Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Rooftop memories coming back
When haters were crying and bitching because zoro was there and did more than condom boy and the comunity started to call fanservice because of that:steef:
Just mark this the same will happen with this option:pepebusi:
They still cope with it by calling it fan service. Zori tormenting them even in their sleep... :myman:
The worst is that was wano peak:ihaha::ihaha::ihaha:
With Oda enlightning Zoros kingly ambition to conquer beside luffy its only a matter of time before he is recongnized worldwide as yonko luffys first mate and second captain. Him not getting it in wano make sense cause the WG only know that he defeated king. He will have to face someone very powerfull on the marine side and cause alot of chaos. Egghead is the perfect place for that with an admiral, a gorosei and a fleet of 30000, the possible use of motherflame. Also Oda murst been holding back zoros coc for some epic showing of power and intimidation.
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With Oda enlightning Zoros kingly ambition to conquer beside luffy its only a matter of time before he is recongnized worldwide as yonko luffys first mate and second captain. Him not getting it in wano make sense cause the WG only know that he defeated king. He will have to face someone very powerfull on the marine side and cause alot of chaos. Egghead is the perfect place for that with an admiral, a gorosei and a fleet of 30000, the possible use of motherflame. Also Oda murst been holding back zoros coc for some epic showing of power and intimidation.
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There will be a lot of cope when Zoro is recognized as the vice captain officially. The build up has been happening since pre time skip, so I will be happy when it finally happens!
basic coa+one sword style-flying dragon blaze<basic coa+coc coating+one sword style-flying dragon blaze<King of hell -one sword style-flying dragon blaze<king of hell-one dragon sword- flying inferno blaze

king of hell-two dragons swords- entrance to the underworld

basic coa + 1080 pound phoenix<basic coa+ coc coating + three sword styles- 1080 pound phoenix<king of hell-3 swords syles-1080 pound phoenix<king of hell-three dragons swords- sentence of the 3000 sovereignty

basic coa+ three swords styles- dragon twister<basic coa+ coc coating + three swords styles- dragon twister<king of hell- 3 sword styles- dragon twister<king of hell-three dragons swords- storm of annihilation

basic coa+three sword styles-billion fold world trichillocosm<basic coa+ coc coating+three sword styles-billion fold world trichillocosm <king of hell-three swords styles-billion fold world trichillocosm<three dragons swords- destroyer of the worlds

basic coa+Asura<basic coa + coc coating+Asura<KoH Asura<king of hell- nine dragons swords- trial of the dragon deity


One thing is for sur Egghead zoro's new named moves are going to be interesting.
