You flat out stated that he was wrong. Don't start backtracking. That's the thing though, you fail to even understand your own points.
"One of the wings" is not contradicted by being called "the wings" when the context like the translator said is being referred to Sanji alone.
Non of these mean he is a part of a wing.
"One of the wings" is not contradicted by being called "the wings" when the context like the translator said is being referred to Sanji alone.
Non of these mean he is a part of a wing.
starting by the fact that Paul's translation is a literal one that any editor would easily pass as good
Raws has it plural, which doesn't mean that the best translation is "wings" alone
ultimately that "wings" alone passes as a literal translation but not necessarily the best one nor the most idiomatic
Paul's always perfect and completely idiomatic translations shall not be discussed, even if they aren't wrong per se but simply open to interpretation.
a proofread translation can be not-as-accurate (per lacking idiomacy or even passing mistakes) as it could
Still discussing this issue when even Paul explained that "one of the wings" is a valid choice?
1) Those who don't understand how translations work nor why Paul decided to word it like "wings".
If I flat out stated he was wrong, then it was before qualifying my opinion, which at the same time happened before I heard his podcast intervention (in case you find it surprising, quick posts in a forum may not contain the full extent of a person's ideas). Still defend that "one of the wings" was the best route to follow here by a good margin, hence why other official translator plus Japanese readers understood it that way, and I'm sure Paul would have chosen it too if his translations used "pirate king".
And certainly noone here is saying that Sanji is "part of a wing"; if anything, he would be part of a pair of wings by virtue of being one of them.