Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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"Debunked" is a stretch, considering the scientist working for Judge said it worked even for Sanji on paper but the results never manifested themselves. Like an asymptomatic disease, if you will. That's why suggesting his superhuman genes could be dormant makes perfect sense.
The changes went back to normal before Sanji was born, making Sanji a normal human. On paper Sanji would have been the same as his siblings, but the drug Sora took changed it back. Why and how would it switch back again? Oda made it more than clear that it didn't work and Sanji is just a normal human. He even confirmed it again in an SBS, that Sanji's hair colour didn't change because the modifications didn't work on him. And it makes even less sense, that the random "awakening" would only manifest the modifications like the exoskeleton etc., but not change his emotions. What was the reason to play this whole "Sanji is a normal human card" if he could have made Sanji like his sister from the beginning?
If the modifications would "awaken" Sanji would turn into his brothers.
The changes went back to normal before Sanji was born, making Sanji a normal human. On paper Sanji would have been the same as his siblings, but the drug Sora took changed it back. Why and how would it switch back again? Oda made it more than clear that it didn't work and Sanji is just a normal human. He even confirmed it again in an SBS, that Sanji's hair colour didn't change because the modifications didn't work on him. And it makes even less sense, that the random "awakening" would bring only the modifications like the exoskeleton etc. back, but he could keep his emotions. What was the reason to play this whole "Sanji is a normal human card" if he could have made Sanji like his sister from the beginning?
If the modifications would "awaken" Sanji would turn into his brothers.
Oda saying Sanji wasn't affected by the Lineage Factor doesn't invalidate the dormant genes theory in the slightest.
Oda saying Sanji wasn't affected by the Lineage Factor doesn't invalidate the dormant genes theory in the slightest.
Nah but sanji never showing any vinsmoke related abilities ever kinda invalidates it. And if you want to claim diable. No way judge wouldn't have mentioned it in their fight and taken some credit for his fighting abilities. Everyone has fire random powers that will be explained at some point. King and Hyogoro most recently
Oda saying Sanji wasn't affected by the Lineage Factor doesn't invalidate the dormant genes theory in the slightest.
Sora died for it to stop it and now you want it back? What was the point of her death? Like i said, if it would happend to manifest, it would manifest everything, making Sanji turn into his brothers. This ain't happening.
Unless you want to cherry pick which abilities he can have and which not, which is complete BS.
Anyway, sanji is going to momo, something will stop this marco fight. This was his shine time. We got a good idea how crazy he is. But he won't go on to have a 1v1 after this. It's overkill on king and would waste him as a threat. King will prioritize killing momo seeing as he has shown to see the value of killing the figurehead, and queen will want to kill chopper ASAP seeing as chopper is basically a major hindrance to Queen and the beast pirates right now do to him fucking with the plagues. Queen vs xdrake is final, with some minor support maybe from outside factors. King vs sanji is final, with some minor support maybe. I haven't been this sure of something in one piece for a while. I can literally smell it.
Sora died for it to stop it and now you want it back? What was the point of her death? Like i said, if it would happend to manifest, it would manifest everything, making Sanji turn into his brothers. This ain't happening.
Unless you want to cherry pick which abilities he can have and which not, which is complete BS.
Even if oda gave sanji some new vinsmoke abilities or explained his strength away with it.Oda would be bringing it back just to devalue sanjis strength and make sanji fans sad. I don't get the point. Oda is always saying he thinks "what would I want to see in a manga" would he really want to see this linage shit as a sanji fan?
Sora died for it to stop it and now you want it back? What was the point of her death? Like i said, if it would happend to manifest, it would manifest everything, making Sanji turn into his brothers. This ain't happening.
Unless you want to cherry pick which abilities he can have and which not, which is complete BS.
Why mixing everything up ? You confuse what people want with what they think could realistically happen and claim something isn't happening because you're against it. This isn't how it works and we're not talking about what we want.

There's no established rule about how Sanji's super genes would manifest if it were to happen, Sanji losing inevitably his emotions is just an arbitrary rule you made up. We already know he is very different from his brothers so if the theory is true, that would mean it doesn't have to work the exact same way for Sanj so it's pretty much up to Oda. This is far from being impossible. Keeping an open mind about it doesn't mean supporting it or going against facts.

Nah but sanji never showing any vinsmoke related abilities ever kinda invalidates it. And if you want to claim diable. No way judge wouldn't have mentioned it in their fight and taken some credit for his fighting abilities. Everyone has fire random powers that will be explained at some point. King and Hyogoro most recently
No, not really. If his genes are dormant, he couldn't have shown any superhuman ability since his genes are dormant. Which means they don't manifest themselves in any shape or form. That's kinda the point.
Why mixing everything up ? You confuse what people want with what they think could realistically happen and claim something isn't happening because you're against it. This isn't how it works and we're not talking about what we want.

There's no established rule about how Sanji's super genes would manifest if it were to happen, Sanji losing inevitably his emotions is just an arbitrary rule you made up. We already know he is very different from his brothers so if the theory is true, that would mean it doesn't have to work the exact same way for Sanj so it's pretty much up to Oda. This is far from being impossible. Keeping an open mind about it doesn't mean supporting it or going against facts.

No, not really. If his genes are dormant, he couldn't have shown any superhuman ability since his genes are dormant. Which means they don't manifest themselves in any shape or form. That's kinda the point.
Like never? If so why even write it like that? To have him awaken them later? Why? To piss us off over him getting a gene powerup instead of growing stronger normally? Anyway, his genes don't explain his current strength. He worked for that. And until something in the story says otherwise, the shit his mother did worked.
Like never? If so why even write it like that? To have him awaken them later? Why? To piss us off over him getting a gene powerup instead of growing stronger normally? Anyway, his genes don't explain his current strength. He worked for that. And until something in the story says otherwise, the shit his mother did worked.
Oda doesn't care about my feelings or yours, Sanji getting the RS should be enough to stop expecting him to think like us. He does what he wants, period.

I've never said Sanji's current abilities had anything to do with the Lineage Factor manipulation, you're the only one who keeps mentioning that.
There's no established rule about how Sanji's super genes would manifest if it were to happen, Sanji losing inevitably his emotions is just an arbitrary rule you made up.
It's not a rule it's what judge did to ALL OF THEM. He manipulated them all the same. Sora's drug was supposed to stop the whole manipulation, not only the emotion part. So it makes no sense why only a part would manifest and not everything.
We already know he is very different from his brothers so if the theory is true, that would mean it doesn't have to work the exact same way for Sanj so it's pretty much up to Oda.
What do you mean? Sanji is different because he was lucky that the drug worked only on him. That doesn't mean that the manipulation would be different. It was even said everything worked on paper, so he was no different from his brothers, until the drug changed everything back to normal.

"It's up to Oda" is not an argument. Based on that you can say EVERY theory can happen, because Oda can do it...

I can also make a theory saying Luffy is gonna eat 3 DF's. That will never happend for many reasons. But hey! Oda can do it, so it's not impossible.

Oda doesn't care about my feelings or yours, Sanji getting the RS should be enough to stop expecting him to think like us.
Not really. There are alot of people who like the RS. The RS is a suit, not a manipulation.
Those things are not even comparable.
Oda spent a whole Arc making us clear that Sanji is a normal human. He is not as his siblings. Judge even used Sanji's wound when he got shot as a weakness, because he is not manipulated and has a exoskeleton, how he is too kind etc.
And Luffy said Judge is saying only the best things about Sanji. This whole Arc would be a waste of time, if Sanji stil ended up as his brothers.

If the whole manipulation DNA stil exist in Sanji's DNA, you think Judge and his scientists wouldn't have seen that and try to re-activate them?

A small fun fact, 2 chapters back Sanji could not use his CoA because he didn't want BM to get hurt. If he would have a exoskeleton he would always hurt every woman that would punch him. Ain't happening.
Don't know why I was thinking about this :

Do you think Sanji children will/can have exoskeleton and Vinsmoke powers ?

Those powers are in his DNA even if passive/sleeping.

@BangMi @Chrono @Hedfi @Princeley @Chaves @Jackteo etc
Don't think so because Sanji is a normal human. And his children will be normal too unless Sanji or the children awakens their powers.
Oda doesn't care about my feelings or yours, Sanji getting the RS should be enough to stop expecting him to think like us. He does what he wants, period.

I've never said Sanji's current abilities had anything to do with the Lineage Factor manipulation, you're the only one who keeps mentioning that.
He actually cares about the viewers feelings. He has on multiple occation said "i write a manga that I would like to see as a reader." So you have to think, what would oda want as a sanhi fan and a reader? And yea, im saying the linege gene thing is pointless and unsatisfactory for fans at this point. Oda has no reason to include it as a factor now
Don't know why I was thinking about this :

Do you think Sanji children will/can have exoskeleton and Vinsmoke powers ?

Those powers are in his DNA even if passive/sleeping.

@BangMi @Chrono @Hedfi @Princeley @Chaves @Jackteo etc
Maybe, logically it should be 50-50 since only some of the parents' genes get passed down to their children, not all of them.
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