Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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We will see both zoro and luffy with coats once they will accomplish their goals

Two supreme kings
When do you expect Luffy v Teach to happen?

The way i see it either Teach falls soon (unlikely) or Zoro vs Shiryu wont happen/small battle and moves straight to Mihawk at the final war while Luffy fights Teach or a three-way battle Teach/Imu/Luffy.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
When do you expect Luffy v Teach to happen?

The way i see it either Teach falls soon (unlikely) or Zoro vs Shiryu wont happen/small battle and moves straight to Mihawk at the final war while Luffy fights Teach or a three-way battle Teach/Imu/Luffy.
Tbh, I don't know.

It's hard to say because things are looking confusing as of now.

But luffy vs teach should happen at laugh tale
Tbh, I don't know.

It's hard to say because things are looking confusing as of now.

But luffy vs teach should happen at laugh tale
Hachinosu for me was a clear set up for Koby vs Aokiji (if he isnt some double agent shit/betray Teach last minute), and i dont see him ready to defeat him at Raftel.

I can see a battlle royal between Yonko/Admirals and some of them fall but i still think Teach or Buggy will be the ones who get their hands on treasure and we move to MJ/new MF for the final clash.
When do you all think zoro will open his left eye?

Or oda did it just to resemble him like Rayleigh?
We know Mihawk observation haki is so great it forced red haired snitch develop fs sight killer technique. I think it's training purposes Zoro during his training with goathawk realized he will never have any chance of beating unless he went this far :pepehawk:
He will only open that left eye when he meets Mihawk again by then he is going to unleash some ridiculous CoO related ability
We know Mihawk observation haki is so great it forced red haired snitch develop fs sight killer technique. I think it's training purposes Zoro during his training with goathawk realized he will never have any chance of beating unless he went this far :pepehawk:
He will only open that left eye when he meets Mihawk again by then he is going to unleash some ridiculous CoO related ability
I cant see zoro losing his left eye for real, its probably some godly op observation haki like an all seeing related ability + boost for coc intimidation that zoro hasnt mastered yet. WithHis right eye zoro will have a normal coc vision and through his left eye he will have a vision of another reality. He will then use an eye patch to hide his left eye.
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How Will You Rank All Zoros Opponent So Far? King for me is a low top tier, the seraphims plot only confirmed this.
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Forget about Marimo's eye, whats the chance that there is more than meets the eye with this "more human than him" line?:bamathink:

I thought of it too, made a thread about it
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Seeing the viz translation of Zoro's interaction with S-Hawk made me think of this.

Zoro: "Now that I get a better look at you.....You're actually a little more human than him."

The "him" here is likely referring to the original Mihawk, when read in context.

What could this mean?
I think we can rule out personality/emotions.......because Mihawk has shown emotions plenty of times even tho he's the stoic type.
It could also just be Zoro hyping up Mihawk's strength as inhuman/monstrous.

But. Let's consider the possibility that Zoro is talking literally about Mihawk's humanity.
So, then Mihawk isn't human? I'm thinking maybe it's something relating to "hawk eyes" here, which we have seen only from Imu and "Hakuba".

Mihawk's "hawk eyes" are quite unique, something which has been emphasized multiple times throughout the series.
Imu and Hakuba also have similar eyes. The panel with Imu also focused pretty much entirely on his eye.

Hakuba's eyes:

Imu's eyes:

Mihawk's eyes:

I say they are demon/devil !!
Imu and Mihawk are actual demons existing in OP. While Cavendish is a human who is hosting a demon spirit.

Imu, the king of the world and secret ruler of the celestial dragons, is also the counterpart of the Sun God Nika - A demon being the counterpart of the Sun God.
It is said that the greatest trick the devil pulled is convincing the world that it doesn't exist - and Imu is a secret only known to Gorosei, he is very fitting of this description.

"Dracule" Mihawk - dracula, a demonic name. Ironically carries a cross with him, travels on a cross shaped boat etc.
There is enough symbolism suggesting something demonic about him.

What is "Hakuba" ? It is implied as a demonic persona of Cavendish. That is clearly not just some "personality" of Cavendish, because his powers are far exceeding that of Cavendish.
When Hakuba was first introduced, he showed what was likely the greatest speed feat in the series at the time (bar Kizaru I suppose). Moving so fast that he finished off like 50 fighters within few seconds, creating a tornado through pure speed. Even Sabo was shocked at how fast Hakuba was.
Nobody else in the colosseum even realized what had happened.

Here is Hakuba covering miles of distance within like 1 or 2 seconds! To put in perspective, Robin has been running up that mountain forever.

I say, this strength and speed is from the demon spirit that is co-existing with Cavendish, and takes over his body when he sleeps.

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