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Organically Sanji was never meant to be Zoro's equal in combat, they often times compete like two siblings do trying to figure out who is "Better" but it was never about individual strength.

Sanji and Zoro have never had a fight, One Piece data books that are either reviewed or straight up written and even referred to in different SBSs have Zoro and Luffy being equal in combat and Sanji being a level behind.

Worst Generation is a generation that was meant to rule the new era and Sanji was not part of it, while Zoro was. Oda even went out of their way to have them actually fight and both wanting to know who is stronger where as in Zoro's mind it is clear that he is stronger than Sanji. And that stance is supported by both gag moments like Zoro saying he is worth 2000 men and serious moment like Zoro taking Luffy's pain and knocking Sanji out claiming it is warriors job to protect and not cook's.

Even recently among worst generation and new generation in general 5 people were separated facing two emperors, the gate keepers of current generation and those 5 people are Luffy, Zoro, Kidd, Law, Killer and Sanji is not one of them. Zoro is often compared to his captain by bystanders as well.

So even if you don't want to subscribe to feats which heavily favor Zoro, portrayal, hype, in universe statements and external source material all points to Zoro and Luffy being comparable in combat and not Zoro and Sanji. It almost diminishes Zoro's worth as a character if he is close to Sanji in combat.
Sure, I will just follow the reasoning I always follow in this regard:

If Zoro is comparable to Luffy we've all wasted twenty five years of fighting potential with Zoro facing a second-class adversaries; awesome writing there, certainly. Unless, of course, the hierarchy is just like Lucci, Kaku and Jabra, as Oda made it obvious back then, and he will keep feeding this rivalry so the fandom increases its activity (which, again, is of economic interest for his business).

And let's get this right: I do think Zoro is stronger, but I find it highly unlikely that Oda has been working on their rivalry for so long (not only with gags but with actual versus of incredibly close enemies and all kind of hints, like Mohji and Cabaji) only for Zoro to be hugely stronger than Sanji and equal to Luffy. That's just inconsistent and makes zero sense from a writing point of view.

Oh yes the mean zoro fans with all their feats and potrayal makes it hard to put Sanji on zoro level huh. Curse the day the zoro fans was born
Then you had Oda straight-up comparing Luffy, Zoro and Sanji to Lucci, Kaku and Jabra in the most explicit ranking possible (the only ambiguity actually discussed the power difference between Kaku and Jabra, not Lucci). But certainly "feats" and "portrayal" are relevant here even though the first thing Oda does after timeskip is putting them both in a fighting contest with the Pacifista.

I'm sure Oda wants the community to believe Zoro is miles ahead Sanji and not very close, because that's the narrative he has been reinforcing and not the rivalry that fuels fandom activity to its highest.
The only reason Gamma Knife might didn't have a strong effect, is because Kaido in his Dragon form is mega huge and Gamma Knife only affected his organs a bit. Because it kinda makes zero sense that Kaido's organs tank radiation. Especially since it's Kaido's scales that are said to be the durable part, which is the reason internal destruction Haki works.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Well, guess One Piece is becoming DBZ then.
No point really wasting time with others SH's fights aside from Luffy and Zoro if things stay as they are currently.
A pity.
The only reason Gamma Knife might didn't have a strong effect, is because Kaido in his Dragon form is mega huge and Gamma Knife only affected his organs a bit. Because it kinda makes zero sense that Kaido's organs tank radiation. Especially since it's Kaido's scales that are said to be the durable part, which is the reason internal destruction Haki works.
True, he is human doctor and doesn't know where a dragons organs are :myman:
I don't think he can defeat Fuji yet but push him to high/extreme diff with Ashura.
Zoro was able to overpower Fujitora's surprise attack with his weakest sword flying slash and his physical strength.

Zoro at his maximum speed has shown reactions and movement/attack speeds comparable to Yonko. He can compete with Yonko's attacks in his base form.
If he still has Ashura, he can deal with most of Fujitora's arsenal and Fujitora would be pushed to absolute max to be able to win that fight. Altho if it becomes a battle of attrition, I don't see Zoro losing it.
I agree with this reasoning and fujitora all the times is showed to be someone who prefers to block attacks instead of evading them even his meteors won't do nothing with hakified 1080 pound canon and Zoro showed insane reaction speed and it has to be mentioned that Zoro reaction speed and evading always showed at its peak when he uses << Tourou nagashi >> as for gravity it ain't a problem if Zoro can cut fire and wind attacks which considered to be elements the same will happen not to mention that Zoro slash broke through the gravity used in dressrosa against him ; and if i remember there is a databook that showed by its statement that Asura triple Zoro santoryu power overall so it isn't far fetched that Zoro can push Fuji to an extreme diff:endthis:
Sanji is as much Zoro's equal as Crocus is Roger's. Sure, a few humorous scuffles are there, but when it gets serious, Zoro negs.
When it gets serious Zoro and Sanji get Kaku and Jabra while Luffy goes for a Lucci that needs to be stopped or he will murder the whole crew. That's the most serious anything can get in terms of power levels: the class of versus you receive.
If Zoro is comparable to Luffy we've all wasted twenty five years of fighting potential with Zoro facing a second-class adversaries; awesome writing there, certainly. Unless, of course, the hierarchy is just like Lucci, Kaku and Jabra, as Oda made it obvious back then, and he will keep feeding this rivalry so the fandom increases its activity (which, again, is of economic interest for his business).
That in itself is a bullshit line of reasoning and easily showing ability to read selectively.
Zoro has not just been facing 2nd class enemies, he has been destroying them.

The only exception to that was Daz Bones and in that Saga Luffy defeated Crocodile completely with help of plot. 2nd arc Skypea, where Enel couldn't even damage Luffy with his main power mean while Zoro mid diffed Enel's strongest subordinate.

Yeah Zoro's fighting potential has been some what wasted because Pica was a fodder to him, so was Killer, Apoo and Hawkins. Kaku and Ryuma were okay opponets but were still no where near strong enough to push him to brink of his fighting capacity.

You have to compare times when Zoro has been given a chance to fight strongest adversary with Luffy such as Ohm and Pacifistas in Sabaody and Zoro did just as good as Luffy in those fights, if not better.

His fight against two Yonko is also a similer scenario as Oars scenario and we will see how this plays out.
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