How will the Supernovas fare against Hybrid Kaido?

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So if Who’s Who is really part of CP0, I doubt he’ll fight Jinbe. I’m guessing we might get Jinbe vs Jack or Jinbe and Sanji vs Queen.
It's just fitting that a sword and aigis member are amongst the same group. I mean, u would think that CP0 would sneak in one of their members since they're regularly chilling on Wano and doing business with Orochi.
Lol no:
  • Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki completely overpowered and destroyed Kaido's 3 tornadoes:

  • Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki cut Kaido up with blood spurting from his body.
  • Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki made Kaido cough up blood.
    • Kaido coughed up much more blood from Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki than after Luffy hit him with his Kong Gatling.
      • There are three separate panels to highlight this:

Lol nope:
  • Killer expresses surprise that Zoro cut Kaido.
  • Mama is surprised at Zoro cutting Kaido. This suggests that Zoro's Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki dealt significant damage.
    • She did not comment that Killer's, Law's, Kidd's or Luffy's other attacks (Kong Gun, Kong Rifle, Rhino Schneider) damaged Kaido.
    • Based on Mama's reaction, it should be much more damage than any other attack (with the potential exception of Kong Gatling).
    • The only other attack, she commented hurt Kaido was Red Roc.
  • Kaido acknowledged that Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki hurt him
    • The only other attack Kaido acknowledged hurt him was Red Roc.
      • Kaido previously called Law's Gamma Knife, Kidd's Slam Gibson, and Luffy's Kong Rifle "tricks":
      • He called Killer's Scyther Sonic "vexing":
  • Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki is the only successful attack to receive special recognition/treatment from the Yonkou
    • The other was Luffy's Red Roc.

Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki >>> Red Roc

Red Roc did more damage than all G4 attacks bar Kong Gatling


I know you have a raging Luffy boner, but even for you, this is just absolutely atrocious. I'm severely disappointed Bogard.
Only boner Bogard got is to downplay Zoro, but Oda won't let him lmao
Sengoku ordered FODDERS to back him up after the fight had already started
There is 0 named Marines behind Sakazuki.
Not even a single VA.

And Kuzan/Borsalino are doing something else
Umm what makes you say that no VAs were fighting the commanders? Also why were there no commanders anywhere near Akainu when Coby interrupted him? That only happened like 5-10 pages after Akainu started fighting the WBP. Also 50k fodders is still a threat
Zoro's Performance so far
Zoro's accomplishments this fight:
  • Defence
    • Protected Luffy from Mama's Heavenly Fire
    • Protected Luffy from Kaido's Boro Breath
    • Protected Luffy from Mama's Cognac
    • Protected all Supernova from Kaido's tornadoes
    • Rescued Luffy from Kaido's Chomp
    • Protected Luffy from Kaido's Wind Scythes
  • Offence
    • His Rengoku Oni Giri earned him a compliment from Kaido:
    • His Hiryuu Kaen terrified the Yonkou
      • Mama:
      • Kaido
    • Carved up Kaido with Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki:
      • Blood spurted from his body:
      • Made him repeatedly cough up blood:

    • It briefly knocked Kaido down:
  • Portrayal
    • Killer expressed surprise at his attack working
    • Kaido acknowledged his attack as having been successful
      • The only other attack he acknowledged was Red Roc
      • Kaido previously called Law's Gamma Knife, Kidd's Slam Gibson, and Luffy's Kong Rifle "tricks":
      • He called Killer's Scyther Sonic "vexing":
    • Mama acknowledged his attack as having been successful
      • The only other attack she acknowledged was Red Roc
    • Kaido noticed that he bears Oden's Katana

I think Zoro is the MVP. Luffy did significantly more damage to Kaido with Kong Gatling, but Zoro hurt him significantly, and protected Luffy four times this chapter and the other Supernova once.

Yonkou Attacks History
I'm going off memory here, so I may have missed a few.
  • Luffy
    • Kaido
      1. Basic Club Swing
        1. Dodged and countered by Red Roc
      2. Thunder Bagua
        1. Partially dodged
      3. Basic Club Swing
        1. Rescued by Law
      4. Demolition Gust
        1. Dodged and countered with Kong Rifle
      5. Boro Breath
        1. Rescued by Zoro
      6. Boro Breath
        1. Withstood
      7. Tornadoes
        1. Rescued by Zoro
      8. Dragon Chomp
        • Rescued by Zoro
      9. Multitude of Wind Scythes
        1. Rescued by Zoro
    • Mama
      1. Heavenly Fire
        1. Rescued by Zoro
      2. God of Lightning: Tenjin
        1. Immune by virtue of Devil Fruit
      3. Cognac
        1. Rescued by Zoro
  • Zoro
    • Kaido
      1. Basic Club Swing
        1. Countered with Rengoku Oni Giri
      2. Demolition Gust
        1. Deflected
      3. Multitude of Wind Scythes
        1. Dodged
    • Mama
      1. God of Lightning: Tenjin
        1. Withstood
  • Kidd
    • Kaido
      1. Demolition Gust
        1. Withstood
      2. Tornadoes
        1. Rescued by Zoro
      3. Multitude of Wind Scythes
        1. Withstood
    • Mama
      1. God of Lightning: Tenjin
        1. Withstood
  • Law
    • Kaido
      1. Demolition Gust
        1. Dodged
      2. Chomp
        1. Dodged
      3. Multitude of Wind Scythes
        1. Dodged
    • Mama
      1. God of Lightning: Tenjin
        1. Withstood
  • Killer
    • Kaido
      1. Basic Club Swing
        1. Countered with Beheading Claw
      2. Demolition Gust
        1. Dodged
      3. Dragon Chomp
        1. Rescued by Luffy
      4. Tornadoes
        1. Rescued by Zoro
      5. Multitude of Wind Scythes
        1. Dodged
    • Mama
      1. Indra
        1. Withstood
      2. God of Lightning: Tenjin
        1. Withstood

Excluding God of Lightning: Tenjin (immune due to DF ability), Luffy needed to be rescued from Mama's other attacks by Zoro. Against Kaido, he cleanly dodged two attacks, partially dodged one, was rescued for five and withstood one.

Luffy's total confirmed attacks were 12. He was rescued for more than half of them.

The total confirmed attacks on all Supernova (some double counting due to multi target attacks) is 29.

Luffy has taken around 41% of Yonkou attacks; a plurality, but not the majority I've seen others claiming. And he was rescued for more than half of those attacks.

Supernova Damage Scoreboard
My estimate of damage done to Kaido so far:
My heuristic is that the Kong Gun used in Chapter 1000 did 1 point of damage.
  • Luffy
    • Red Roc: 15 points
      • Knocked Kaido to the ground
      • Made Luffy compare him to the others he fought who could harm him
      • Mama acknowledged him
    • Kong Gun: 1 point
    • Kong Rifle: 2 points
      • Stronger than a Kong Gun
      • Was called a "trick" by Kaido
    • Rhino Schneider: 1.5 points
    • Kong Gatling: 60 points
      • Dozens of Kong Guns
      • Shocked Mama
      • Stupefied Kidd
      • Made Kaido cough up blood
      • Knocked Kaido down for several panels
    • Total: 74.5 points
  • Zoro
    • Rengoku Oni Giri: 1.5 points
      • Kaido complimented him and Killer with "well done".
    • Hiryuu Kaen: 0 points
      • It didn't land
      • Had it landed, I think it would have been at least 100 points
        • Terrified Mama and made her warn Kaido to dodge
        • Environmental destruction was orders of magnitude greater than for Kong Gatling
    • Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki: 30 points
      • Carved up Kaido, making him spurt blood, and repeatedly cough up blood
      • Mama acknowledged his attack as having been successful
      • Kaido acknowledged his attack as having been successful
      • Killer expressed surprise at his attack working
    • Total: 31.5 points
  • Killer
    • Beheading Claw: 1.5 points
      • Kaido complimented him and Killer with "well done".
    • Scyther Sonic: 8 points
      • It turned Kaido's eyes white.
      • Kaido called it "vexing"
        • As opposed to the "tricks" he called the others
      • While it did internal damage, it did not cause Kaido to cough up blood
    • Total: 9.5 points
  • Law
    • Rock Spam: 2 points
      • Kaido screamed in pain, he reacted to it much more than Kidd or Luffy's attack
    • Gamma Knife: 5 points
      • It should be stronger than rock spam
      • Kaido screamed in pain
      • Kaido called it a "trick"
    • Counter Shock: 3 points
      • Mama is less durable than Kaido
      • She seemed to visibly react to it
    • Total: 10 points
  • Kidd:
    • Crush: 1 point
      • No real indication it hurt more than Kong Gun
    • Slam Gibson: 2 points
      • Kaido called it a "trick"
    • Total: 3 points

Luffy has dealt the most damage so far, Zoro is a distant second, Law and Killer are neck and neck for 3rd and 4th, Kidd is a relatively distant 5th.

I arbitrarily decided that Kong Gatling should be double Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki after my debate with @WesMidnight. Kong Gatling knocked Kaido down for a few panels, and that's something Kokujo Ou Tatsumaki failed to accomplish.

I think Zoro is the MVP by virtue of saving Luffy six times and all other Supernova once, but that's another matter entirely. Had Hiryuu Kaen landed, he would have dealt the most damage overall and being a distant first. As is, Luffy is a close runner up by virtue of dealing more damage than all other Supernova combined and attracting most of the attention of the Yonkou.

Commentary and feedback is welcome. I would update this on convincing arguments.

You crazy mate :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

But good job tho :cheers:

The Zoro downplayers should stop. Not because it is not healthy or toxic or what not, no. They should stop because in the long run, they will hurt their fav character portrayal.

Saying that Zoro as not been impressive since the beginning of the fight is putting the bar of what is « impressive » extremely high. So high, that I doubt that any character under roof will do better in this arc or after.

They are basically setting a paradigm where if you not able to do better than what Zoro is actually doing against two Yonko, you are not impressive, you’re meh.

You have been warned:goyea:
Umm what makes you say that no VAs were fighting the commanders? Also why were there no commanders anywhere near Akainu when Coby interrupted him? That only happened like 5-10 pages after Akainu started fighting the WBP. Also 50k fodders is still a threat
Marco was standing RIGHT BEHIND Shanks when he arrived :giogio:
There were never 50K fodders.
Akainu 1V16'd the commanders
What is his role then? I was one of those who said he was alive because I thought 1) he had unfinished business with Momo/Hyori plus the scabbards and 2) would call CP0 to bring in the Navy.

But now CP0 is here already, so 2) is gone. I'm not sure 1) alone is enough. Oda might have just axed him for good.
I don't know what his role is, I would have to think longer about it to make a good theory, but unfortunately I don't have much time these days.
One thing is for sure though: You can bet your house on him being alive.
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