So, Vista rivals Mihawk in swordsmanship but mihawk is overall stronger, likewise mihawk rivals shanks in swordmanship but Shanks is overall stronger.

Z boys will never acknowledge this.
If they do they'll admit skill does not equal overall strength
No one acknowledges this because it's a blatantly terrible argument.
If all it takes to become the WSS is "sword skill" then why the hell doesn't Vista hold the title if his skill is supposedly >= to Mihawk?
Why didn't the WG say that Mihawk's skill "surpasses even Vista"....?
And if we're using Vivre Cards to make arguments, how about Mihawk's VC which plainly says he's waiting for a swordsman stronger than Shanks to challenge him. He literally believes that surpassing Shanks is a
prerequisite to challenging him.
How the hell do you even measure sword skill anyway? Did the WG send referees to witness Mihawk vs. Shanks and conclude that Mihawk swings his sword more gracefully therefore he deserves the title?
How about when Zoro defeats Mihawk? Is he not gonna be called the strongest swordsman because the WG think Mihawk is still better at waving his sword around?
Or how about the fact that Mihawk's title is written
exactly the same as Whitebeard's and Kaido's in Japanese? Everyone interprets those titles to mean "the most powerful among X category," but suddenly when Mihawk's title comes into discussion, we have to come up with XYZ headcanon to explain that it doesn't actually mean what it literally says.
Let's not forget the fact that the WG literally calls Buggy a pirate who rivals Shanks, and then proceeds to give Mihawk a higher bounty despite the fact that they believe he is Buggy's subordinate. That is literally unheard of.
It's crazy how Shanks is the one top tier who has the most direct inferior portrayal to Mihawk, yet he's literally the last person y'all would put below Mihawk. Y'all would literally say Mihawk > Kaido before you would say Mihawk > Shanks. Y'all have no problem putting Mihawk above admirals despite us never getting a Mihawk-Admiral interaction. But you can't do it for Shanks. It's just sad at this point.
And the only thing y'all have to say is "hakiman CoC go brrrrr."