General & Others Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

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Quite a good summary of a lot of PIS moments etc.
And this a good summary of a lot of epic moments
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WCI is one of the worst arcs:

Cracker was incompetent moron who charged bounceman without hardening or taking out name in those hrs

There's more plot conveniences than Swiss cheese e.g. the bodyguard sleeping in Sanji's bed, Katakuri forgetting his awakening in the 2nd half

Sanji being a simp, his bootleg robin EL arc that didn't develop his character.

Fake tension: Sanji's handcuffs being a dud and Zeff not being in-danger because reasons

Luffy vs Katakuri is dragged out plot armour garbage

Asspulls like: haki blooming bs, unlocking future sight in 1 day

Big Meme is a joke
What fake tensions ? How zeff not being in danger
How katakuri forget his awakening ? He just didnt have to usevot because infinite donut is more powerful
He unlocked the future sight in 2 years
He just improved it againist kata
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Give examples about the plot armor
Isn't that obvious ?
The Tamatebakko box, the Merienda, Nami getting Zeus, the full moon, the fact that no big guns and only middle and less powerful subordinates such as Nusstorte and his siblings were sent to deal with the Germa 66 and with no anti-Germa weapons despite how strong the Vinsmokes had shown themselves to be and how much Big Mom insisted on the fact that she wanted their technology, Brûlée being in the Mirror World during the fight with Katakuri and Luffy capturing her again, Big Mom never using her real strength, Smoothie not forcing the door so Brook could take copies of the Poneglyphs without being seen, Luffy being able of staying conscious or even surviving all of Katakuri's hits despite having knocked by less at Cracker, Sanji and the Enraged Army's hands, Flambée, the door Homie not telling Napoleon and Big Mom about Bege's betrayal after she overheard Bege and Vito's conversation, etc...

The list goes on.
You didnt understand sanji character
Nope. I understood it enough.
This is a show catered to a 12-15 year old demographic.
There's no deeper meaning behind his actions.

What he does is what we get at face value.
He threw away his ambitions easily, lost faith in his captain, and deliberately tried to cement his captains hate on him so he could leave.
Yea like Luffy of all ppl is gonna do that.
Luffy the guy that immediately called who his opponent would be just by looking at them (Croc/Lucci)
Luffy the guy that picked a fight with the Yonko before and after seeing them while being outclassed.
Luffy the "dumb" guy that ascertained the Alabasta/Enies Lobby situation immediately and told Vivi off.

Ye, tell me more on how this "idiot" Luffy wouldn't tell what Sanji was thinking.
Mind you this is PoTS Luffy someone more experienced, big brained then ever before.
Sanji did not endure it, rather sacrificed his humanity/existence, and at the expense his pride/dignity as well cuz why not.

Sanji behaved just like a cornered rat. The rats that will chew even on their master if it means they get the leave.
And this a good summary of a lot of epic moments
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What fake tensions ? How zeff not being in danger
How katakuri forget his awakening ? He just didnt have to usevot because infinite donut is more powerful
He unlocked the future sight in 2 years
He just improved it againist kata
I mentioned the fake tension...
I meant Katakuri stopped using his spear, also the tea break when he was almost about to kill Luffy contradicts his drive into wanting protect his family
Huh? Luffy didn't even know what fs was until he met Katakuri and he unlocked it in less than a bloody day
The fight was plot armour bullshit, Luffy should hv lost
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Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
What made WCI sucks was ridiculous plot armor usage to keep MC's alive on weekly basis while dumbing down the main vilains and making them look idiotic. Every cliffhanger was resolved following chapter leaving no room for real tension. And the MC of the arc - Sanji, got an arc to showcase he is a kind person and a great chef - literally 2 things every single OP reader with a brain knows.

WCI was mish mash of plots Oda in my opinion improvised, WCI doesn't seem natural at all. And i am not the type of person to give it a better rating bcs - oh there were some epic moments.
By far one of the worst arcs in the antire series, if not the worst. The pacing is terrible, theres far too much focus on just Luffy and the fights that Luffy gets are fucking terrible.
I mentioned the fake tension...
I meant Katakuri stopped using his spear, also the tea break when he was almost about to kill Lyffy contracts his drive into wanting protect his family
Huh? Luffy didn't even know what fs was till he met Katakuri and he unlocked it uin less than a bloody day
The fight was plot armour bullshit, Luffy should hv lost
Of course luffy should have lost i agree with that
But it is more like katakuri let him go
Infinite donught is just as powerful as the spear
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By far one of the worst arcs in the antire series, if not the worst. The pacing is terrible, theres far too much focus on just Luffy and the fights that Luffy gets are fucking terrible.
Too much focus on just luffy ???
you did watch the arc ?
Of course luffy should have lost i agree with that
But it is more like katakuri let him go
Infinite donught is just as powerful as the spear
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Too much focus on just luffy ???
you did watch the arc ?
No i did not watch it, i read it instead because the anime in that arc is utter garbage.... All the main fights in that arc are Luffy's, someone needs to pay attention to the series they are reading, and out of the two of us that someone is not me.
from an unbias stand point.

Taking character development for the SHP involved.. some of the best actually (Sanji, brook, jimbe, luffy, carrot)
- One of Top 3 fights in this arc

-The best character complexity, ambiguity, and conflict... was in this arc (Sanji)

-Character background constitution was on point (Sanji)

-The character background intertwined and wad reflected in this arc was well done

-Some pivotal decisions for luffy and how he saw Sanji

-Collective character evolution seen from brook, chopper, nami, jimbe, abd carrot

-This arc was the first time luffy faced such a dire threat as he trod on BM's territory and a huge juncture as a crew in general

-The 5th yonko emerges

and much more.. including sacrifices made by Pedro and saniji, Jimbe's loyalty to his fellow mermen and fishmen

A darn good arc.. i just read snippets of it....still a Wholesome and vivid with its contents..

I don't mind it being anyone's top 5
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As sad as that may seem its true.
No wait what :choppawhat:
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Idk what nincompoops use plot armour as an excuse for their WCI arc assessment..

why not judge enies lobby, alabasta, WANO,
under the same light
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WCI plot armor wasn’t egregious by one piece standards. Jinbe knocking BM off the sunny is better than Robin rolling here out of the main area.

Only really bad thing I can think of is that chess soldier sleeping in Sanji’s bed. Truly a WTF moment
WCI plot armor wasn’t egregious by one piece standards. Jinbe knocking BM off the sunny is better than Robin rolling here out of the main area.

Only really bad thing I can think of is that chess soldier sleeping in Sanji’s bed. Truly a WTF moment
Probably the best after the TS. Because it was finally centered on a SH after a phase where the manga was becoming too "Luffy and Law-centered" and it was shorter than Dressrosa and Wano. Also,it was different from many others because there wasnt a population to save but just a fight with a Yonko army. By the way the story of Sanji sacrificing himself for the crew then changing his mind is too similar to what happened to Robin,so it feels a little lame in comparison. But its a great arc. Also,because of the Big Mom situation ending in Wano,its an incomplete arc but this gives to it a bittersweet ending,and that was almost new for One Piece (Marineford was like this too,or actually sad more than bittersweet).
i feel like people only dislike the arc because Sanji didnt get any good feats
Yeah the most basic thing you'll see people lead with is a variant of "Sanji didn't get a fight" and then you know that they're kinda clueless.

Quite a good summary of a lot of PIS moments etc.
"I'm just some asshole"

Perfect preface. Sets the most adequate expectation possible for his grievances and depth of analysis.