basic coa+one sword style-flying dragon blaze<basic coa+coc coating+one sword style-flying dragon blaze<King of hell -one sword style-flying dragon blaze<king of hell-one dragon sword- flying inferno blaze
king of hell-two dragons swords- entrance to the underworld
basic coa + 1080 pound phoenix<basic coa+ coc coating + three sword styles- 1080 pound phoenix<king of hell-3 swords syles-1080 pound phoenix<king of hell-three dragons swords- sentence of the 3000 sovereignty
basic coa+ three swords styles- dragon twister<basic coa+ coc coating + three swords styles- dragon twister<king of hell- 3 sword styles- dragon twister<king of hell-three dragons swords- storm of annihilation
basic coa+three sword styles-billion fold world trichillocosm<basic coa+ coc coating+three sword styles-billion fold world trichillocosm <king of hell-three swords styles-billion fold world trichillocosm<three dragons swords- destroyer of the worlds
basic coa+Asura<basic coa + coc coating+Asura<KoH Asura<king of hell- nine dragons swords- trial of the dragon deity

One thing is for sur Egghead zoro's new named moves are going to be interesting.