Seeing the viz translation of Zoro's interaction with S-Hawk made me think of this.
Zoro: "Now that I get a better look at you.....You're actually a little more human than him."
The "him" here is likely referring to the original Mihawk, when read in context.
What could this mean?
I think we can rule out personality/emotions.......because Mihawk has shown emotions plenty of times even tho he's the stoic type.
It could also just be Zoro hyping up Mihawk's strength as inhuman/monstrous.
But. Let's consider the possibility that Zoro is talking literally about Mihawk's humanity.
So, then Mihawk isn't human? I'm thinking maybe it's something relating to "hawk eyes" here, which we have seen only from Imu and "Hakuba".
Mihawk's "hawk eyes" are quite unique, something which has been emphasized multiple times throughout the series.
Imu and Hakuba also have similar eyes. The panel with Imu also focused pretty much entirely on his eye.
Hakuba's eyes:
Imu's eyes:
Mihawk's eyes:
I say they are demon/devil !!
Imu and Mihawk are actual demons existing in OP. While Cavendish is a human who is hosting a demon spirit.
Imu, the king of the world and secret ruler of the celestial dragons, is also the counterpart of the Sun God Nika - A demon being the counterpart of the Sun God.
It is said that
the greatest trick the devil pulled is convincing the world that it doesn't exist - and Imu is a secret only known to Gorosei, he is very fitting of this description.
"Dracule" Mihawk - dracula, a demonic name. Ironically carries a cross with him, travels on a cross shaped boat etc.
There is enough symbolism suggesting something demonic about him.
What is "
Hakuba" ? It is implied as a demonic persona of Cavendish. That is clearly not just some "personality" of Cavendish, because his powers are
far exceeding that of Cavendish.
When Hakuba was first introduced, he showed what was likely the greatest speed feat in the series at the time (bar Kizaru I suppose). Moving so fast that he finished off like 50 fighters within few seconds, creating a tornado through pure speed. Even Sabo was shocked at how fast Hakuba was.
Nobody else in the colosseum even realized what had happened.
Here is Hakuba covering miles of distance within like 1 or 2 seconds! To put in perspective, Robin has been running up that mountain forever.
I say, this strength and speed is from the demon spirit that is co-existing with Cavendish, and takes over his body when he sleeps.
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