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What could have been...
well true, but every game she is town she way more engaged with discussion then sitting back and making few post. that what i remember strongest of how town misty behaves.
its too early to call someone scum based on meta changes
its still day 0 and i can perfectly understand why someone wouldnt bother

but there is always a hunch
well true, but every game she is town she way more engaged with discussion then sitting back and making few post. that what i remember strongest of how town misty behaves.
amhmmm sure

Ehhhh big game and weekend on D0? Feel like a stretch but ehh like the process I guess
nick nick nickkk

this exclamation mark here is sooo scummy it soloes flower's scumminess this phase
ekk can you stop quoting me and waste someone else’s time please?
thank god someone finds this whole thing as fishy as me haha.

Who are the 10 ppl so far?

also do you have a partner yet?
they are all on my automatic sus list.

Want to team up with me? And if you backstab me I will haunt you for the rest of your mafia career.
^ Comes into the game with a strong sense of agenda on the council

I am sus of the people jumping to be council members. I feel it will be easier for scum to get their own through
Lol. What does the council actually do though? They are just able to talk?
Yet apparently doesn't even know what the council does

Why the fuck are you town though. Scum have the advantage of being able to vote for teammates, so are more likely to make the council and gain an extra lynch. Imo we need to vote for different people than the ones who have put themselves forward so far.

My third vote will go to Flower, she seems genuine in not jumping for the opportunity

Anyone voting for Drago and Zemmi goes on my automatic scum list tbh.
There's a legitimate point to be made about scum wanting to be on the council but Misty just kinda casts a wide net and shades almost everyone

Myself and Beky

It doesn't make sense that I should just trust you

And you saying that you guys putting yourself forward for council this hard says that you are more likely to be town is just angleshooting at this point. What disadvantage do you gain from it? People pick up the wagon, your scummates vote for you and don't stand out when you die and flip scum? And you get to decide on an extra lynch every two nightphases. Say what?
Not a terrible post in isolation but most of Misty's (game related) posts revolve around this subject

Okay I am skipping stuff cause I am super busy, but this is my thoughts rn

Drago should tbh just claim by now. We should be able to protect him if it makes sense. He already drew a massive target on his back.

Lindl, I don't know why but I get a feeling you are scum, same with Ultra, perhaps even buddies in the same scum team. Can't quite put my finger on it though, got no evidence, just throwing it out here.

Zem seems fine. Flower seems fine too, at least I'm praying it is.

Dont think I've read enough other posts yet of other people, or at least noted anything of importance.

Just throwing weird stuff out, do with it as you will
Asks Drago to full claim and then just kinda points a finger at me and Lind and can't really offer a reason:

I don't usually point my finger at someone without any good evidence haha
Nothing set in stone but this is a pretty good lead


What could have been...
Usopp says that Flower can't be easily caught during D0 so her acting scummy is not because she's scum having a bad game but because she's some type of jester. I'm saying that it's dumb to let that stop you from suspecting her.
i never said to stop sussing her
but be rational
what r u gna do about it now?
u sus her, now what?
Usopp says that Flower can't be easily caught during D0 so her acting scummy is not because she's scum having a bad game but because she's some type of jester. I'm saying that it's dumb to let that stop you from suspecting her.
Yah tbf, that doesn’t really mean anything in regards to your case. But at the same time you guys arguing back and forth is pointless at this stage in the game because it clearly won’t go anywhere scum or not.
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