Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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i think only time we will see the true strength of Mihawk is when Zoro fights him for WSS(if it happens).
"I'm different from those stupid brutes who'd go all out just to hunt a mere Rabbit" this quote sums up the man himself.
unlike all the other char who in a fight doesnt pull their punches, only this guy instead brings himself down to his opponent level.

this leads me to believe this is the only char if u look at face value and out of context will be all over the tier list. what does it mean?
lets say One Piece is a RPG game and max lvl is lvl100. Mihawk has somewhat even fight with pretty much everyone be it lvl1 or be it lvl80. dont misunderstand as these people are posing a challenge to him. its mostly he is fighing just a lil lvl higher than his opponent. so tho he is dominating and opponent never lands a hit on him but the battle drags out. think of it as a lvl20 player fighting a lvl10 noob. when in reality the lvl20 player is actually lvl96.
TLDR: Mihawk smurfs 24/7:mihanha::mihanha:
ofc the geniuses who look at things at face value and translate everything to power lvl feats/portrayal wont understand this thing called "Personality, Character belief"
btw this is also the reason why Shanks lets a bandits pour wine all over himself, kaido kills his crewmate if they pisses himself, Akainu murders his soldiers for deserting, BM kills her children in hunger.
Might as well call Shanks a scrub cuz he didnt instantly rekt Higuma :queenmoji:


OK, here goes. Just to clarify, these are my opinions and I like discussing/debating so feel free to jump in on any of them PLEASE
Here's the first one!

The first hint of Mihawk is in Chapter 8.

The Viz English seems to imply that Zoro had actually spotted Mihawk and was tracking him. Or does it mean that he was only looking for Mihawk in a general sense?

“I followed a pirate I was after“ <– Reads to me like Zoro was hot on Mihawk’s trail, at least for a little while.

Zoro’s lines in Japanese are:

ある男を探しにとりあえず海 へ 出たら

自分の 村へも 帰れなくなっちもったんだ 。

Which is something like, “I went out to sea to search for a certain man and I couldn’t find my way back to my home village,” and that’s basically the same as the Funimation subs.

There’s no mention of “following” a pirate out to sea. I think Stephen Paul’s fan translation says he went out to sea to search for a certain man.

So at this point, we know that Mihawk’s name (or at least the Hawk-Eye epithet) is known all the way in East Blue, and more specifically in Shimotsuki Village. Presumably, Koshiro is the one who told Zoro the name of the World’s Strongest Swordsman, and Zoro set out without a lot of information about who he was looking for and got lost along the way.
OK, here goes. Just to clarify, these are my opinions and I like discussing/debating so feel free to jump in on any of them PLEASE
Here's the first one!

The first hint of Mihawk is in Chapter 8.

The Viz English seems to imply that Zoro had actually spotted Mihawk and was tracking him. Or does it mean that he was only looking for Mihawk in a general sense?

“I followed a pirate I was after“ <– Reads to me like Zoro was hot on Mihawk’s trail, at least for a little while.

Zoro’s lines in Japanese are:

ある男を探しにとりあえず海 へ 出たら

自分の 村へも 帰れなくなっちもったんだ 。

Which is something like, “I went out to sea to search for a certain man and I couldn’t find my way back to my home village,” and that’s basically the same as the Funimation subs.

There’s no mention of “following” a pirate out to sea. I think Stephen Paul’s fan translation says he went out to sea to search for a certain man.

So at this point, we know that Mihawk’s name (or at least the Hawk-Eye epithet) is known all the way in East Blue, and more specifically in Shimotsuki Village. Presumably, Koshiro is the one who told Zoro the name of the World’s Strongest Swordsman, and Zoro set out without a lot of information about who he was looking for and got lost along the way.
Honestly, the theory of koshiro holding the WGS title is very popular. But it also raises several questions considering oden and Rayleigh were still relatively around. I mean, I always wondered if he was the wgs, wouldn't people come searching?


Honestly, the theory of koshiro holding the WGS title is very popular. But it also raises several questions considering oden and Rayleigh were still relatively around. I mean, I always wondered if he was the wgs, wouldn't people come searching?
Koshiro would definitely be interesting as WSS, just living his mild-mannered life as a teacher in East Blue. When little Zoro came for his gym badge, Koshiro did the same thing that Mihawk did-- encourage and challenge him. Does that theory assume that Mihawk took his title from Koshiro, or that Mihawk was his student?