Future Events Who Will Defeat King?

Who defeats King?

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King hasn't been doing much except patrolling the sky. Last chapter we saw he was busy, so the most likely explanation is that he was still fighting Marco. Plus, he seemed to be in mid air. For that fight to stop there needs to be a reason. Also as far as he's concerned BM is taking care of the Scabbards and Robin is gonna engage her in a fight soon preventing further communications.

Queen on the other hand was focused on the plague thing, so he's probably free now. He can jump down to Chopper, overpower Drake and set the stage for Sanji coming in to save the day. :finally:
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If sanji fight king I can see it going the way it went for luffy's katakuri.as the fight goes on sanji gets stronger and maybe unlocking some new moves
Dude, serious King beheads him like Kaido with Orochi.
One thing people don't understand about Sanji is how his combat role has slightly shifted Post Timeskip...into a full-time "Protector". This is not due to Sanji changing in character or strength....this is due to the plot or context Oda always does.

- Sanji vs Wadatsumi = Sanji was protecting Nami from Wadatsumi
- Sanji vs Vergo = Sanji was protecting Tashigi from Vergo
- Sanji vs Doffy = Sanji was protecting the SHs from Doffy
- Sanji vs Sheepshead = Sanji was protecting Curly Hats from Sheepshead
- Sanji vs Daifuku Part 1 = Sanji was protecting Pudding from Daifuku
- Sanji vs Oven = Sanji was protecting Chiffon from Oven
- Sanji vs Raisin = Sanji was protecting Luffy from Raisin
- Sanji vs Daifuku Part 2 = Sanji protecting Carrot from Daifuku
- Sanji vs P1 = Sanji was protecting the Town from P1

Of course their are times where its not always because of the protector role, but that's due to circumstancial things such as Luffy vs Sanji, Sanji vs Judge and Sanji vs Niji. But almost every Post Timeskip fight, Sanji is playing the Protector role.....That's why all his fights now usually end in oneshots or a unfinished because Sanji saved the person.

This is why Sanji vs Queen can't happen. Well atleast it cant happen because of Judge. Sanji vs Queen can only happen if Queen is constantly terrosing one of Sanji's allies or friends, so Sanji has to take him on. Other than that, Sanji wouldn't be interested in fighting Queen at all. Queen as of now is only truly interested in Drake, and Sanji couldnt give a rat's ass about Drake. King on the other hand, after dealing with Marco somehow.... will either be after the Scarbbards or Momo. He will be a constant danger to the people Sanji is interested in helping this arc. So Sanji needs to take him on to protect everyone from him.
This is why Sanji vs Queen can't happen. Well atleast it cant happen because of Judge. Sanji vs Queen can only happen if Queen is constantly terrosing one of Sanji's allies or friends, so Sanji has to take him on. Other than that, Sanji wouldn't be interested in fighting Queen at all. Queen as of now is only truly interested in Drake, and Sanji couldnt give a rat's ass about Drake. King on the other hand, after dealing with Marco somehow.... will either be after the Scarbbards or Momo. He will be a constant danger to the people Sanji is interested in helping this arc. So Sanji needs to take him on to protect everyone from him.
You and your selective reading. If Queen wrecks Drake again, someone will need to protect Chopper.