General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

Nope. Every time the marines saw mihawk interested in Marineford they were surprised… Even the marines didn’t expect mihawk to do anything even when he was there

Mihawk never once said he’s scared of losing his title… His one and only stated reason was stated to us

Whatever headcanon you have about any of this is just your headcanon
Because the marines didn’t know that Mihawk just wants to live in peace and if he loses the title he no longer gets that?

Mihawk never even clashed with Whitebeard in Marineford.
Are you already preparing excuse in case Mihawk asks another postponement?
None of this will happen… buggy HAS TO REACH Laugh take meaning Cross Guild has to survive meaning No one will ever go after cross guild

None of this will happen… it’s a hypothetical… like talking about “what if Zoro doesn’t become WSS”… shit like that

Mihawk will never fight for buggy because Oda will never write a situation where Cross guild is in danger because if that were to ever happen, Mihawk would just NOT FIGHT


Kitetsu Wanker
And cross guild is more of a threat to the marines than mihawk ever was… Mihawk abandoning cross guild outclasses capturing mihawk himself… get it?
One thing being a bigger threat than the other doesn't mean they will ignore the smaller threat.
They are hunting ex-Walords and by leaving the protection of a large organization Mihawk is exposed to being hunted.
The main reason he joined CG is to enjoy peaceful life that such organization provides.
It is easier to get rid of Marines with the help of CG than get rid of Marines on his own.
Because the marines didn’t know that Mihawk just wants to live in peace and if he loses the title he no longer gets that?

Mihawk never even clashed with Whitebeard in Marineford.
And the Warlord title wouldn’t be revoked either way… remember… Mihawk was given the title as mutual concession with the marines… he was murdering so many marines that they just decide to give him the title to end it all… Mihawk never asked for the warlord title… it was mutually beneficial for both mihawk and the marines that he gets it

Mihaak wouldn’t attend Marineford and the marines would get angry and then remember the reason they gave him the title was that he was killing all of them and then let it go… that’s all
And the Warlord title wouldn’t be revoked either way… remember… Mihawk was given the title as mutual concession with the marines… he was murdering so many marines that they just decide to give him the title to end it all… Mihawk never asked for the warlord title… it was mutually beneficial for both mihawk and the marines that he gets it

Mihaak wouldn’t attend Marineford and the marines would get angry and then remember the reason they gave him the title was that he was killing all of them and then let it go… that’s all
If Mihawk didn’t join the Marineford war he’d have lost his title and then get attacked by marines for the past 2 years.
They are hunting ex-Walords and by leaving the protection of a large organization Mihawk is exposed to being hunted.
Mihawk IS THE PROTECTION… get it? He himself IS THE POWER of cross guild… buggy’s crew is weak… Remember? They aren’t a Yonko crew… the strongest person on buggy’s crew was Hajrudin, PRE DRESSROSA Hajrudin

if the marines have decided to destroy cross guild that means the protection (which is entire Mihawk himself) no longer exists… Mihawk said the reason buggy is allowed to be the figure head is because he will be the target for the marines IF SHIT GOES DOWN

And 100 battle ships and 2 admirals IS SHIT GOING DOWN… This is the entire reason Mihawk let Buggy live… So that Buggy would be the target instead of him… remember?
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If Mihawk didn’t join the Marineford war he’d have lost his title and then get attacked by marines for the past 2 years.


Kitetsu Wanker
Mihawk IS THE PROTECTION… get it? He himself IS THE POWER of cross guild… buggy’s crew is weak… Remember? They aren’t a Yonko crew… the strongest person on buggy’s crew was Hajrudin, PRE DRESSROSA Hajrudin

if the marines have decided to destroy cross guild that means the protection (which is entire Mihawk himself) no longer exists… Mihawk said the reason buggy is allowed to be the figure head is because he will be the target for the marines IF SHIT GOES DOWN

And 100 battle ships and 2 admirals IS SHIT GOING DOWN… This is the entire reason Mihawk let Buggy live… So that Buggy would be the target instead of him… remember?
No, that's not how it works... One man, regardless of how strong he is, is just one man.
The world of OP doesn't work in 1vs1 terms, it is always about organizations because there is strength in numbers.
Marines wouldn't think twice about going after Mihawk. Meanwhile, they need to think really hard and ask for permission before attacking top pirate organizations.

Buggy's crew is far from weak. Stop underestimating them. And stop underestimating Buggy himself.
He is what he is for a good reason. Despite looking like a joke and being allowed to be the figurehead at start, he will earn his position.
Mihawk acknowledges great leaders and people who have guts and Buggy is such guy. He just needed a little push and it was Mihawk and Crocodile who pushed him into following his dream.

Mihawk will acknowledge Buggy as a leader worth backing up and will lend him his strength.
Mihawk is not abandoning Cross Guild, after all, the organization is named after him, the cross-wielding swordsman.
Why is this thread going on for so long?
The one and only thing that Mihawk wants is living in peace. Why would he go looking for a fight which is the exact opposite of what he wants?

Sometimes I really wonder if op fans even know how to read
Buggy is the luckiest character in One Piece. Everything negative that happens to him, gets overshadowed by a massive positive coming his way.
He loses to luffy and gets arrested later onwards, only for him to join Luffy's prison break, get the treasure map he always wanted and get a dangerous crew behind him, all while been given a Warlord seat.

He loses the Warlord seat and then he just so happens to be mistaken for the leader of Cross Guild, and that he has Mihawk or Crocodile under his command. Mihawk nor Crocodile will fight for Buggy directly, that's never gonna happen, but they will do things for their own goals, that will 100% coincidentally help Buggy's goal of becoming the Pirate King.

Buggy's luck is top tier 👌🏾
I don’t get why ...
Because Oda makes it that way. Mihawk has no choice and he will fight for Buggy.

What can happen is that Mihawk shouts "I am not doing this for you Buggy ..." all while fighting an opponent. It's like surfing, no matter how skilled a surfer you are you have to go with the wave not against it. The bigger the wave the more you got to follow along with it.
None of this will happen… buggy HAS TO REACH Laugh take meaning Cross Guild has to survive meaning No one will ever go after cross guild
Are you going to complain and cry when it does happen? Calling it Oda's asspull despite everyone apart from you realising it?
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Buggy's plot luck is just that strong.
Mihawk vs Zoro was meant to be since early One Piece.

Does this mean Luffy fights Buggy's awakened DF?
And Sanji fights Crocodile?
Zoro's gonna say something like

"YOU are an underling of that clown Bug-guy???"

Mihawk will respond with some crap like

"I have my reasons."

It's going to be a weird reunion.
At the end of the fight:
Zoro spits on the dying Mihawk who's on the ground.
Zoro: "Ptaah, fucking clown, just like your master."
Mihawk: "Please have mercy with the insults"
@LANJI CUCKSMOKE yes exactly. That’s what mihawk wants. For the government to not attack him AT ALL

That’s why he’s going along with buggy, because Cross guild IS DOING WHAT HE WANTS… Providing cover


Get it? He’s here for the cover. If something happens and the cover no longer exists, he leaves

And Sengoku and Fujitora and 100 battleships is in fact a break in the cover

Mihawk doesn’t want to fight. That’s it. That’s why he joined the warlords. That’s why he joined cross guild…he went to Marineford not to fight for the WG, but to ease his own boredom

If mihawk doesn’t want to fight, he will not fight. That’s it. And there’s nothing anyone can do to change that.

mihawk is currently in cross guild for the reason you stated, it’s an operation big enough for the marines to NOT WANT TO ATTACK IT… but if for some reason THEY DO DECIDE TO ATTACK IT, then Mihawk’s reason for being it, is no longer there
No they dont because the alternative is for sengoku or fujitora to arrive in a fleet and hes alone
hes found a group he can somewhat trust and he really isnt working under anyone
leave and he's back to square one , on his own again
that is the alternative .
Well, lets say Mihawk parallells Zoro to an extent.

- Both are lone wolfs known for their strength but NOT the type to serve under anyone
- Both aim/achieved becoming WSS

The main difference is that Zoro found something bigger than himself while Mihawk went in to boredom and complacency.

- Zoro bowed and begged Mihawk to train him. The later stated that only for the sake of someone else would a guy like Zoro throw away his pride. Mihawk has yet to show he is ready to put it all on the line for someone else. Perhaps Buggy can, somehow, manage to do the impossible?