with it imma w8 for more info, however him surviving the shot on him is bad, really bad, if no explanation to that was made, specially given how he basically denied bullet proof, and none claimed protecting him. i wanted to put him on 50-50 but i need some explanation from him to move him down. for now a scum lean. he seemed to be certain the writeup on day 2 was fake and did not see tris ability targeting me. could be simply having tmi of scum actions used on me.

flower/rayan/rhea 2.0 vs JDB could very well be mafia vs cult action. can even add beta to them.


@Jew D. Boy - both rhea and rayan claimed a rolecop failed on him. JDB looks like an indie forreal rn. could even be cult leader?? that and his true wincon still remains unknown, but his play is growing progressively worst and is even possibly culted given how he now has a passive to use " ;) " that he didnt have on day 1.

@Queen - she has a pretty sick role seems like but seems very cautious about how she appears to others. already claimed most of her role but is unwilling to help provide info using that for town. could honestly simply be town with a powerful role, but could also be scum slipping off radar, hence the 50-50

@Natalija - its hard to make what nat is atm. she suddenly has a zoro wank passive that she could easily be faking and shes really not partaking in anything nor claiming actions. hardly see her trying to help town. need to see more.

@Lindltaylor - night 1 redirector claim but never stated their action for night 2 as far as i remember. this redirector is NAI specially given how it redirected a townie to another townie. ofc lind wouldn't know who is or isnt town day 1 if he was town, but its still possible he is scum that redirected 2 other townies. and now his play on day 3 dropped too low in quality it became hard to not read him as culted.

@Kvothe Kingkiller - survivor claim, will be allowed to stay alive rn but definitely get pushed later on if town is losing and we ran outta options. shes strong town lean but she isn't obliged to play with town so remains 50-50

@Finalbeta - he has been very secretive about his role. claims he did no action twice in a row and claims that his role is strong so does not wanna reveal it to not get killed. which doesnt make sense because just by saying his role is strong he could get targeted by mafia is he is town, even with the running meme that mafia doesnt kill beta cuz he helps them regardless. a strong town role should be rid off for mafia, so beta being alive is weird. he should be tracked tbh. but also very possible his actions and non trackable thats y is confident about claiming no actions. and finally his cult hunting is a big red flag on him as its what mafia would be doing the most to feign hunting in the thread.

@Seraphoenix - completely NAI on this guy. he seriously need to post more and claim actions or give proper thoughts and reads. probably lazy town honestly but i wouldn't put him on town leans just yet.

@Marimo_420 - seems to be a classic coaster honestly, like rayan and seraph and says he didnt do an action night 1, however did a night 2 action on lanji 1.0 that could confirm him. this is pretty convenient since lanji 1.0 was killed and lanji 2.0 cannot talk about 1.0. need to see more from him like seraph.

town leans:

@Go D. Usopp ™ - town leader sogekingu

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE 2.0 - fuji is confirmed to have done no action night 1, and seems to be part of luffy fan club. fuji was able to buff other's roles as well and looks like hes blackmailed by scum ningens and is rolecrushed tonight. looks like a townie hit by scum honestly.

@Robin - seems to be a tracker. its possible to have multiple of those in a 25 player game. night 1 saw tobi target JDB, and night 2 saw tpein target flower 2.0. i'm willing to completely change my stance on him here and give him a town read for now tbh, specially if tobi/rayan flip scum.

@MangoSenpai - seems like a town watcher. saw lanji target fuji night 1, and saw none target JDB night 2. his play has changed completely from day 1 to now tho, so very possibly culted tbh, but i would expect a cultee not to make it this obvious lol.

@T-Pein™ - protected flower n2, not sure his actions n1. has a PM ability that he did not use. could have tmi on flower being town on day 1, but honestly its too obvious for me to tinfoil on rn. im gna just assume he has mechanical reason or just strongly reading flower as pro town. could certainly look bad later on the game if he continues this apathy regarding his ability and this weird town reading of others, but for now he gets a pass

@Juliet - she honestly has good targets on her abilities as i noticed she doesnt always target the active players like most others which is pretty good. her thread presence is minimal tho and mostly asks confirmation questions or parrot others. if she's scum she's gna get rly far b4 being caught out tbh. seems to rely more on abilities and result over tones and thread reads, but for now i'd like to consider her town. lets see some flips to decide.

@Midnight Delight - i honestly like this play this game. yea he isnt talking much but he is actually trying and is following the thread and asking good questions. i rly like his roleblock on rayan as well. willing to give him a town read here. his passive to like every posts is honestly NAI but i'll lean town rn
aight so lets do sm town leader sogeking isos and analysis

as promised, the day 3 special wacky read list :goyea:

scum leans:

@RayanOO - should technically be roleblocked by midnight n2, and seems to have tried to get something about JDB's role on night 1. this AWEFULLY similar to tobi's claim. its like they both fake claimed same sht from their scum chat. a rolecop is 90% scum ability and looks like their faction tried to rolecop JDB and failed, then they fked up and claimed the same action accidently. rayan is very prone to these kind of errors seeing him doing smthing similar on weeb game.

@RheanaeL 2.0 she was tobi and now is confused about her claim. this even solidifies that they both fked up claiming trying to rolecop JDB. i would really like these 2 to be questioned right away. this is serious. rhea is slipping hard here.

@Flower - indie claimed ningen which has to execute JDB and vice versa apparently. now it looks like JDB was targeted by rolecop and they failed on him so rly looks like he could be indie as well. but flower could definitely be teammate with tobi and rayan and is trying to push JDB based on their n1 rolecop info as they think JDB is dangerous or even possibly cult leader. want to place her as 50-50 but with this new development around my scum reads trying to hit JDB, its very possible flower is playing a part. not to mention i never town read kiwi and flower suddenly having a passive is just too wacky.

@Tris - one of her and odd has to be lying at this point. for them to both be town someone has to have blocked rhea and protected odd, which is very very low chance. basically tris targeted me with an ability to stop my kill if i hit town, but odd never saw that ability with his ability watcher on me. now pretty much if one flips town we can honestly lynch the other instantly. now the problem with tris is shes been inconsistent twice now cuz b4 this case with odd cuz there was also her case with luthon where he claimed an ability failed on her and she said she has no immunity of that sort, which could be another lie.

@oddoddfruit - well he claimed ability watcher, with some 100 word essay thingy that he never really talked about. there is just way too much tinfoil potential when it comes to discussing him so instead of hurting my head with it imma w8 for more info, however him surviving the shot on him is bad, really bad, if no explanation to that was made, specially given how he basically denied bullet proof, and none claimed protecting him. i wanted to put him on 50-50 but i need some explanation from him to move him down. for now a scum lean. he seemed to be certain the writeup on day 2 was fake and did not see tris ability targeting me. could be simply having tmi of scum actions used on me.

flower/rayan/rhea 2.0 vs JDB could very well be mafia vs cult action. can even add beta to them.


@Jew D. Boy - both rhea and rayan claimed a rolecop failed on him. JDB looks like an indie forreal rn. could even be cult leader?? that and his true wincon still remains unknown, but his play is growing progressively worst and is even possibly culted given how he now has a passive to use " ;) " that he didnt have on day 1.

@Queen - she has a pretty sick role seems like but seems very cautious about how she appears to others. already claimed most of her role but is unwilling to help provide info using that for town. could honestly simply be town with a powerful role, but could also be scum slipping off radar, hence the 50-50

@Natalija - its hard to make what nat is atm. she suddenly has a zoro wank passive that she could easily be faking and shes really not partaking in anything nor claiming actions. hardly see her trying to help town. need to see more.

@Lindltaylor - night 1 redirector claim but never stated their action for night 2 as far as i remember. this redirector is NAI specially given how it redirected a townie to another townie. ofc lind wouldn't know who is or isnt town day 1 if he was town, but its still possible he is scum that redirected 2 other townies. and now his play on day 3 dropped too low in quality it became hard to not read him as culted.

@Kvothe Kingkiller - survivor claim, will be allowed to stay alive rn but definitely get pushed later on if town is losing and we ran outta options. shes strong town lean but she isn't obliged to play with town so remains 50-50

@Finalbeta - he has been very secretive about his role. claims he did no action twice in a row and claims that his role is strong so does not wanna reveal it to not get killed. which doesnt make sense because just by saying his role is strong he could get targeted by mafia is he is town, even with the running meme that mafia doesnt kill beta cuz he helps them regardless. a strong town role should be rid off for mafia, so beta being alive is weird. he should be tracked tbh. but also very possible his actions and non trackable thats y is confident about claiming no actions. and finally his cult hunting is a big red flag on him as its what mafia would be doing the most to feign hunting in the thread.

@Seraphoenix - completely NAI on this guy. he seriously need to post more and claim actions or give proper thoughts and reads. probably lazy town honestly but i wouldn't put him on town leans just yet.

@Marimo_420 - seems to be a classic coaster honestly, like rayan and seraph and says he didnt do an action night 1, however did a night 2 action on lanji 1.0 that could confirm him. this is pretty convenient since lanji 1.0 was killed and lanji 2.0 cannot talk about 1.0. need to see more from him like seraph.

town leans:

@Go D. Usopp ™ - town leader sogekingu

@LANJI CUCKSMOKE 2.0 - fuji is confirmed to have done no action night 1, and seems to be part of luffy fan club. fuji was able to buff other's roles as well and looks like hes blackmailed by scum ningens and is rolecrushed tonight. looks like a townie hit by scum honestly.

@Robin - seems to be a tracker. its possible to have multiple of those in a 25 player game. night 1 saw tobi target JDB, and night 2 saw tpein target flower 2.0. i'm willing to completely change my stance on him here and give him a town read for now tbh, specially if tobi/rayan flip scum.

@MangoSenpai - seems like a town watcher. saw lanji target fuji night 1, and saw none target JDB night 2. his play has changed completely from day 1 to now tho, so very possibly culted tbh, but i would expect a cultee not to make it this obvious lol.

@T-Pein™ - protected flower n2, not sure his actions n1. has a PM ability that he did not use. could have tmi on flower being town on day 1, but honestly its too obvious for me to tinfoil on rn. im gna just assume he has mechanical reason or just strongly reading flower as pro town. could certainly look bad later on the game if he continues this apathy regarding his ability and this weird town reading of others, but for now he gets a pass

@Juliet - she honestly has good targets on her abilities as i noticed she doesnt always target the active players like most others which is pretty good. her thread presence is minimal tho and mostly asks confirmation questions or parrot others. if she's scum she's gna get rly far b4 being caught out tbh. seems to rely more on abilities and result over tones and thread reads, but for now i'd like to consider her town. lets see some flips to decide.

@Midnight Delight - i honestly like this play this game. yea he isnt talking much but he is actually trying and is following the thread and asking good questions. i rly like his roleblock on rayan as well. willing to give him a town read here. his passive to like every posts is honestly NAI but i'll lean town rn


Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
he now has a passive to use " ;) " that he didnt have on day 1.
Inattentive and unable to read shit until the bitter end...flipping town is the only useful thing you’ve done, since it should sway town to finally get rid of Flower ;)

Anyway, since this keeps coming up, y’all check this out:
Vote lynch jdb @Reborn

Y’all seriously lynching the person who extended the day phase? Lmao.
Took you long enough ;)
So you’re a copycat for Kiwi now? You know the saying about what happens when you serve more than one master, don’t you? ;)
Scum are really showing out here as the phase winds down and one of their own is close to the gallows, what a fucking surprise ;)
Once again -

Posting too much: Scum
Not posting enough: Scum
Posting the “wrong” thing: Scum

So what actually makes someone a townie? Is it just about straight up sticking your head in the sand and letting scum run wild? Because nobody does it quite like we do ;)
Then I hope you’ve noticed who came in to vote me down right at the end ;)
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