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sorry i was just genuinely confident id make high council - guess thats scum indictive these days. miss the days of actual reasoning and sound logic
There's nothing reasonable or sound about you being confident about becoming the council member. Its delusion.

4 of the 3 people who you were confident would vote for you, didn't.

On that note, who did you vote for the council?
All I know is that I voted for kagura and Naomi and myself :catpole:
Your leader has the following thoughts:

Muugen can be scum, but the way he has been such a hot topic makes your leader think.

Ekko can be scum, too.

Fuji can be scum, too.

Broki needs her spark.

Nana can be scum.

Ratchet your leader will never trust.

Dedicate your hearts!
My bad :)

Yeah Nights was pretty light hearted. Don't knoe if I'm remebering correctly though ahah

On PSO I tried and tried and I never went that far and was always starting over. Not sure why.

Yeah we got same tastes :)

I really didn't enjoy that game that much but before buying it I remember I thought it would be a great game.

Time stalkers was an RPG. Not that well known I guess.

What about Sonic Race?


ah, rpg played ff7,ff8,ff9(favorite 9)

sonic racers? played that!

Vote Blue


Putting this here cuz my gut dislikes P#7404
michell you lean scummy for some reason, beside beky using edit post to drill blue.

I believe there was a person who said before a post I read that Usopp just said I don't want to vote for someone on council, I forgot who made it.

Then there was a post by Usopp that bugged me, along with the council post there. Saying him being on council didn't bother him or how he got there but his play did.

@Naomi I am more concerned actually when a person seems to have read the entire thread but has had virtually no presence in it, because that means they could have someone filling them in.

ah, well seen her reply/current in game thread to current discussions. will see how it progress later more! :rosismile:

Why are you asking your leader knowing she will not claim? She said she‘s tired because posting so much is just making her tired. She needs to recharge her good energy for a while :blobdj:.

Give it your all!
Zeus is that you? :moonwalk:

I'm on the first floor with my lovely delving group "2 Girls 1 DIO", ft. @Naomi and @Juliet


I have not been reading.
I found out the game started a little while ago and now going to bed.
I always trust ekko tho.
I am the #1 ekko reader.
If he is scum I will find out.
this is creepy :lusalty:

In short:

Most members of the council are some combination of players who self advocated or top posters. Muugen is a stark exception. Furthermore Muugen bragged openly yesterday he was getting in.

The way council votes work is that because mafia votes collectively you can assume they have the power to force in their candidate if they so choose.

And Muugen's response to the situation was first to say "I got in because I'm popular", then backtracked to, "fucking idiots of course I was set up".

Some have observed there are hints of town play from his aggression but his gameplay has been objectively pretty bad and he's been mostly defensive so there's not really much grounds to defend him here.

I am thinking back on rej gamble, will need to check list/dice of people he mention. made me think switch/gamble on player he chose... sus

who voted rej for council
his gambling perhaps... :memehm:

You are misunderstanding this. Your leader will unleash hell if she gets lynched because the pushes on her are that dumb. She would never play like this as scum and everyone knows she wouldn‘t be caught that easily as scum either. And if Kvothe is still alive by the point of your leader‘s lynch, your leader can still talk as a treestump and tell you guys how dumb that entire thing was.

Don‘t even try to throw any more suspicions at your leader. If you don‘t see that she is Town after all that you are just scum or don‘t know her. But you do know her, so any excuse would be void.

Remember, after the rain, comes the rainbow.
are you some romance character???? :pepecorn:
Oh nova got back to us :optimistic:

starting day 1, i'm in a chat with flower, she made me a miller.

free scum invest!

Great lets lynch Misty, we agree on that
I havent even been reading the game so :rosismile:


What could have been...
Okay? How does this affect Ekko being scummy with his sudden switch of opinion on you?
is it sudden when i said i'll help u push her day 1?

you sure u arent milking this too much drago?

from day 0
i'll pursue it with u day 1
real sht only happens when the noose is around her neck
ur only poking rn
if he doesnt push u day 1 we will have a problem
if he doesnt then the read is fake af
now u can kindly fook off drago
wine wed - wine tastign that usually end with a bottle or two afterwars. lol my local winebar

Scum silenced Ultra and that scum is either framing Muu or it's his buddies trying to save him. Could have been Muu himself but I don't think that's as likely as the other two.
ehh what so this statement just contradicts it making me lose worse lmfao - so you're on your PC now and this is the best you got.

not claiming or denying anything m8t

meant to quote your why would scum risk modkill = why risk modkill in general its a clear rule book to begin with. why are you defending it?

lets hear your logic for this one

any reasoning why?

yet you clearly broke the rules openly - this should just warrant for a modkill tbh

i already dont like you in mafia now this is making you look even worse for me.

theyve hyoerfocused on me for an entire 24h
naomi's confidence in stepping outside the mold on juliet is only
a risk a townie would put on themselves if they thought a genuine mislycnh was happening. enough people are eager enough to lynch her .
unsure about juliet's alignment but it doesnt matter to me .

+1 for lind for pointing out her behavior and not hanging on that case for too long,
moving on to other targets ( juliet -> odd) and keeping an open mind ( his read on misty).



There's nothing reasonable or sound about you being confident about becoming the council member. Its delusion.

4 of the 3 people who you were confident would vote for you, didn't.

On that note, who did you vote for the council?
i alreayd said who myself broki and sem

delusional - didnt know we went back to be a bropper bitch here when have i never not been confident in myself in mafia.

i hope jimmy neutron made the cut over muuba now





ah, rpg played ff7,ff8,ff9(favorite 9)

sonic racers? played that!

michell you lean scummy for some reason, beside beky using edit post to drill blue.

ah, well seen her reply/current in game thread to current discussions. will see how it progress later more! :rosismile:

Zeus is that you? :moonwalk:


this is creepy :lusalty:

I am thinking back on rej gamble, will need to check list/dice of people he mention. made me think switch/gamble on player he chose... sus

his gambling perhaps... :memehm:

are you some romance character???? :pepecorn:

free scum invest!


Naomi, your gifs are killing me lmao.
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