Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Zoro won't fight him. Because it's Luffy's fight. Admirals and Emperors the main obstacles for future Pirate King not for Zoro. Maybe Zoro will have clash but alongside with Luffy.

I will be happy if Zoro's opponents will be stronger and more valuable. King is nothing compared to Kaido. Shiryu is ****ing garbage that need sneaky tricks to fight old Garp who is not that strong as Admirals.
Don't bring negativity here lol yes luffy opponents are stronger because he is the MC and he will have that "value" but the deal is that luffy can't defeat Zoro's opponent that's why zoro fights them like imagine luffy vs mr.1 or kaku he would have been chopped :milaugh:
Shiryu sneaked garp and? we all know that was his gimmick since his introduction he is a shameless swordsman at the end the opposite to zoro and the guy will show why he is stronger than kurohige awakening the suke suke:kata:
how do you prove Zoro is Yonko level without arguing too much?

Big Mom Tsunami vs Zoro Water Tornado feat

kaido and Zoro onigashima horn feat

Luffy and Zoro vs fire like Magma dragon

Angry Shanks vs Kidd and Zoro vs King performance

zoro and blackbeard performance vs S-hawk

Zoro vs dragon kaido and Luffy vs dragon kaido performance

zoro and nika luffy vs boro breath

zoro and nika luffy vs kaido wind slash

Zoro and Oden feat vs Kaido

Zoro and Whitebeard CoO

Zoro is a bad matchup for emperor Teach and can beat him in a serious fight.

-Flying Slash can overpower black holes.

- CoA barrier counter gura quake shockwave

-Tatsumaki to counter a more focused gura quake

-Yami's devil fruit negation isn't working against a non-devil fruit user.

-As for Blackbeard's potential three devil fruit Zoan it can't be more broken than lunarian or kaido fruit so Zoro Cut him.

Add In Coc Coating, King of hell, and Dragon Styles and Zoro had a good shot at winning imo.
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I think haki wasn't involved there.
It's some sword technique it seems.

Zoro did something similar in wano after gambling match. He didn't use haki but destroyed their will.

Maybe it's CoC but used in a totally different way.
Exactly he didnt use haki back then now imagine if he add adcoc like shanks did on greenbull. It will work on even top tiers.


Kitetsu Wanker
The original hakiman.
Always has been, always will be.

I want KOH-ified Asura version of Dragon Twister. :strawhatock:
yes in the same arc kaku mention about Ashura coming from his will/Coc Hahaha
But I always have my doubts if kitetsu curse works here remember that in the sea train he was able to make a demonic spirit that was Maybe a spoiler of what was going to come aka Ashura
So you think with better kitetsu better and new demonic forms :choppawhat:


Kitetsu Wanker
yes in the same arc kaku mention about Ashura coming from his will/Coc Hahaha
But I always have my doubts if kitetsu curse works here remember that in the sea train he was able to make a demonic spirit that was Maybe a spoiler of what was going to come aka Ashura
So you think with better kitetsu better and new demonic forms :choppawhat:
I am sure Asura is a manifestation of a Demon God Devil Fruit for the first time ever.
This is how all devil fruits are created. Once Zoro dies, the ability will manifest in a form of a DF.
Vegapunk explained that all things are brought into this world through desire.
Zoro's desire for Power manifested in Demon God form through sheer willpower.
It is possible that Demon God isnt complete yet but we will see if it will ever change.